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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...ourish the Renaissance. 11. The Missing Keys to Science Chest Ancient Greece’s fear of the void blocked the advance of science for millennia, but... ...owever, Merriam-Webster defines INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY as ―the technology involving the development, maintenance, and use of computer systems, softw... ...) split geographically along a line that runs roughly from Scandinavia to Greece and almost touches the Black Sea. The eastward migration from t... ...nters and gradually spread their alphabet‘s use to places as far-flung as Greece, Sicily, Italy, North Africa, southern Spain, and the British Isles... ...ctory, he demanded—and received—the losers‘ promise to join him in future wars. In return, he withdrew from their territory. Nevrtheless, when th... ...ocrats as quickly as possible in order to forestall having to wage future wars against them. Mongols launch three-decade expansion Genghis Khan‘... ... be mixed:  On the religious front, it may have fostered the religious wars of the sixteenth century.  Because it threatened to obviate the nee...

...between Europe and China just in time to let InfoTech wonders from the East nourish the Renaissance. -- 11. The Missing Keys to Science Chest Ancient Greece’s fear of the void blocked the advance of science for millennia, but Hindus in India and the Arabs unveil the numerical tools needed for modern science to emerge in the West. -- 12. Invaders from the North Scandinavian...

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