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Солнечная система : Альтернативные теории

By: Светлана Денисова

Общепринято считать, что орбиты планет неизменны, однако, это не так. В этом изменчивом мире нет ничего абсолютно постоянного. Так и орбиты планет раскручиваются по спирали, которые могут быть восходящими или нисходящими. Солнце настолько старая, что основная масса ее спутников разрушена. Ученые считают, что газовые гиганты Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран и Нептун всегда были такими. Это ошибочное мнение... Со времен Галлилея люди знают о пятнах на Солнце, но по сей день не знают их причину. Она оказалась очень простой и вполне доказуемой. Когда и почему погибла Атлантида? Куда исчезли мамонты и, как млеко питающиеся появились в океане? Возможно, в этой книге вы найдете ответ на эти и другие вопросы....

Оглавление 1. Глобальные изменения климата Земли Ледниковый период Великий потоп 2. Теория непостоянства орбит Не по кругу, а по спирали Динамика орбит планет Солнечной системы Влияние массы космических тел на орбиты 3. Разрушения в Солнечной системе 4. Происхождение лун Гипотезы Теория захвата лун Гипотеза искусственного выведения лун на орбиты 5. Пятна на Солнце 6. Макро и микро Рождение и гибель звёздной системы (гипотеза) Космический интернет Заключение От автора...

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Einstein, Arthur Eddington dan Astronomy

By: Guru Gatot Soedarto

Buku ini meninjau kembali cara pembuktian teori relativitas umum sesuai yang diminta oleh pencetus teori, Albert Einstein, dan kemudian dilaksanakan pada tahun 1919 oleh Tim ilmuwan Inggris dipimpin oleh Arthur Stanley Eddington....

Usulan pembuktian teori relativitas umum yang disampaikan oleh Einstein, pencetus teori tersebut, merupakan usulan yang keliru bila ditinjau dari disiplin ilmu astronomi. Dan kekeliruan makin berkembang ketika usulan yang salah itu dilaksanakan oleh dua tim ilmuwan Inggris dengan memotret bintang pada saat terjadinya gerhana matahari pada tahun 1919.Sulit dipahami mengapa bisa terjadi hal yang demikian : mengabaikan argumen posisi geografis, ketinggian pengamat, dan waktu pengamatan yang intinya mengabaikan adanya refraksi cahaya / hukum Snellius. ...

ISI BUKU Kata Pengantar 1.Bab 1: Teori Relativitas Einstein 2.Bab 2: Eksperimen Imajiner Einstein 3.Bab 3: Meninjau Pembuktian Teori Relativitas Umum 4.Bab 4: Lengkungan Sinar Astronomis 5.Bab 5: Tentang Bulatan Angkasa 6.Bab 6: Kesimpulan...

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Science History of the Universe

By: Francis Rolt Wheeler

In the present volume there have been covered in a comprehensive and popular manner the various departments of Astronomy. Owing to its treatment in a definitely historical and descriptive manner, however, it may be possible to supplement the general review by a few brief statements of some of the results and problems that confront us in the actual work of the observational astronomy of to-day....

The astronomical beliefs of prehistoric man were doubt similar to those entertained by the Eskimo of the Arctic regions and the untutored tribes of Argentine' Republic, South Africa and Australia, tribes who, living only for the day, concern themselves but little with to- morrow and yesterday and care nothing about the universe......

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Explosive Blasts from the Past

By: Alexander Popoff

Ancient Nuclear Warfare? The Tunguska Riddle: a new theory. The Mother and the Father of the BOMB!

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Supermassive Blackholes

By: Sai Srujan Palateru

A booklet about the Supermassive Blackholes

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162173 Ryugu : An Apollo Asteroid

By: Sai Srujan Palateru

A detailed data about the Asteroid Ryugu

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Moving Cluster Parallax : Astrometry Booklet

By: Sai Srujan Palateru

From Astronomy

Determining Distance of the Star Clusters

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Time Travel, Marilyn Monroe, Dinosaurs, and Aliens

By: Alexander Dimitroff Popoff

4 great essays.

“If I had a time machine I'd visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime,” wrote Professor Hawking in his article “STEPHEN HAWKING: How to build a time machine,” in Daily Mail. I liked very much his idea and prepared to go back in time. I started with time travel research, reading reference books and articles, and exchanging emails with leading experts on time travel. Scholars most often suggest using the following time travel methods: to travel faster than the speed of light, to use black holes, cosmic strings, negative ener-gy, negative mass, exotic matter, or wormholes. After making some brisk calculations with my favorite pocket calculator, I came to the conclusion that the easiest, and financially accessible, way to travel back and forth in time is to build a wormhole. Constructing a wormhole is more or less clear, and I could make a time machine based on this technology in about a few months. ...

