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What Your Bank Doesn't Want You to Know : About Where to Invest Your Money

By: Lillian R. Villanova

...e to invest your money! A Practical Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the world of high yield, low risk Tax Lien and Tax Deed Sales Incl... ...t your money! A Practical Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the world of high yield, low risk Tax Lien and Tax Deed Sales Includes Gloss... ...onic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the author. ISBN 0-7596-7159-1 This book is printed on ... ...ts This book would never have been written but for the fortuitous referral of a new client for whom I did some consulting and marketing work. A rem... ... always encouraged me to take it to the next level. To those friends and family members who encouraged me to stop investing my talents, skills and ... ... Included here is a State and County Directory with an indication of whether the States are Lien or Deed States Additional Products, References and ... ...s Real Estate related liens or tax deeds that are created by Counties across the United States as the result of non- payment of real estate taxes. Lo... ...ry same information and techniques I will describe to you to, for example, buy a house in FL for a small fraction of its true worth. On December 28... ...rein contained shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of the parties hereto. 28. DESCRIPTIVE...

...It’s time to step out of the box and shift your paradigm. It’s time to put everything you know about a high rate of return being equal to high risk to the side. What I’m about to tell you could turn the way you think about investing upside down. A...

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