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A Unifying Field in Logics : Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability

By: Florentin Smarandache

... but what about the 'first' fact or event? Who did cause it? If you are religious, you may answer: God. Then, who caused God? 38 Is the Supreme... ...e a philosopher in order to become a philosopher. Manichaean dualist religious doctrine of eternal fight between good and bad (or light and obs... ...e Deum laudatum! Wouldn't it be possible to set up in the calendar a religious holiday for atheists? We should realize that sometimes the b... ...meneutics... Wanting to support too much, you might deny! From homo religious to homo neutrosophus. A pluri-philosophy means opponent and simi... ...or an element (quantum state) belongs to two different sets (two different places) in the same time. It is a question of “alternative worlds” theory... ...e a particle in the infinite micro-universe that belongs to two distinct places P 1 and P 2 in the same time? c P 1 and v P 1 as a true con...

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