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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...e put strength in his shoulders and knees, and set in his heart the daring of a mosquito, which, though constantly brushed away from a man's skin, sti... ...ushed away from a man's skin, still insists on biting him for the pleasure of human blood." --The Iliad Homer Book I: P... ...ey, with their driver, went down Ramkhamhaeng Road singularly in the scope of their thoughts but conditioned into repudiating their aloneness. It was ... ... nickname was Porn. "This will be my first plane ride soaring off with the birds." "Thais don't often fly," he said. His idea was tinged with a ... ...at made Nawin think that he was sitting on the back seat with some type of mythological, hybrid animal he was in the process of taking on an overseas ... ...iendly gestures and the two of them took from his hand greedily like tamed birds. Then he began his old contemplation of why 2 was greater than 1 or... ...h such a bold stare that he felt that it could easily seduce him in as its prey--that the survival of the fittest reigned with the hegemony of its kin... ...that it would stay stolid and poised as statues of the Garuda and Kinnara, mythological creatures that permeated Thai art, literature, and dance. ... ...ges of Laotian queens walking through cocoa fields with their little black birds. When Kazem came home with more shopping bags and saw the symbol of a...

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