Search Results (58 titles)

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Fantasy (X) Fiction (X)

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By: Jack Williams

A man is lost in Antarctica.

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Back to Where

By: Jack Williams

A poetic look at life and death.

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A New Afterlife

By: Jack Williams

A poetic look at life and death.

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By: Jack Williams

A poetic look at life and death.

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A New World

By: Jack Williams

A poetic look at life and death.

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Heaven for Everyone

By: Jack Williams

A poetic look at life and death.

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By: Jack Williams

A poetic look at life and death.

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By: Jack Williams

A poetic look at life and death.

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Pigs Don't Wear Diamonds

By: Margaret Medici

Hahn reflects on the world as it existed in 2076, before the war, and how the devastation unleashed by the war shaped the lives of the survivors. Hahn is keen that the school boy, Eugene, grasps that, while there were huge changes in technology before and after the war, the most important change was in people, and their attitude towards each other and the planet on which they lived....

Eugene’s brow furrowed. ‘You mean you could choose who died?’ ‘Oh yes.’ Hahn’s tone was matter of fact. ‘But now I venture onto the territory of state secrets! Not only were we implanted with health chips, those of us who thought we were important were implanted with tags that identified our status. This was updated in real time. So if my car was in an accident with another, and there was a possibility that one car would be so badly damaged its passengers would die, one of the decisions taken by the cars’ on-board computers would be which passenger was higher status and should have the higher chance of survival.’ Eugene looked astonished, ‘But how could that happen?’ ‘You have to remember that our computers worked at a phenomenal speed and there was plenty of time for them to check which car carried the higher status individual and redirect that car to minimize impact on them. That might involve a far worse collision for the other car and its passengers.’ Eugene shook his head. ‘Weren’t people outraged at this?’ ‘That’s where the state secret came in. No one knew this happened, apart from the agency that monitored status, and t...

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The Asylum Seekers in Heaven : or Mephisto and Pheles

By: Voyen Koreis; Voyen Koreis, Illustrator

A fantasy fiction, based on the legend about dr. Faust.

THE SONNET Give those Immortals who’ve become swollen With pride, the benefit of the doubt, ‘Twas through their doings that they have fallen, This is what their sojourn was e’er about. Yearnings of going back to their own sphere, Within themselves intensely they’ve carried, Ad infinitum bound to interfere, In human affairs for’er stay buried. Tho’ longing for their abode o’er cloud nine, Anacamptic sound of harps in their hearts, They can’t evade it, but must lay supine, Unable to outsmart the Cupid’s darts. Knowing not what picking up this cherry Entails, they moan: Enjoy life, be merry! Meph ...

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The Bound

By: JM Douglas

A low-tech fantasy novel. Follows both a group of transgender idealists planning a revolution, and the guards of the government they are working to overthrow....

“Ah, the wood Bound,” Sileas said, with a nod to the painting Corliss stood in front of. She spun, startled by the noise. “I saw it once when I was much younger,” Sileas continued. “I've never seen anything so beautiful or odd again. I had it drawn from my description.” The painting was delicately done in layers of richly pigmented oils. Not a brushstroke could be seen, and it glowed from within. A figure with emerald green skin slipped its way between trees. Its eyes were wide and dark as plums, its stomach round and swollen, its arms long and thin. ...

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The Destiny Quest Chronicles

By: Varun Vashist

Two People, Two Worlds: One Common Thread Eliska was assigned the task of protecting the last hope of her race. A warrior Princess par excellence, she never expected the Dark Forces to be so strong. In the end, she had to do the unthinkable. The world does not come to know about it, but the destiny of Eric, a normal human gets intertwined with hers. Strange things start happening around him. He starts seeing things and meeting people he had never known to exist. He has no one to help, but he has to find the answers. Will he find the reason behind the happenings? What happened to Eliska? and What the dark forces want?...

Two People, Two Worlds: One Common Thread

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The Stone

By: Donald Harry Roberts

A time when a boy faces himself in alternate realities

The boy walked along the river bank quietly, watching the fish labour up river against the current. He wondered why nature had made them work so hard to spawn, while other animals mated without more than minor rituals, especially humans. As he moved further down steam he spied many fish who had died on the journey but there was one that was caught among the rocks and struggling to get free. The boy waded into the shallow water to free the fish but when it turned over the boy saw that it's belly was torn open. "You are dying." Said the boy sadly. 2 But then he saw a shining blue stone in the fish's stomach....

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Skeins of Gold: Rumpelstiltkin Retold

By: Ms. Holly Bargo

This new version of the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale addresses some dangling questions not answered in the original story and is told from the perspective of the miller's daughter....

