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Contemporary Reviews (X)

Records: 21 - 24 of 24 - Pages: 
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Victimología de la Mujer Puertorriqueña : La población femenil víctima de violencia doméstica y la culpa psicosociopatológica en el patrón victimal del agresor, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: La población femenil víctima de violencia doméstica y la culpa psicosociopatológica en el patrón victimal del agresor

By: Mtra. Gloriam Said Mercado Justiniano

El siguiente trabajo investigativo está dedicado a ilustrar la Victimología Femenil desde una perspectiva colaborativa con mis nuevos estudios en Trabajo Social Clínico. El campo del Trabajo Social Clínico ha despertado en mí una mujer sustancialmente científica y comprometida con todo estudio que predomina en el campo Social sin perder de vista la Criminología. Por algo, quiero preparar a todos los lectores, estudiosos de la Justicia Criminal, Criminología, Derecho y profesionales en los distinguidos campos, que a continuación serán testigos de un artículo que presenta una fusión terminológica e idealista que conllevan a una misma finalidad. En este caso, se ha integrado ejemplos de actitudes sociolingüísticas del Trabajo Social que no son otra cosa que verbalizaciones, ideologías y juicios valorativos construidos socialmente que debemos de aprender a deconstruir como seres humanos como parte del ejercicio de la prevención de la violencia que nos ahoga socioculturalmente. Por otro lado, se hace cita a las fuentes más fundamentales del Derecho Probatorio y Procesal de Puerto Rico, tales como: la Constitución del Estado Libre Asoci...

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Factor Crítico: Dashiell Hammett


Número especial de Factor Crítico, dedicado al escritor americano Dashiell Hammett

Tensión crítica: Dashiell Hammett 5 Malas Pulgas: La novela negra o la dejación de funciones del escritor 12 Hammett en Hollywood 15 Dashiell Hammett: Redactor publicitario 41 Claves del origen de la novela policial 75 Sólo te ahorcan una vez, de Dashiel Hammett 101 Dando tumbos 112 Crónica de un desengaño 121 La persistencia del género 141 La ética del presente 145 Panorama digital: Cómo los libros se convertirán en máquinas 186...

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PositiveSolutions.TV - communication for improvement

By: Thom Glyder

PositiveSolutions.TV is a personal and authentic report based on a true story and a portrait of a culture that could be described a New Age Renaissance. The story is being narrated by Thom Glyder who is a semi-fictional character that came to existence through symbiosis and the mutual work of the artist tms with Lynnette and Gary Gley, the creators of the TV Show POSITIVE ALTERNATIVES. As the events unfold we are being taken into the bohemian world of living in the mountains of Santa Barbara on the Central Cast of California. Positioned and defined as a Edutainment project we are learning about elements of Functional and Sustainable Design, Art, Music and MultiMedia, Interpersonal Relationships, even Animal welfare Topics and the transformation from the Analogue into the Digital Age. PositiveSolutions.TV is intended to be a platform to further communication for improvement. The current introduction is constructed around the website as well as this book which is available for digital download and in a printed version and will extend into a series of publications to further explore special inter...


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What is an ETF or ETN? : Guide to Exchange Traded Funds and Notes versus Mutual Funds

By: Steven Kim

An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a communal vehicle for investment, as is an exchange traded note (ETN). This primer profiles the duo of instruments and compares them to mutual funds. The relative merits of the securities are explained, along with the grave risks both blatant and subtle. The serious investor has to juggle the crucial factors in order to thrash out a robust program of investment....

As a supple tool for investment, the exchange traded fund (ETF) has enjoyed explosive growth since its debut on the stock market. To a lesser extent, the story is similar for the exchange traded note (ETN). The popularity of these vehicles stems from the ease of investing in a diversity of assets at low cost. An ETF is an investment pool whose shares are listed on a bourse. For this reason, the securities can be bought and sold just like any other stock by way of an equity account at a brokerage firm. From a historical stance, the traditional form of communal investing lies in the mutual fund: a commercial trust whose shares are offered for sale directly to the general public. In other words, an investor deals with the operator of the collective pool in procuring and unloading the units. By contrast, the shares of an ETF are traded amongst the actors within the stock market. This primer begins by profiling the exchange traded fund. One topic deals with the similarities and differences between an ETF and a mutual fund. Another issue involves the contrast between active and passive modes of investment in tending a portfolio o...

Climb and Slide of Mutual Funds Active versus Passive Ploys Hidden Dangers Travails of Index Funds Physical versus Synthetic Assets Exchange Traded Note Madness of the Mob Bane of Leverage Additional Forms of Risk Wrapup of the ETF and ETN Further Information References...

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Records: 21 - 24 of 24 - Pages: 

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