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By: TK Ramchand; TK Ramchand

It deals with everything, History, Life, Science etc. etc.

"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated." Maya Angelou

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By: Μαρία Δριμή
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The Holy Bible: Literal Standard Version (LSV)

By: Covenant Press, Editor

A modern, literal, word-for-word (formal equivalence) English translation of the Holy Scriptures utilizing English word rearrangement when necessitated for readability. The LSV is the most literal translation of The Holy Bible, with significant improvement over previous literal translations, including Robert Young’s excellent Young’s Literal Translation. Other digital formats are available for free at

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By: R. Valentine

Abby Rose is a member of the Vanguard but she also waits tables at the O Motel Bar & Grill between her shifts of zombie killing. When a town full of people close to Abby's home are murdered in a strange and viscous way, Abby and her team find themselves fighting side by side with members of the Vampire increment guard. Team members are killed. Truths are revealed, and Abby becomes bait as she finds herself in the middle of a tangled web of lies. Loss is prevalent in this world, but can Abby avoid the loss of love? Or will the secrets from the past be too much to take? Everything dies, and when it does, it stays dead—or she thought....

The plague didn't spread like the old Hollywood movie scenes. There were no neat epidemic maps or calculations, and soon there was no Army, Navy or Air Force left to guide us with direction and show us the way. The infection didn't spread like rolling waves or wildfire—there weren't enough people left for that—but the infection was strong, and in the first days it spread quickly and with-it taking thousands of the remaining few. Life on our planet was dying and both species wanted to survive, so when the Vampires offered humans a solution, we readily and greedily signed on the proverbial dotted line. Neither party aware of the oversight they were making. A world without humans meant a world without blood, so while they created “I-M”, we formed the receiving lines—and for a time blood became the new currency. It wasn't mandatory; it was optional, but thousands of us lined up anyway. Ageless immortality had been packaged neatly in a little vial. It kept the humans’ human and the Vampires fed. The serum made us stronger, healthier and closely immortal without changing the person into one of them. For some immortality seemed a small...

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Trapped by Political Desire : The Treatise: The Treatise

By: Matt Erickson

The Political Year Strategy details a method to extend the Presidential term (and legislative terms of U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators) four-fold, simply by choosing February 29th as the date for federal elections (within the enumerated power of Congress to pick the election date [Art. I:4:1 and Art. II:1:4]). After the date of the federal election is changed to February 29th, a new “Political Year” is created, to mean the length of time until the date used for federal elections again shows up on the calendar. The Political Year may then be used to determine the time for Presidential and legislative terms, and the frequency of federal elections. After choosing February 29th as the date of elections, then the passage of four political years (four leap years/16 calendar years) means the next Presidential election, after the 2020 election, is February 29th, 2036. The next election for U.S. Representatives in February 29th, 2028 and U.S. Senators elected in 2020 face election again on February 29th, 2044. ...

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The Flawless Vision (In Portuguese)

By: Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai, Editor

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life will naturally ask themselves how to progress in spirituality, and how to live spiritual values. Must one somehow transcend good and bad, right and wrong? When does one’s spiritual development truly begin? By enlightened definition, the foundation of a spiritual life is a faultless worldview; and to achieve such vision, Self realization is required. In the book “The Flawless Vision”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan states: “When a person does not have Self-realization (spiritual enlightenment), he always sees faults in others and can never see his own mistake.” Dadashri explains how to attain the Self – describing that the knowledge of Self is the beginning of true spirituality. An automatic outcome and one of the most prominent signs of spiritual awakening, is faultless vision of the entire world. Among the many spiritual books available from spiritual teachers today, “The Flawless Vision” is a unique and precious....

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Ācārya Samantabhadra’s Yuktyānuśāsana आचार्य समन्तभद्र विरचित "युक्त्यनुशासन" : ("वीरजिनस्तोत्र"): ("वीरजिनस्तोत्र")

By: Vijay K. Jain

जिनशासन प्रणेता आचार्य समन्तभद्र (लगभग दूसरी शती) ने "युक्त्यनुशासन", जिसका अपरनाम "वीरजिनस्तोत्र" है, में अखिल तत्त्व की समीचीन एवं युक्तियुक्त समीक्षा के द्वारा श्री वीर जिनेन्द्र के निर्मल गुणों की स्तुति की है। युक्तिपूर्वक ही वीर शासन का मण्डन किया गया है और अन्य मतों का खण्डन किया गया है। प्रत्यक्ष (दृष्ट) और आगम (इष्ट) से अविरोधरूप अर्थ का जो अर्थ से प्ररूपण है उसे युक्त्यनुशासन कहते हैं। यहाँ अर्थ का रूप स्थिति (ध्रौव्य), उदय (उत्पाद) और व्यय (नाश) रूप तत्त्व-व्यवस्था को लिए हुए है, क्योंकि वह सत् है। आचार्य समन्तभद्र ने यह भी प्रदर्शित किया है कि किस प्रकार दूसरे सर्वथा एकान्त शासनों में निर्दिष्ट वस्तुतत्त्व प्रमाणबाधित है तथा अपने अस्तित्व को सिद्ध करने में असमर्थ है। आचार्य समन्तभद्र ग्रन्थ के अन्त में घोषणा करते हैं कि इस स्तोत्र का उद्देश्य तो यही है कि जो लोग न्याय-अन्याय को पहचानना चाहते हैं और प्रकृत पदार्थ के गुण-दोषों को जानने की जिनकी इच्छा है, उनके लिए यह "हितोन्वेषण के उपायस्वरूप" सिद्ध हो। श्री वीर जिनेन्द्र का स्याद्वाद शासन ही "सर्वोदय तीर्थ" है।...

