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You're Either a Dreamer or a Millionaire

By: Jake Findi

Opportunity Many times we ask ourselves why so and so is able to amass a fortune, when at one point they were in the same situation as us? He wanted to succeed, that is why he made it. Follow me. It is not only the matter luck, and I’m not even a fan of it. Do you rely on luck to fulfill your dreams? It is said that “luck is where preparation meets opportunity”? You have to be prepared to utilize the opportunity that surrounds you -that is your luck. Never wait for luck to just show up. Do you catch my drift? Will you still continue to wait for “luck”? This book cost you money and I believe you bought it to make money or change your present situation. If you borrow it from someone it is for a purpose. Money is important whether you agree or not. If you doubt what I say try to ride a bus for free. Whatever your attitude may be towards money, you are right. If you don’t revere it, you will not get it. We often hear people say opportunity knocks but once. I want to run counter to that saying “What is opportunity in the first place”? According to the Oxford Dictionary, it is “a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible t...

...is book is divided into three parts. In Part 1, I talk about spotting opportunities. What is an opportunity at all? Why are some people are better at finding opportunities, while others miss them completely. You will discover how to break the rules for the better. You will also learn of the mindset of an ordinary person. What makes them ordinary? Running for a prize but no...

Table of content About the author 3 Introduction 3 PART I 4 CHAPTER 1 4 Let’s face it 4 CHAPTER 2 5 Doing more than just believing 5 CHAPTER 3 11 Run for the first place, not to be a runner-up 11 CHAPTER 4 11 Breaking the rules 11 CHAPTER 5 15 Entering the lion’s den 15 PART II 21 Chapter 6 21 The secret recipe for: 21 CHAPTER 7 29 The difference between dreamers and millionaires 29 PART III 32 CHAPTER 8 32 Starting a business 32 CHAPTER 9 39 Partner up 39 CHAPTER 10 41 Tailor an Agile team 41 CHAPTER 11 45 Scream louder 45 CHAPTER 12 50 Thriving in a cutthroat marketplace 50 CHAPTER 13 55 How to be unique in your market 55 CHAPTER 14 57 Funding 57 ...

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