Table of Contents Humanity is perfectly visible to extraterrestrials E=mc2 or how to visit Marilyn Monroe Dinosaur Extinction Mechanism Finally Revealed Alien Bugs ...

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Introduction to Homeopathic Medicine

By: Athos Stavrou Othonos, Dr.

An introduction to Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Homeopathy for the general public and doctors through lectures and discussion covering all theoretical and practical aspects...


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X-15 Research Results

By: Wendell H. Stillwell

This semi-technical summary of the X–15 program is directed toward the less publicized aspects of its achievements.

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Delusion of Time Dilation: Comprehensive Study Of Mysteries In Science

By: Cres Huang

Exploits speed, time, and space to show why time dilation is impossible. Space and time are completely independent. Space has existence and absolutely recyclable. However, time is only reference information. It doest not exist in nature. Among all, TIME CAN NOT BE RECYCLED! Clocks can drift, yet, it is absolutely independent of time. Can we suppose the expansion or contraction of a yard stick meant the space has changed?...

Time is only the reference information. It is not the element of the universe. Hasn't our obsession with time and speed clouded our judgment?

1 Introduction 1.1 Speed and Time 2 Visiting Friends on Planet X 3 Control Set 4 Laser Transmission 5 Wife in Her Own Spaceship 6 High Speed Travel 7 More about Laser Transmission 8 Conclusion 9 Appendix - Paradoxes of Time Dilation References...

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The Dualism

By: Boris Balkh


True model for the structure of The Universe

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By: Борис Балкх


The real model for the structure of The Universe.

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have FAITH!

By: Ian Sneddon Davidson

An introduction to the Christian faith and the Book that instructs us in it.

"So we see how vitally important it is when it comes to Christ to ... have FAITH! in Him."

Preface 1 The universe - God's universe! 2 The Bible 3 God 4 Jesus 5 The Spirit of God 6 Humanity 7 Sin and salvation 8 Death - what then? 9 And so ... have FAITH! Further reading...

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Ocean of Divinity

By: Alex Listengort; Александр Александрович Листенгорт

In this edition are presented the works by Alex Listengort, written in a period of time from autumn-2008 to may 2013. Here the reader may see a circulation of different topics, of questions and answers, embodied in Poems. These Pieces of Arts do Bless and Fill Up with a Special Energy that is familiar to every living creature, and that brings peace, eternity, divine presence and Miracle of life in all its forms. Searches for a meaning of life and its integrating into the life itself, eternal existencional questions, for which the author dares to give an answer in his poems. Themes of love and beguines, motherland, nature, time and something they call the God: all that finds its reflections in authors’ poems, but the main here are the questions of enlightenment, spiritual awakening of a human being, gaining happiness, abundance and awareness: of everything, that each of us insists to find on the line, of everything, that, as author says, no one had ever really lost, and what Is just temporarily hidden under a tricky veil, that is a part of a global plan, that is a special condition of this Game. Today in our hands we all keep a total...


OCEAN OF DIVINITY Ozean der Göttlichkeit אוקיינוס של אלוהות Океан Божественности Աստվածայնության Օկվիանը Océano de la Divinidad MAY 2013 A Message Flows It faded blossom of that crazy time I would like to tell so much Golden summer Celestial eyes colored the waves of sea… Hey there, Girl… Salam! Thank you, dear Tan mucho quiero yo decir… The All-Time Nature Los ojos celestes de color de undubre A Road to Heaven APRIL 2013 When it comes the Time to Go… Wave in farewell, my dear… Each of us remain a special mission… Everyone gets a reward… La Niebla Pavonada A big amenity of being What is a Jew (מהו יהודי) Mazarin Mist Melekh Ha’Olam (מלך העולם) Kissing you last thing at night… Existencional Spin של אלוהים נוכחות ברוך מבורך A Searcher for True Love In everyone of you I am observing… Cuando se llegará el tiempo a ir... It is important such to be among the people… MARCH 2013 Es Kommt das Wahrheit, Divinidad canción Moscow Sky Sit in Carriage alongside Me Creation is Divine A bit of Delight ¡Qué bueno ser un espectador de esta noche! Little Boxes of the Mind Empieza la Noche There are ...

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Parallel Universes : Experimental Digital Art

By: Florentin Smarandache

Composed, found, changed, modified, diversified computer-programmed images of stars, galaxies, cosmic dust, black (and other color) holes, comets, spacecrafts, robots and poetry....

…We simultaneously leave in parallel universes without knowing it… …Our contradictions coexist in a multi-space endowed with a multi-structure…

COSMOLOGY : pages 4-69 LET’S BIKE THE ART! : pages 70-129

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X²=-4 : Les intermondes: Les intermondes

By: Eau Regale, Editor

10 récits ethnologiques à connotation sexuelle.

