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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...rgy and could not even eat. She says every one in her village knows about her sickness. She acknowledges that she does not know any work. She refus... ...s and gave her an injection. She said her main symptom was fever, cold, loose motion and lack of appetite. She was asked to take blood test. She say... ...education. He is a merchant and she is a construction labourer. She had loose motion, so she took treatment for a month as an outpatient. Now her he... ...did not like us asking questions. Somehow or the other she wished to keep her sickness with herself. She 120 did not even say the symptoms she is ... ...he, breathlessness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, ulcers, scabies and loose motion. She says she has taken treatment in Chitoor, Chennai, Saligrah... ...ed her why she suspected her husband she says, often he was sick, with loose motion, loss of appetite and general 129 weakness. She suffers from ... ...neral 129 weakness. She suffers from headache, inability to walk and loose motion. She says she has only one brother, he ran away from home with ... ...oes not know about HIV/AIDS. She says her husband had died after a prolonged sickness. Additional Observation: Unfortunately no one was by her s... ...S. She says she has three male children. None of her relatives know about her sickness. Only her mother in law knows about it, she scolds her by say...

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