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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...nclusions, and surprises that make up the best and most valuable books. At eighty-nine, Brad Bradford brings a long lifetime of experience in newsp... ...metal-type era and in the initial transition to digital phototypesetting. At sixty-four, I bring another full lifetime lived both at that exact momen... ...rience. In addition, I find that reading books backward, even difficult college textbooks, organizes material in a way which most college students... ...ticularly the printed word have been used. They can let you move from the peoples of ancient eras, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Rom... ...randomly taken and linked to history trails recalled from high school and college studies. Especially rewarding were sweeping histories, such as ... ...o garnered, preserved, and stored the fruits of education. Troubadours—people able to repeat a thousand words after hearing them just once—delive... ...t. He sent and received envoys to and from centers as distant as Rome and London. But the Silk Road traffic remained two-way for one century only.... ...ibes were forbidden to make any corrections. This applied to even the best-educated or experienced scribes. Such a culture not only preserved err... ...ed. Besides the profit motive, printing offered the chance to become self-educated.‖ Operation of a Gutenberg press, moreover, involved team effor...

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