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Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands

By: J. W. Buel

... HEROES OF UNKNOWN SEAS AND SAVAGE LANDS By J. W. BUEL, Author of "The Beautiful Story," "The Story of Man," "The Liv... ... HEROES OF UNKNOWN SEAS AND SAVAGE LANDS By J. W. BUEL, Author of "The Beautiful Story," "The Story of Man," "The Living... ...- Adventures in the New World -- The first white man that ever set foot on the American continent -- Killing of Thorwald by natives -- His last instru... ...- Snakes and crocodiles -- The return to France -- Bougainville in the war for American independence 415- 422 CHAPTER XL. A Brief Biography of Captain... ..................................................... 54 Thorfinn's voyage to the American shores................................. 55 Killing of the firs... ...sts have put it on the boards with all the accessories of magnificent scenery, composers have made it familiar to the lovers of music in more than on...

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