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By: by Ms. Mehreen Ahmed

With strong focus in history, this books presents my travels to Europe, Asia, Canada and Australia.

"Time is of the essence. And on a timeline of this journey, specific dates have been drawn. As great distances have been covered, it has taken a long time for this book to be written. Snapshots started as a diary, but evolved over time into a book. Dynamic in its own right, at the end of each traverse, another begins anew and is recorded in the travelogue. "

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By: by Ms. Mehreen Ahmed

In the cold grip of death and high alert, stands the silent land of the Lost Winds. Moral degradation has triggered a mass exodus. Those who were at great risk and in imminent danger have fled the atrocities of the regime by a boat called the Blue Moon to seek protection in a new land. Battling over the high seas through many violent tempests, their sea unworthy vessel, Blue Moon sailed for days until one evening it was spotted under the roaming beam of the light house o...

"The presence of the paradoxical absence of the ONE, and His selective random process as to who won and who didn’t was one of those many unresolved puzzles. However, His existence was as immutable as the law of gravity to the faithful. P. 131."

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