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The Ulysseans

By: Antonio Mercurio

...e da un universe all’altro ISBN 978-88-95806-04-4 Translated from Italian by Martha S. Bache-Wiig 2009. Chapter XV translated by Alice Pin... ...eir titles are also in English. Some are available as of this time only in Italian: these titles have been translated into English and placed in bra... ... can be compared, historically speaking, to the current efforts of nuclear physicists to unite the four fundamental forces found in nature: the weak ... ...valent in the transmutation of matter into energy and vice-versa. Nuclear physicists concentrate high levels of energy and then they bombard atomic ... ...ields, near Marseilles, in autumn of 1988. It has already been published in Italian in the magazine Persona, n. 16, in December 1989, in an issue tha... ...at which pertains to the outside world. 5. Is the universe contracting? Physicists ask themselves if this universe that is today expanding will co... ...ropology and Sophia-Art. It was later presented in video form in French and Italian at the II International Congress of the Sophia University of Rome... ...unification of the East with the West began in a vast, global way. Another Italian, Marco Polo, had already begun this unification some years before... ...pertains to the outside world. 5. Is the universe contracting? 101 Physicists ask themselves if this universe that is today expanding will co...

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