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Theological Essays and Other Papers

By: Thomas de Quincey

...ghout Christendom to murder harmless, friendless, and oftentimes crazy old women. Meantime the witch of Endor in no respect re- sembled our modern dom... ...rous warrant; until at last the fiery fur- nace, which they had heated for women and children, shot forth flames that, like those of Nebuchadnezzar’s ... ...it? Who first no- ticed hunger and cold as awful realities afflicting poor women and innocent children? Who first made a public provision to meet thes... ...orribly—mentions, with a petrifying coolness, that he knew of desolate old women in Rome who passed three days in succession without tasting food. Did... ... at all only for the sake of Natural Philosophers or of the curious in old women. Char- ity, even in that sense, had little existence—nay, as a duty, ... ...e was more liberal than Sir William Petty, Dr. Davenant, &c., or any elder economists of the preceding century; he would have statistics treated as a ... ...sputed questions of the case. First. That, in spite of the assurances from economists, no progress whatever had been made by England or by any state w...

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