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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...erce Commission, Under tbe present system of rate- making which leaves the railroads free to make rates, there is abund- ant opportunity for further i... ...does the negative propose to treat with the problem in question? Shall the railroads continue to have the power of making unreasot'iablo rates? Eustac... ... just basis. Mr. Seligman stated that the rates ob- taining among American railroads are not exorbitant, as compared with European tariffs of a simila... ...is absolutely necessary in order to supervise with equity the rates of the railroads of our country. The last direct argument for Amherst's side of th... ...al capitalization lis a basis, would bring about the ruin of the different railroads, by equalizing the rates in force on competing line?. Ruin of the... ... six colleges and universities. The movement extends from New Eng- land to Louisiana and west to North Dakota. This is not a pass- ing fad, but a man'...

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