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Spoon River Anthology

By: Edgar Lee Masters

...Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Spoon Rive... ... burned in a mine, One was killed in a brawl, One died in a jail, One fell from a bridge toiling for children and wife- All, all are sleeping, sleepin... ...evolution?— All, all are sleeping on the hill. They brought them dead sons from the war, And daughters whom life had crushed, And their children fathe... ...orting candidates for office? Or for writing up the canning factory To get people to invest? Or for suppressing the facts about the bank, When it was ... ...Anthology Doctor Meyers NO other man, unless it was Doc Hill, Did more for people in this town than l. And all the weak, the halt, the improvident And... ...o ask me, While buying the wine or the beer, In Peoria first, and later in Chicago, Denver, Frisco, New Y ork, wherever I lived How I happened to lead... ...r passed and one day they found him dead. That made me rich. I moved on to Chicago. After a time met Tyler Rountree, villain. I moved on to New Y ork.... ... try. 78 Spoon River Anthology Roy Butler IF the learned Supreme Court of Illinois Got at the secret of every case As well as it does a case of rape ... ...dead in the meanwhile. We went by oxen to Tennessee, Thence after years to Illinois, At last to Spoon River. We cut the buffalo grass, We felled the f...

Excerpt: Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters.

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