La eunuque Ce soir j’avais rendez-vous avec une femme un peu spéciale, une femme d’un autre monde, une femme d’un autre temps… Accompagnée par celle qui m’avait contacté, elle avait l’air d’une femme dépouillée de tout, vidée de sa substance féminine, une femme totalement nue, en l’occurrence simplement couverte d’une sorte de linceul ; son guide ayant tout bonnement l’air d’une ethnologue. J’avais ouvert la porte de mon appartement et j’avais dirigé les visiteuses vers le salon. Après les avoir accueillies avec quelques civilités, mon contact lança la discussion : — Je vous présente Kéra. C’est le nom qu’elle m’a indiqué. Elle dit avoir oublié son prénom d’origine, mais elle reconnaît être originaire du pays décrit comme étant l’Australie. — Enchanté… Elle parle quelle langue ? — Le Langala ; c’est la langue de là-bas. C’est où, là-bas ? je ne le savais pas et il allait de soi que je n’étais pas censé le savoir ; j’étais même censé le découvrir. C’est quoi cette langue ? une des 3700 parlées sur terre, ou la 3701ème ? La femme mystère ne parlait pas. Elle évitait mon regard ; son regard m’évitait purement et simplement. To...

Table des nouvelles L’origine (de l’espèce humaine) 1 La eunuque 16 Les codes de bonne conduite 43 L’Olympe du sexe 79 Le 8ème péché capital 99 Péripatéticiens 133 Terra Nebula, l’île du baiser phallique 178 Au nom des enfants 215 Un monde merveilleux 225 L’origine de la fin du monde 232...

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Cosmos & Culture : Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context

By: Steven J. Dick, Editor; Mark L. Lupisella, Editor

Integrating concepts from philosophical, anthropological, and astrobiological disciplines, Cosmos and Culture begins to explore the interdisciplinary questions of cosmic evolution....

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

The Path of Splitness is a major non fiction work of 1,868 pages: This is the latest revised version. The book analyzes and explains: 1: The origins of our Universe: where it came from and how it was created. 2: Basic aspects and dynamics of the Organic Universe and Organic Life. 3: The origins of modern humans going back 25 million years. 4: Human Psycho-biology. 5: The beginnings of civilization. 6: The effect of civilization upon humans. 7: Death, the existence of evil and its effect on humans. Offered as a free E-book at: ...

Chapter 1: The Universe. Pgs 1-112 How the Universe came into being. Chapter 2: Life Pgs 113-131 Structural dynamics of the Universe and Life Chapter 3: Hominids Pgs 132-187 A: How we evolved into Humans Pgs 188-222 B: Summary of Hominid-Human Development Chapter 4: Modern Human Dynamics Pgs 223-266 Human Psycho-biologic Totality. Chapter 5: Modern Humans: Pgs 267-299 The Transition from Hunter-gatherers to Settlements Chapter 6: Civilization Pgs 300-704 A: The Beginnings of Civilization Pgs 705-1474 B: The Effect of Civilization on Humans Pgs 1475-1868 Chapter 7: Entities and the Alternative ...

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Pitfall of Space Expansion: Comprehensive Study of Mysteries in Science

By: Cres Huang

Studies the pitfall and paradoxes of inflation theory, including big-bang, dark energy, and dark matter. We know car will not drive on frictionless surface. Space has no surface and completely frictionless. It will not carry anything along, even if space could expand. Invisible matter, normal or dark, has to be felt since it has to occupy space. Normal matter would not move freely in space occupied by dark matter and dark energy. If there is interaction between normal and dark, it will be shown by normal matter. It is meaningless if there is no interaction. Only SPACE can occupy same space with matter without interaction, isn't it? ...

If you are riding on a craft, it will not carry you away if you there is no friction between you and the craft. Space is completely frictionless. It has no surface, and can only be regarded as absolute zero viscosity. Expansion of the space, if possible, will not drag anything along. It would just flow through and zip away by itself....

Contents Abstract i Contents ii List of Figures iii List of Tables iii 1 Introduction 1 2 Paradox of Space Expansion 5 3 Real Life Analogy of Inertia in Expanding Space 9 4 Paradox of Redshift & Expanding Space 4.1 Real Life Analogy of Radiation Trap 5 Paradox of Constant Pulsating Quasars in Expanding Space 6 Conclusion 7 Appendix - A Brief Experiment of Space 7.1 Space and Vacuum 7.2 Space and Friction 7.3 Space and Motion 7.4 Space and Expansion 7.5 Space and Compression 7.6 Space and Energy 7.7 Summary 8 Appendix - Mind-Bending Questions References...

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