It’s the lot of women to suffer the stupidity of men. I looked out the window of the grand carriage painted and gilded with the king’s family crest as it carried me from the hovel of my home to the castle where I somehow had to make good on my father’s nonsensical boast that I could spin straw into gold. Had my father not soaked his brain in cheap ale to bolster his courage, he would have realized that, if his boast were true, our family would not live in a hovel and dress in rags. The king, who looked at me with watery eyes gleaming with greed, should have figured out that little logical truth, too. He leaned across the seats, corset creaking as it struggled to contain the bulge of a belly swollen with too much fine, rich food and wine, and patted my knee in an overly familiar gesture that made my skin crawl. “You’re a pretty lass,” he complimented me and licked his already wet lips. Being a humble miller’s daughter—a peasant—I could hardly rebuff the king, but I did sidle away from his lecherous touch and protest, “Your majesty, you mustn’t. I’m not worthy.” ...

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Exodus Tales of Prophet Moses (Musa) & Prophet Haron (Aaron)

By: Muhammad Vandestra

The pharaoh who ruled Egypt was a tyrant who oppressed the descendants of Prophet Jacob (pbuh), known as the children of Israel (Bani Israel). He used every means to demean and disgrace them. They were kept in bondage and forced to work for him for small wages or nothing. Under this system the people obeyed and worshipped the pharaoh, and the ruling class carried out his orders, thereby authorizing his tyranny and crazy whims. The pharaoh wanted the people to obey him only, and to believe in the gods of his invention. Perhaps, during that time, there were many classes of people who did not believe in or practice polytheism; however, they kept this to themselves and outwardly did as they were expected to do, without revolting or revealing themselves to anyone. Thus, successive dynasties came to Egypt and assumed that they were gods or their representative or spokesmen. Years passed, and a despotic king, who was adored by the Egyptians, ruled Egypt. His king saw the children of Israel multiplying and prospering. He heard them talking about a vague vision that one of Israel' s sons would dethrone the pharaoh of Egypt. Perhaps thi...

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Timothy Chyme : Part Two

By: Donald Harry Roberts; Donald Harry Roberts

Timothy Chyme continues his fantasy journey

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The King

By: John Finnick

In a world where magic is commonplace, rogue abominations of nature roam the lands, and deities exist, a lone boy named Raphael seeks to exact vengeance against the very murderers that tore his life apart, leaving him the only hapless survivor of their onslaught. He joins the Hunters, a group of ancient warriors sworn to protect the lands of Agartha, with nothing but revenge on his mind. But soon, he finds himself becoming involved in something bigger than he can handle. Beasts, the Ancient Blood, the Deathless…The world of Agartha is growing old and weary, and he’s seeing its pains surface one by one. And they aren’t pleasant. Eventually, he finds that the question is no longer ‘how’ he is going to exact his revenge, or ‘when’. It's whether or not there's a point in him doing so....

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Timothy Chyme in Majixland : Part One

By: Donald Harry Roberts; Donald Roberts

Ya just gotta read it to get it

Beware of train riding hobos

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Evanghelia Neagră

By: Marcu Jura

”Evanghelia neagră” e un micro-roman despre lume ca rețea, ca pânză de paianjen; despre desprindere din ”matrix”; despre malefic; despre om ca Ales; despre lupta între păianjeni și transcendent....

Bine și rău, vină, căință, mizerie… cum poate urca omul spre zei când stă în ghenunchi cu fruntea‐n țărână? Dumnezeu bun, Diavol rău. Dumnezeu te pedepsește pentru că e bun, Diavolul îți oferă plăcere fiindcă e rău. A naibii logică a paradoxului. Logica credinței, credința logică. Abureli. Astfel mi se învălmășeau în cap, într‐un du‐te‐vino haotic, idei și imagini pe care nu puteam să le ordonez, să le storc, să extrag din ele Ideea. N‐am reușit decât să pricep că, omenește vorbind, cu simplitatea individului înhămat la căruța vieții, țesălat de diavol și biciuit de Dumnezeu, în micro-romanul meu am atins esențialul. Și, deocamdată, îmi era suficient....

Iuda 2 Maria Magdalena 2 Cristos 2 Pariul 3 Patimile 5 Evanghelia după Andrei 7 Răstignirea 56 Postfață 57

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Odd's Door

By: W. S. Lacey

When a woman vanished in Adelard Odd’s room, the resultant scandal closed the asylum at Quartersoake permanently. In 1925, nearly twenty years after Odd’s death, Lewis Spender and Roger North are willing to brave the room’s evil reputation in order to discover the truth. In this novel by W.S. Lacey, appalling things happen to wonderful people and at least one person goes in want of an umbrella. ...

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