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Greater Antilles (X) Physics (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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The Enormous Room

By: E. E. Cummings

...ater a second cable advising that Edward Estlin Cummings had sailed on the Antilles and was reported lost. iii. A week later a third cable correcting ... ...about the facts, that it cabled the report that my son had embarked on The Antilles 8 The Enormous Room and was reported lost. And when convinced of ... ...tisfaction to himself) addressing “my confrères”, stimulating them to even greater efforts, telling them that the time was ripe, that the world consis... ...other in their haste to escape from The Enormous Room. Never have I seen a greater exhibition of bravery than was afforded by The Black Holster, revol... ... thirst- ily before us unfortunates. As the minutes passed, it loomed with greater and greater distinctness. At the end of twenty minutes our thirst—s... ...oupe (which occurred a few minutes after le noir’s entry) B. and I and the greater number of prisoners descended to the cour for our afternoon promena... ...e and at me) entered. He was followed by The Wooden Hand, as I suppose for greater se- curity. The next twenty minutes, or whatever it was, were by fa...

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The Magic Skin

By: Honoré de Balzac

...onuments to the Pater noster, and our knowledge, too, perhaps; and a still greater benefit— modern government—whereby a vast and teeming society is wo... ...ymara.” “You make me doubt the existence of a God, for your stu- pidity is greater than His power,” said Emile. “Our beloved Rabelais summed it all up... ...t my first delinquency, he threatened to ship me off as a cabin-boy to the Antilles. A dreadful shiver ran through me if I had ventured to spend a cou... ...onet that she composed without effort. And often my Pauline seemed to grow greater, as music flowed from her, and her face bore a striking resemblance... the world. Power leaves us just as it finds us; only great natures grow greater by its means. Raphael had had everything in his power, and he had d...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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