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Animal Products (X) PDF (eBook) (X) Biographies (X)

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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...tpong but perhaps that would not be enough. Nobody was content. Like any animal, a human always yearned for more. They were trying to build up on t... ...hat he was sitting on the back seat with some type of mythological, hybrid animal he was in the process of taking on an overseas journey. How quickly... ... didn't even want to think about Montreal. The thought of accompanying an animal, of sorts, to the other side of the world was too much. No sooner ha... ...d he smiled at her with the tightness of his closed lips. She had lost her animal, and there she was as his seductress. He kissed her and returned th... ...avished and trashed all former beings and, like a mountebank, sold its new products as the true goods. To Jatupon, the youngest, there was a vermilion... ...ts shiver before temple walls when fortunate enough to wander into such an animal sanctuary. Learning had been a series of refreshing stimuli slappin... ...hais in the business of survival. Jatupon bought one of those purposeless products. He argued to himself that he could put it on a shelf-that is, if... ...ed over and over again manufacturing slightly damaged and terribly damaged products with impunity. He paid his two baht to the lady in the glassless...

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The Natural State, In the Words of U.G. Krishnamurti

By: U.G. Krishnamurti, Edited by Peter Maverick

...t express itself in its own way is a natural man. _______ You see, the animal becomes a flower. That seems to be the purpose if at all there is an... ...hat's the first time such an individual becomes a man. Otherwise, he is an animal. And he has remained an animal because of heritage, because his her... ...ideal man. He cannot be a model for others. He becomes freed from all the animal traits in him. Animals follow. Animals create leaders. And the anima... ...ife, you are another expression of life. You are not different from the animal. You don't want to accept that fact. The only difference is that yo... ...hat fact. The only difference is that you think. Thinking is there in the animal also but it has become very complex in the case of man. That's the ... ...m that because I have some new product to sell. Not at all, I have no new products to sell nor am I interested in selling anything. We just happen t... ...nished, you die. Until then, all talk of thoughtless states are the silly products of thought trying to give itself continuity by believing in and s... ...o market a product and hopes to convince you that it is superior to other products on the market. If another man comes along and says that there is ...

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