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El Dilema de la Edad : O de cómo una sociedad puede y debe madurar de forma consciente y responsable, Volume 1

By: Juan Andrés Cuevas

Un análisis de la situación global y de sus causas, y propuesta de posibles soluciones a considerar.

"no nos conformemos con hacer pequeñas reformas en una casa vieja que fue diseñada para que sólo cupieran unos pocos: hagamos entre todos una gran casa en la que todos quepamos cómodamente instalados"...

Notas previas (citas fundamentales) Introducción Mi película Volviendo a mi ser Sistema de Creencias La zarabanda hebrea La marabunta cristiana Las arenas musulmanas Otra visión En conclusión Sistema Territorial Una propuesta audaz Sistema Económico Alternativas Sistema Legislativo En definitiva Sistema Político y de Gobierno Una propuesta elegible Sistema Socio-Laboral La era de la Comunidad Sistema de producción. Sistema de consumo. Sistema de vivienda. Sistema social. Sistema Formativo Fuerzas Armadas Sistema de Duelo Y Todo Esto, ¿Para Qué? En resumen Concretando Una Bofetada de Realismo La barrera religiosa La barrera territorial La barrera conceptual La barrera legalista La barrera ideológica La barrera social La barrera académica La barrera armada La barrera filosófica La barrera material La barrera humana La barrera del Poder La barrera animal La barrera sexista Y además... Método Alternativo ¿Quién Tiene que Llevar la...

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Entwined Realities : The Epic Tragedy of Neanderthal and Modern Human

By: Roc Hale

In 2055 humanity is confronting countless hardships inflicted on them by the powerful evil in control of the world. The Great Catastrophe had unfolded in waves that affected the environment, economy and society, and now enslaved the few hundred million survivors. As readers would expect from today’s trends, food was in short supply from runaway climate change, life support systems were overloaded with toxins, and ecosystems and the energy supply had collapsed. The story of three people living in one of a few remaining pockets of human reality is interwoven with chapters reaching back 33,000 years, when Earth was inhabited by two distinctly different hominids. The Neanderthal were nearly extinct. Homo sapiens, modern humans with advanced brains, were newcomers in Neanderthal territory. It soon became apparent that the species could interbreed. This short book aligns research showing that Neanderthal DNA is found in the human genome with findings from studies of the central nervous system. Approximately one to five percent of the population is born with brain anomalies correlated with psychopathy, a personality disorder marked b...

“Wow!” said Edde. “What we learned about the bastards casually through our talks over the years makes more sense to me now. They acquired power stealthily and misused it to control humanity in accordance with how they saw the world, which was and still is connected to their brain structures. The world they see, the reality they act within, is reckless, selfish, cold and destructive, in contrast to our normal more cautious, altruistic, warm and creative reality.” “Yeah,” said Ave. “What we just learned about Neanderthal anatomy gives a special significance to what you’ve told us, Pops, about history and the lead-up to the Great Catastrophe. Now we know that the abnormalities of the bastards’ brains transform them into sub-human beings whose reality and behaviour drastically contrast with our humanness. No wonder their behaviour seems insane to us. Until now, I couldn’t understand why anyone in their right mind would pollute and despoil the environment they depend on for their life, continue to wipe out species as if they themselves were exempt from extinction, extract resources at any cost to the point of depletion, and burn fossi...

PART ONE: Convergence and Consequence Where We Were – 2053: Refuge from the Ruins What Went Wrong – 31,000 BCE: Dawn of Disaster Where We Were – 2053: Climate Chaos What Went Wrong – 31,000 BCE: Dreams of Doom Where We Were – 2053: Earnest Elder What Went Wrong – 31,000 BCE: Ruthless Reprisal Where We Were – 2053: Survival and Support PART TWO: Edde and Ave Where We Were 2035: Rescue and Readjustment 2041: Cooperation and Co-creation 2043: Sacred Sanctuary 2048: Awakened Awareness PART THREE – The Conversations Where We Were: 2048 The First Conversation: Hidden History The Second Conversation: Insanities Intersect The Third Conversation: Seeking Solutions PART FOUR – Change and Challenge Where We Were: 2055 Paradise in Peril Demons and Decisions AFTERWORD: What we can do ADDITIONAL READING...

