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Empire and Wars

By: Sam Vaknin

...short term thinking, truncated attention span, soundbite mentality, and dangerous, "black and white", simplism. In its heartland, America is isolat... ...short term thinking, truncated attention span, soundbite mentality, and dangerous, "black and white", simplism. It is also a sign of short-sightedne... ...hich lasted till 1350. Byzantium was reduced to penury by these events and by the Black Death of 1347. It fought with Venice against Genoa only to... ...emonstrated the unbridgeable divides in American society between rich and poor and black and white. But this time, the rift runs deeper. The Bush a... ...This interview represents his personal views only and not those of his employer. On Black Tuesday, 11th September, he was in Kyrgyzstan, on his way... ...umma Theologicae", Francisco de Vitoria (1548-1617), Francisco Suarez (1548-1617), Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) in his influential tome "Jure Belli ac...

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