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On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church

By: Martin Luther

...this “Prelude” the Romans will gird themselves for battle and attack him in force, but he intends to keep one step ahead of them and lead them on. In... ...ur side and against them, they will not allow themselves to be bound by any force of logic. Men of the most free will 39 they are, even in the thin... ...desire them. If they wrest this right from the laity and deny it to them by force, they are tyrants; but the laity are without fault, whether they l... ...need not be believed. But this opinion of Thomas hangs so completely in the air without support of Scripture or reason that it seems to me he knows ... ...ill find those who argue and decree that a work done in fulfilment of a vow ranks higher than one clone without a vow, and in heaven is to be reward... ...was authenticated in the Middle Ages—a circular plate in form resembling an air bubble floating upon water. 133 in quascunque volent symplegadas. L...

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