Search Results (2 titles)

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Cities in Peoria County, Illinois (X) Political Science (X) Literature (X)

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 1 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...The Writings of Abraham Lincoln In Seven V olumes V olume 1 of 7 A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Pu... ...te Electronic Classics Series Publication The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes – Volume One is a publication of the Pennsyl- vania State ... ...nry S. Burrage, of Portland, Me., and to General Tho- mas J. Henderson, of Illinois. For various courtesies received, the editor is furthermore indebt... ...and some of his pieces were even deemed good enough for publication in the county weekly. Thus he won a neighborhood reputation as a clever young man,... ...m a friend to buy a new suit of clothes—”store clothes” fit for a Sangamon County statesman; and thus adorned he set out for the state capital, Vandal... ...o of so dramatic a con- test, he had been induced to visit several Eastern cities, and had astonished and delighted large and distinguished audiences ... ... to be immortalized; their names were to be transferred to coun- ties, and cities, and rivers, and mountains; and to be re- vered and sung, toasted th... ... respecting petition of H. N. Purple, claiming the seat of Mr. Phelps from Peoria, Mr. Lincoln moved that the House resolve itself into Commit- tee of... ... asked him how he came from Spring- field; that Fisher said he had come by Peoria, and also told of several other places he had been at more in the di...

...Introduction: Immediately after Lincoln?s re-election to the Presidency, in an off-hand speech, delivered in response to a serenade by some of his admirers on the evening of November 10, 1864, he spoke as follows: ?It has long been a grave question whether any government not too strong for the lib...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 2 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...The Writings of Abraham Lincoln In Seven V olumes V olume 2 of 7 A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Pu... ...te Electronic Classics Series Publication The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes – Volume Two is a publication of the Pennsyl- vania State ... .... If the old system be thought to be vague, as to all the delegates of the county voting the same way, or as to instructions to them as to whom they a... ...join in proposing them only because I choose to leave the decision in each county to the Whigs of the county, to be made as their own judg- ment and c... ... In Philadelphia alone this drain averaged $5000 per quarter; and in other cities of the seaboard it was proportionate. (7) The embarrassment of the d... ...whom was referred the petition of H. M. Barney, post- master at Brimfield, Peoria County, Illinois, report: That they have been satisfied by evidence,... ...ed the petition of H. M. Barney, post- master at Brimfield, Peoria County, Illinois, report: That they have been satisfied by evidence, that on the 15... ...aid the damages. Even between the different wards and streets of towns and cities we find this same wrangling and difficulty. Now these are no other t... dis- trict, I believe. Yours etc., A. LINCOLN. REPLY TO SENATOR DOUGLAS—PEORIA SPEECH SPEECH AT PEORIA, ILLINOIS, IN RE- PLY TO SENATOR DOUGLAS, OC...

...urs of the 9th instant is duly received, which I do not meet as a ?bore,? but as a most welcome visitor. I will answer the business part of it first. In relation to our Congress matter here, you were right in supposing I would support the nominee. Neither Baker nor I, however, is the man, but Hardin, so far as I can judge from present appearances. We shall have no split or...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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