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Ghid UE Pentru Traduceri

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

Ghidul de faţă se bazează în general pe ghidul în limba engleză „How to write clearly”, aducând o serie de recomandări specifi ce redactării textelor în limba română. Ghidul este redactat de Oficiul pentru Publicaţii al Uniunii Europene, Luxemburg, 2013. Majoritatea documentelor Comisiei Europene sunt, în momentul de faţă, publicate pe internet şi sunt disponibile publicului. Toate textele redactate, traduse şi publicate în activitatea Comisiei Europene influenţează în mod inevitabil imaginea publică a UE, şi de aceea se acordă o atenţie deosebită corectitudinii şi clarităţii traducerilor. Pentru oportunitățí de sponsorizare vă rog să mă contactați. Ediţia digitală (EPUB, Kindle, PDF):

Ghidul de faţă se bazează în general pe ghidul în limba engleză „How to write clearly”, aducând o serie de recomandări specifi ce redactării textelor în limba română....

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الوعي الاسلامي

By: السيد حسن المهدي الشيرازي

مقـدمة المؤلف: المبدأ – الذي ينبثق منه نظام وعقيدة واجتماع – هو مقياس عظمة الشعب وحضارته وثروته الفكرية والمادية ومدى خلوده ومقاومته للشعوب المناوئة له.. والمبدأ هو شارة الانتصار او الفشل في كل ميدان والمبدأ اعظم ثروة يرثها الجيل من ابائه، ويخلفه لابنائه. اما الحضارة والثروة المادية والعلمية، فانها تتبع المبدأ في تكونها وبقائها على تقدير وجودها قبل ذلك. فالامة التي لها مبدأ صحيح – تسير على ضوئه – تستطيع ان تحتفظ بما لديهامن حضارة وثروة.. ! حتى ولو اتفقت الظروف المعاكسة ان تعصف بها وتبدد ثروتها، وتدمر حضارتها وتقوض كيانها من القواعد وتكتسح كل غال ورخيص، فسرعان ما تستعيد قواها المسلوبة وتلملم نشاطها المنهوب بتوجيه من ذلك المبدأ – لتجدد كيانها، وتهتدي الى حضارتها مرة اخرى فتعود الى مقرها الآمن الوديع حتى ولو ابتدأت الامة بلا حضارة، ولا ثروة مادية أو علمية، فمن الهين عليها – بقيادة المبدأ الصحيح - ان تكوّن الحضارة والثروة وكل شيء وأن تتخذ البرامج – التي تساعده على التوسعة والاخضاع، واصهار الشعوب الاخرى في بوتقتها بكل سهولة وبساطة. كما ان الامة الاسلامية في ابتداء بعثة الرسول الاعظم لم تكن تملك حضارة ولا ثروة ولكنها حيث سارت على خطط الاسلام والقرآن حكمت في ربع المعمورة وانشأت الحضارة والثروة الهائلتين. اما الامم التي تدين بمبدأ فاسد...

فهرس محتويات الكتاب مقدمة الكتاب 13 الاقتصاد 13 تصدير: 15 الرأسماليون 19 الرأسمالية الجديدة 83 الاقتصاد الشيوعي 93 حساب الشيوعية 131 الاقتصاد الاشتراكي 163 مناقضات الاشتراكية 189 مذاهب اشتراكية مبتورة 241 الاقتصاد الإسلامي 247 الجزاء بلا عمل 263 برامج العمل 275 الزكاة 285 الخمس 303 خاتمة 313 إعتذارات 317 من المصادر 319 فهرس محتويات الكتاب 321 ...

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American Politics in the Age of Oil : The Bernie Sanders Phenomenon

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

This essay explains the rise of a socialist politician in the United States, i.e. Bernie Sanders, and how his rise is related the American energy companies....

