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Chicago Manual of Style

By: University of Chicago

...fanciful or popular appel- lation used as if a real geographical name: (I) Holy Roman Empire, German Empire (-Dmtschw Reich), French Republic (=Rt?... ...he Confederacy], the Dominion (=Canada); (4) Celestial Empire (Celestials), Holy (Promised) Land, Badger State, Eternal City, Garden City. But do n... ...stic world-view; the classics, a realistic novel. 8. The names of monastic orders and their members: Black Friars, Dominican, Jesuitism. 9. The pr... ...nations for parties, classes, movements, etc. (see 7) : Protestant League, Holy Alliance, Dreibund; the Roses, the Roundheads, Independents, Indepe... ...without the name attached; familiar names applied to par- ticular persons; orders (decorations) and the titles accompanying them; titles, without t... ...erse, the First Cause, the Absolute, Providence (personified), Father, Son, Holy Ghost, the Spirit, Savior, Messiah, Son of man, Christology, the L... ...r edifice : Church of Rome, Church of England, High Church; Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, First Methodist Church. Bu... ...l, and similar technical matter, the scientific (Latin) names of divisions, orders, families, and genera (the names of species in lower- case type,... ...ur lack of dispatch. In unavoidable cases of "rush," where conditions and orders are imperative, protect yourself by letting it be understood that...

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