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Middle Atlantic Conferences (X) Authors Community (X) Narcissus Publications Imprint (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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Empire and Wars

By: Sam Vaknin

... – Central and East Europe I. EU and NATO – The Competing Alliances II. The Euro-Atlantic Divide III. Russia Straddles the Divide IV. Russia’s S... ... Disunited Nations The War in Iraq – Coalition Building I. The Economies of the Middle East II. The Costs of Coalition Building III. Is It All ... ...s Jewish Friend VIII. Israel – The Next Target IX. Oil for Food Program X. Iraq’s Middle Class XI. Iraq’s Revenant Sons XII. Forgiving Iraq’s Deb... ...exploiter. To further its geopolitical and economic goals from Central Asia to the Middle East, it persists in buttressing regimes with scant regar... ...d down. But it was a close call and it cast in sharp relief the tensions inside the Atlantic partnership. As far as the sole superpower is concerned... ...ament, some countries may even reconsider. Back to the Table of Contents! The Euro-Atlantic Divide By: Dr. Sam Vaknin Also published by United Pr... ...rograms, inertly and futilely maintained by beneficiary bureaucrats. Follow-up U.N. conferences - and they tend to proliferate incontrollably - are ...

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Facts and Fictions in the Securities Industry

By: Sam Vaknin

...and pyramid schemes have been a fixture of Western civilization at least since the middle Renaissance. Assets tend to accumulate in "asset stocks".... ...iquidation of Wall Street positions by harried British financiers. The collapse of Middle West Utilities, run by the energy tycoon, Samuel Insull, ... ... were heavily leveraged and indebted - far more than their counterparts across the Atlantic. Governments throughout the continent were forced to ba... ...kets. The collapse of Communism in Europe and Asia led to the emergence of a new middle class in these territories. Flushed with enhanced earning... there was none and captured the imagination of businesses on both sides of the Atlantic. Today, his vision is vindicated by the proliferation o... ...efforts. One sure sign of this niche's growing importance is the proliferation of conferences, consultancies, seminars, trade publications and boo...

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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

...r capita below $1k), online subscriptions are free of charge. For countries in the middle tier (GNP per capita between $1k and $3k), online subscri... ...ation to foster growth. In most countries of the world - definitely in Africa, the Middle East, the bulk of Latin America, central and eastern Euro... ... redistribution often comes in the form of pork barrel projects and benefits to the middle- class. This is why the tax burden and the government's ... .... It was followed by the longest expansion on record. It affected both sides of the Atlantic. This, despite the fact that the economy was in bad sha... ... still in the throes of a meltdown of capital and real markets on both sides of the Atlantic, the voguish belief in the demise of pre-1990s economic... ...d Eastern Europe:‘Supply-Based’or ‘Market Driven’? - W Altzinger - thInternational Atlantic Economic Conference, Vienna, 1999 Blessing Or Curse?... ...). The Bank also supports international efforts to reduce corruption by sponsoring conferences and the exchange of information. It collaborates clo... ...the country's dealings with the news media and with specialized publications. Press conferences, presentations, contests, road shows, one-on-one mee...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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