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Rohingyas : Insecurity and Citizenship in Myanmar

By: Dr. Trevor Gibson, Editor; Helen & Lindsay James & Falvey, Editor

Includes a case study of new information

Table of Contents What this Book is About v Chapter I Setting the Scene 1 What is Examined? / Why this Subject? / Scope / Structure Chapter 2 State of Knowledge 9 Social Identity / Exclusion, Citizenship & Security / Exclusion / Citizenship / Human Security Chapter 3 Applying the Approach 27 Approaches / Locations / Sampling / Data Collection / Fieldwork / Analysis / Constraints Chapter 4 Who are the Rohingya? 39 An Ethnic Group? / Defining ‘Rohingya’ / Identity Construction / Other Rakhine Muslims Chapter 5 Social Exclusion 57 Horizontal: British Administration / Mass Immigration / Riots Vertical: Politics 1942-1948 / Mujahid Insurgence / U Nu and U Ne Win Regimes / Citizenship Scrutinizing / Temporary Registration Chapter 6 How to Gain and Lose Citizenship 79 Laws / Registration & Documentation / Household List / Birth Registration / Identity Cards / Temporary Cards / Registration of Foreigners / Denial of Citizenship Chapter 7 Findings from the Field 97 Socio-Demographics / Freedom from Fear / Freedom from Want / Land Ownership Chapter 8 Towards Future Policy 129 Perceptions of Citizenship / Ethnic Discrimination...

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Travancore State Manual

By: V Nagam Iyya; VED from Victoria Institutions, Editor

One very striking point in the book is the usage of ‘honourable company’ with regard to the East India Company. This adjective of ‘honourable’ is a necessary item in the feudal vernaculars of the Indian peninsula. Without this adjective, (mentioned or unmentioned), words and attributes can go down. However, there is this issue. The same word can have severely differing meanings when seen from English and from Indian peninsular vernaculars perspectives. In English the sense of ‘an honourable man’ is that of a person who is honest, has rectitude, wouldn’t cheat, would keep his words, would be fair in dealings etc. However, the vernacular sense is none of these. Here it is a forcible imposition meaning that the entity has to be ‘respected’....

Under command of His Highness the Maha Rajah, the preparation of the State Manual of Travancore was decided upon some time ago, and I was appointed to it with the simple instruction that the book was to be after the model of the District Manuals of Madras. This instruction I have faithfully carried out and I am happy to report now that the book is completed and issued in three large volumes. Although I have allowed myself some latitude in forming my own conception of the design and scope of the work and devoted my best attention and energies to their exposition and elucidation, I still feel I might have done better if I had been left to myself, to work at it leisurely, spending “a laborious day upon each page,’’ undisturbed by limitations of time and space...

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Cartografía Crítica. : El Quehacer Profesional de la Filosofia en Chile

By: Sr. José Santos Herceg

“El libro de José Santos es un registro panorámico y complejo de la situación de la filosofía y su enseñanza, de la investigación filosófica, de la escritura filosófica y su a veces inhabilitación crítica en Chile. Por razones diversas y de diversa envergadura el libro de Santos es necesario y oportuno” (Álvaro García)....

“La relevancia de este libro me parece fundamental, y replicable además como ejercicio en otras disciplinas y otras latitudes. Tiene especial relevancia histórica el poder hacer este análisis en nuestro contexto chileno de reforma educacional, justamente en el momento en que han de pensarse el quehacer de los ‘intelectuales’ y ‘académicos’” (Valentina Bulo)....

PRÓLOGO ANTECEDENTES 1. Normalización 2. Profesionalización 3. Escisión 4. Mutilación 5. Mercantilización I. ENSEÑANZA 1. Uniforme 2. Eurocéntrica 3. Conservadora 4. Recapitulación II. INVESTIGACIÓN 1. Mercantilizada 2. Elitista 3. Centrista 4. Recapitulación III. PUBLICACIÓN 1. Controlada 2. Tercerizada 3. Productivizada 4. Recapitulación IV. GESTIÓN 1. Riesgosa 2. Desamparada 3. Precarizada 4. Recapitulación EPÍLOGO 1. Suscitar 2. Reflexionas 3. Crear 4. Construir ...

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An Introduction to the Financial Statement Analysis

By: Alex Sakevych; Patrick Kobyletskii

'An Introduction to the Financial Statement Analysis' is a brief guide to the financial statement analysis performance, including general information on the essence and methods of the financial analysis, key financial ratios calculation and interpretation. Finstanon is a fast solution for online financial analysis and interpretation. It saves time for professionals in financial analysis same as for newcomers.

Aiming to detect changes in the company’s development trends in order to make more successful economic decisions, the financial statement analysis (also referred as the financial analysis of enterprise) is the process of analyzing and reviewing firm’s balance sheet (statement of financial position), income statement (profit and loss report) and other statements. It allows to estimate the company’s overall performance by calculating and comparing a complex of indicators, building the trend lines and making conclusions on the business health and sustainability. The motivation for applying the financial statement analysis to the annual report of a company is different for each group of users. Creditors are normally interested in estimating the creditworthiness of borrowers, investors want to measure the revenue their potential investments can bring, and managers are willing to have the most precise information on the financial position and performance of their companies....


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2014中国网络金融改革风云录 : 2014中国网络金融改革风云录-夜伤鹰

By: 夜伤鹰 俞小明; 夜伤鹰 俞小明

作者简介 夜伤鹰:出生年月1985.10.21-至今籍贯宁波镇海:《2014网络金融改革风云录》《铁血除弊事》

作者简介 夜伤鹰:出生年月1985.10.21-至今籍贯宁波镇海:《2014网络金融改革风云录》《铁血除弊事》

目录 阿里“弃港入美”倒逼中国早日实行同股同权 英国若退出欧盟 将会被彻底边缘化 融资难滋生传销土壤 民企向总理讨要公平 诺基亚遭遇财报裁员 微软要与苹果“麦芒对针尖” 马航遇袭或引燃欧洲火药库美股遭遇滑铁卢 不要用产能过剩稀释货币泡沫 中国经济为何无法复制德国足球成功模式 天猫分期购和京东白条搅局传统信用卡业务 史玉柱神话破灭或香港上市未成定局 P2P出现两极分化亟需信誉评级 迅雷赴美上市告别盗版时代华丽转型转嫁风险 央行定向再降准微刺激是否奏效看吏治 央行降准导致货币失衡资金泡沫消化IPO 海关五月外贸进出口转正与之前信息大相径庭 德拉吉“马歇尔计划” 通过降息拉升欧元刺激信贷 马云许家印的资本公关秀告诉你足球是什么 中信集团千亿并购未发行IPO 影响沪港两市 商务部简政放权夯实中美第六轮战略经济对话 大地传媒复牌后涨停大单净额流入抬升股价 浪潮信息涨停受益网络安全谍战争端 鱼跃医疗整编华润万东央企正规军转民兵连 无“法”而治的中国股市必然会产生大量睡眠账户 制造业PMI创5 月新高微刺激利好亚洲股市 光伏行业联合反对美国“双反” 光电板块普涨 地方发行债券是利是弊? 杭报借壳华智复牌后涨停受益智慧城市 恒生等银行可赌人民币跌值得大陆银行借鉴 瑞士银行新标“信息透明协议” 来自美德压力 新加坡呼吁中企下“新南洋” 旨在人民币国际化 中信证券王东明言语批工行被罚百万 央行发布四月份金融数据 M2增速令人意外 新国九条为信息真实披露立法来自顶层设计 支付宝新增小微贷意图瓜分P2P大蛋糕 央行官员拟要求余额宝上交存款储备金 银行理财全面开始反攻 Shibor 市场周二继续下跌债券市场迎来利好 马云入股华数传媒外星人要改网络电视行业游戏规则 人民币汇价跌破6.26 无视中间价五连升 短期已无升值压力 东部沿海启动新核电项目建设中国为经济腾飞装上“核芯” Ipo半夜开闸剧情很鸡血 A股市场反应激烈 中国影子银行规模约20万亿 银监会发布非法集资风险 提示 老干妈拒绝上市受网友追捧自称上市就是骗人 李克强首提亚洲利益共同体 反击美联储过快退出QE 海南博鳌论坛释放新能量懒人包带你解读国计民生 QDII2 直通港股进入倒计时 A 股或将面临重大调整 国务院推出微刺激措施促增长 且看李克强经济学三支 箭 阿里借壳国华人寿剑指文创产业捆绑“淘宝星愿”上演资本 众筹追逐 “生前遗嘱”成大陆版巴塞尔协定民营银行风险控制待检验 央视质问麦田去哪儿了拿什么拯救我们的农业 严审美剧恐引来WTO 知识产品贸易争端 台湾服贸协议遭学运抵制 解读台湾经济深层次矛盾 经济转型...

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观点评述收藏宝典 : 观点评述收藏宝典-夜伤鹰

By: 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰; 俞小明 俞小明 俞

概 述 《观点评述收藏宝典》 本书是一本观点评述类型的网志收藏宝典,内容丰富多彩,且文章形式涵盖新闻评论、影视评论、哲学思辨等等,侧重培养人的独立之人格,阅读该书有助于提高读者的快速思维能力和语言表达能力,更能洞悉当下中国社会脉络,本书作家个人观点色彩鲜明,不受任何舆论所左右,特别是对《播音与主持专业》的即兴话题评述有辅助参考作用,重点在于通过培养文字表达能力来提升即兴话题评述。 作者: 俞小明,男,笔名夜伤鹰。1985年10月21日出生。宁波镇海籍。电话:13777235376...

概 述 《观点评述收藏宝典》 本书是一本观点评述类型的网志收藏宝典,内容丰富多彩,且文章形式涵盖新闻评论、影视评论、哲学思辨等等,侧重培养人的独立之人格,阅读该书有助于提高读者的快速思维能力和语言表达能力,更能洞悉当下中国社会脉络,本书作家个人观点色彩鲜明,不受任何舆论所左右,特别是对《播音与主持专业》的即兴话题评述有辅助参考作用,重点在于通过培养文字表达能力来提升即兴话题评述。 作者: 俞小明,男,笔名夜伤鹰。1985年10月21日出生。宁波镇海籍。电话:13777235376...

目 录 一、概 述 二、每天给自己洗脑一分钟你就会越有钱………………………1 三、晚明言论自由的时代后世谁在污蔑东林党…………………2 四、北平无战事电视剧之谢镶理人物角色分析…………………4 五、电视剧北平无战事借反腐题材还原人物历史………………8 六、高校教授诱奸女大学生谁之过………………………………11 七、哲学论文框架:中国的微政府主义历史是如何形成的?…15 八、封建社会以贪治贪的官场生态圈……………………………19 九、别把强拆当回事………………………………………………21 十、为何半本论语就能治天下……………………………………22 十一、维基解密揭开大安化学神秘面纱谁是权斗的牺牲品?…24 十二、大安化工事件回顾…………………………………………24 十三、一位来自新浪微博网友的多次@…………………………24 十四、大安公司肃清运动试图查找“内部线人”………………25 十五、《非你莫属》制造汉族内部种族歧视……………………26 十六、大安化学的前世今生和翻译有什么关系?………………30 十七、突来的“被辞职”风波让她一度身心疲惫………………30 十八、司法游戏下的“猫路狗道”………………………………32 十九、那么撤销解除是否真的存在?……………………………33 二十、奖金被扣陈女士怒火中烧矛盾直指伪造证据?…………34 二十一、迟来的二审胜利 剥开她一年来的心中忧……………34 二十二、大安翻译开创司法奇迹 维权狂人方伟介入…………35 二十三、维权狂人方伟又爆猛料 大安化学违规用地养羊……36 二十四、 何时不再暮气沉沉改行去做娱乐节目?……………38 二十五、 建造人才公寓是利是弊?……………………………41 二十六、入围宁波城市形象标识作品 没有历史文化积淀……45 二十七、临时夫妻不仅仅存在于外来务工人员城镇居民也存在 …………………………………………………………………48 二十八、陆客游玩台湾随笔遐想 ………………………………54 二十九、对雾霾嗤之以鼻 即兴之作《穹顶之下》……………56 三十、 从日本侵略史看战争受害国的心态……………………57 三十一、别拿环保的钱做慈禧太后修园子的事…………………59 三十二、莫学日本731部队拿黄金大米毒害下一代……………59 三十三、国人素质低病在文革后遗症 罪在十年文革挖了汉根61 三十四、如果陈寅恪能做中国的教育部长那么我就能看懂古文了 …………………………………………………………………67 三十五、为何要送李娜80万?读巨额奖金背后的“双重标准” ………………………………………………………………72 三十六...

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EU Clear English Tips for Translators

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

Here are some tips to help translators avoid copying structure and wording from other languages that would be awkward in English. They should be useful to non-native speakers, but may serve as handy reminders for native speakers too....

EU Clear English Tips for Translators This ebook represents an independent adaptation of the European Commission work Clear English Tips for Translators, freely available via the EU Bookshop as PDF. © European Union Edited and published as e-book by Nicolae Sfetcu and MultiMedia Samples from the guide, at English - Romanian Translation Here are some tips to help translators avoid copying structure and wording from other languages that would be awkward in English. They should be useful to non-native speakers, but may serve as handy reminders for native speakers too....

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Taking Back the Great Depression

By: Amelia Streit

Look back at your own family history, and see what you can do to recover the means of production.

It brings in money for elites, their families, and friends But on us the regulatory avalanche descends!

I. Foundering Ideals II. Hilaire on Hillary III. Rerum Novarum and Bernie IV. Trumpery Gamble V. Interchangeable VPs VI. Party of Lincoln

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A Brief Page on Kerala

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Excerpt from MARCH of the evil empires: English versus the feudal languages

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The Ideal Within : A Discourse and Hegemony Theoretical Analysis of the International Anticorruption Discourse

By: Anja Carolin Gebel, Dr.

The doctoral dissertation analyses the international anticorruption discourse by the World Bank, UNDP and Transparency International. It draws out implicit conceptions of an ideal uncorrupted society. While international anticorruption discourse is found to be broadly reflective of what can be called advanced liberal ideals of governing, the thesis enables an in-depth understanding of the manifold and complex discursive moves through which these particular ideals are constructed and advanced by the discourse....

"Overall, IAC discourse delegitimizes any social constellation and political project that involves a conception of human beings which differs from ‘rational and self-interested’. [...] These negations of different social structures and political projects are related to other negations, such as of non-positivist ways of acquiring knowledge and investigating corruption and possible counter-measures. In a political project that is structured consistently according to the presuppositions and findings of positivist, rational choice inspired research, any other ways of looking at the world [...] can only be risky and wrong and endanger the fight against corruption"....

Abbreviations Figures Acknowledgements Quotes Introduction 1 Corruption as a social construction – implications for an analysis of international anticorruption efforts The fight against corruption – an intrinsically good project? Positivist research on corruption – corruption as a fact After positivism – corruption as a socially constructed concept International anticorruption efforts as a site where corruption is constructed 2 A post-Marxist discourse and hegemony theoretical approach to the analysis of international anticorruption discourse A theory of discourse – a theory of society Hegemonic strategy, stratagems and other discursive logics The IAC consensus from a post-Marxist discourse and hegemony theoretical perspective Delimiting and analysing the discourse – ‘operationalisation’ and method 3 Creating the enemy Definitions, manifestations and locations of corruption Causes of corruption Social, political and economic consequences of corruption Subject positions Metaphors...

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Charade of the Debt Crisis

By: Steven Kim

A common mistake in real and financial markets is a mix-up of means and ends. A showcase cropped up during the financial crisis of 2008 and its aftershock including the debt crisis in Southern Europe. In response to the fiasco, policymakers round the world wasted trillions of dollars worth of public funds on makeshift schemes that ended up hobbling the financial forum and the real economy. Upon closer inspection, however, the epic blowup was a consequence of excessive meddling in the markets rather than the outgrowth of a laisser-faire policy as was widely assumed in the public sector as well as the private segment. To make things worse, a confusion of the objectives and methods led to feckless and even wrackful moves in response to the financial flap along with the Great Recession and their aftermath. From a larger stance, a solid grasp of means and ends is the first step toward designing a cogent agenda in any domain....

In any field of human enterprise, a solid grasp of means and ends is the first step toward fixing up a worthwhile scheme while cutting down waste and beefing up productivity. The next step is to thrash out a trenchant plan that exploits the opportunities and avoids the pitfalls in the landscape. The third task is to put the resulting plan into action with gumption and dispatch. In the case of the debt crisis, the proper course would require a cogent agenda to ensure a speedy recovery of the financial forum and the real economy. On the downside, the damage done to date by the banksters and politicos is far too massive to allow for a quick or painless recourse. On the upside, though, the lack of a pat answer does not mean that there are no useful cures, or that the problems should be left to fester on their own. For there are baneful schemes as well as healthful ways to deal with the ailments. To this end, it’s high time to consider the big picture and take the high ground. As things stand, the politicians will not on their own initiative take up the gauntlet and tackle the problems in a serious way. In that case, the voting p...

Summary Private Gain and Public Mulct The Currency is Not the Debt The Currency is Not the Economy Muddle of Economic and Financial Factors Boons of Currency Union Contagion of Debt Political Factors Inflation as a Cure for Political Bungling Private Windfall and Public Largesse Noxious Impact of Misguided Schemes German Resolution to a Greek Tragedy Hale Approach to the Banking Industry Right and Wrong Ways to Boost the Economy Forward Gaze References ...

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The Labor Divide

By: Sam Vaknin

Modern labour theories and practice. Covers issues like employment, unemployment, migration, brain drain, entrepreneurship, workaholism, and trade unions....

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The Facts and Fictions of the Securities Industry

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin

he securities industry, its markets, instruments (equity, debt, derivatives), trading strategies, underlying economic models, and future.

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The Kazakhstan Way

By: Nursultan Nazarbayev

Nursultan Nazarbayev, in full Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, Nazarbayev also spelled Nazarbaev (born July 6, 1940, Kazakhstan, U.S.S.R.), president of Kazakhstan (from 1990), a reformist who sought regional autonomy for his Central Asian republic. Nazarbayev was the son of Kazakh peasants. He graduated from a technical school in Dneprodzerzhinsk (now Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine) in 1960, from a technical school of the Karaganda (now Qaraghandy) Metallurgical Combine in Kazakhstan (1967), and from the Higher Party School in Moscow (1976). He worked as a steelworker and engineer at the Karaganda plant off and on from 1960 to 1977. He joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1962 and rose through the ranks, becoming a full member of the Kazakhstan Politburo in 1979, chairman of the Kazakh Council of Ministers (1984–89), first secretary of the Kazakhstan party (1989–91), and full member of the CPSU Politburo (1990–91). In 1990 the Supreme Soviet of Kazakhstan elected Nazarbayev president of the republic....

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The Life(s) of I' 'Me' 'You' 'Us' Book 2 : The abuses of the innocents, Volume 2

By: Tom Dobbie

Poetry about child abuse, domestic violence and the cover up of these by social workers and police and the secret family court.

in all my life i never expected what happened next pray that you and your children are never subject to social workers ..................................... Introduction Specific to Book2 of the series. Should we discuss tragedy and the bad things that do happen in life ? No, we should not dwell on it or make it our entertainment. Yes, we should know it, how it occurred and how we can prevent it. My life has had such profound joys and beauty, that part of me says it is only natural that life should also have had the dark side in all of its menace........... and so the menace came....

Item Title 1 General Introduction 2 Introduction to Book 2 3 Index Warning. Abuse & Violence On Children by their Mother On Children and adults by Social Workers Beware of triggering. Note Poem numbers start from where they stopped in the last book in this series. Poem123 My Little Boy Is Taught To Fear His Mum Again. Poem124 My Little Boy Is Assaulted By His Mum Again Poem125 Ken’s Slime In Your Pants Poem126 Ken’s Triumph. Poem127 Protecting My Children Poem128 Don’t Hate The Child Poem129 How A Toxic Mother Poisons Her Child. Poem130 SS Only Tick Boxes Poem131 Abusive Authorities Poem132 Abusive Authorities 2. Poem133 A Policeman Assumes Poem134 Agitated: Should the victim be agitated ? Poem135 Golf Ball Stories Poem136 Fear For My Children Poem137 I Despair Without My Children Poem138 Callous Cankers Of Mankind Poem139 Fretting For My Children Poem140 The Struggle With Suicide Poem141 The First Judgement Poem142 The Sentencing Poem143 Probation The ...

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