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By: Jaime Abram Lerner

Vrooom é um romance contemporâneo que se passa na pré-história, quando o homo sapiens estava recém dando seus primeiros passos na comunicação oral. Pode ser visto também como uma fábula alegórica que questiona termos como progresso e civilização. O projeto de sua publicação digital foi contemplado no edital FAC Digital RS 2020....

"O medo recolheu toda a tribo para dentro da caverna, mas apesar da grande plateia presente foi o parto menos assistido, pois a atenção de todos se fixava na tempestade impiedosa. A parturiente gemia enquanto o vento uivava num dueto de arrepiar. Gemia pelas dores do parto, pelo abandono, pela aflição dos dentes batendo em volta, pelo mistério das forças que arremessavam chuvas e trovoadas contra a rocha que os abrigava. No meio de toda a balbúrdia, ninguém ouviu o choro inaugural cuja sonoridade determinava o nome de quem nascia na tribo. Por isso, ele foi chamado de Vrooom, mistura de vento e trovão, como o som da tempestade que abafou seu pranto quando foi expelido da caverna uterina e vislumbrou o mundo pela primeira vez."...

Prefácio Primeira Parte Segunda parte Sobre o Autor

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Brave New Child

By: Dr. Terrence Webster-Doyle

The intention of Brave New Child is to question the conventional process by which we rear and educate children so that we can begin to understand how education contributes to creating conflict in relationship. This book examines the psychological structure of the conditioned mind, a mind educated to live life according to idealistic patterns of behavior established by society and reinforced through the numerous social and educational situations created out of this conditioning. The intent of this book and the series is to enquire into how and why psychological conditioning comes into being and to explore the destructive nature of its influence – both individually and socially....

“Perhaps the most important intention in educating young people is to provide an environment that is free from fear. Fear generates hate and violence, and therefore prevents understanding. The nature and structure of fear must be explored within this new school if young people are to be free of conflict.”...

Foreword: Education for the 21st Century – A Crisis in Learning Introduction: Freedom from Psychological Conditioning Author’s Note The Essence of Learning – Observations on Psychological Conditioning and an Examination into the Nature of Enquiry and Intelligence A New Education for Sane and Intelligent Living – The Intention of a New School and a Presentation of a New Perspective in Teaching Academics and Living Skills Education and Self-Discovery – Enquiring into the Structure of Consciousness and the Roots of Learning A Sample Curriculum for Understanding Conditioning – Sample Activities for Children That Teachers and Parents Can Use to Develop an Understanding of the Influences of Psychological Conditioning The Martial Arts in Education: Solving Conflict Nonviolently – A Look at How the Practice of Martial Arts Can Help People Avoid Reacting Physically to Psychological Threats Observations on Education and Living – Commentaries on Vital Issues for a New Education • The Quality of Attention in Learning • Learning That Has No Motive • Prisoners of Freedom • Death and the Unknown • The Meaning of Suffering • ...

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01 Ziarat E Muqadisa زیارات مقدسہ - افتخار احمد حافظ قادری : 01 Ziarat E Muqadisa زیارات مقدسہ - افتخار احمد حافظ قادری, Volume 1: 01 Ziarat E Muqadisa زیارات مقدسہ - افتخار احمد حافظ قادری

By: Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri افتخار احمد حافظ قادری

بلاد اسلامیہ (شام،اردن،عراق،ترکی،پاکستان) میں زیارات مقدسہ پر ایمان افروز تذکرہ نادر و نایاب تصاویر کے ھمراہ مع مشاھیر( پاکستان میں جمہوریہ ترکی کے سفیر ، صدر نشین مقتدرہ قومی زبان ، اعزازی معاون خصوصی اردو ڈائجسٹ و صدر آل جموں وکشمیر ) کے تاثرات، پیش لفظ از سجادہ نشین آستانہ عالیہ بھیرہ شریف وتقریظ از ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر نیشنل لائبریری آف پاکستان ، اسلام آباد ۔ تعداد صفحات کتاب 248 مع فرنٹ وبیک ٹائیٹل ۔ تعداد تصاویر 95 عدد Click for our other books: مصنف کتاب ھذا قارئین کرام کی دعاوں کا طلب گار ھے...

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The ego self is the seed it only recognizes itself when it’s sowed

Table of contents Introductions Her Silence 1 Part One Beginnings and Endings Chapter One: All for One 3 Chapter Two: Resonating 5 Chapter Three: Empathy 8 Chapter Four: Choices 10 Chapter Five: Lemonades 12 Part Two Realizations Chapter Six: Something into Nothing 15 Chapter Seven: Seed 19 Chapter Eight: Liberation 20 Chapter Nine: No filter 22 Part Three Now Chapte...

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Let Us Recognize the Extensive Forms of the Ego (Eng. Dadavani Oct-2020)

By: Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai, Editor

Who are our enemies in this world? Kashay (anger, pride, deceit, and greed)! And whose support do these kashay have? It is of the ego. To believe oneself to be what he is not is ego (ahamkaar) and it is indeed because of this that the world perpetuates. The One whose ego and myness have become completely destroyed, through the grace of such a Gnani Purush, through the spiritual powers of the Gnan Vidhi on the Akram path, one can permanently become free from the living ego within two hours. Now what remains is the discharging ego. After attaining Gnan, as one recognizes this ego, as one understands that the ego is wrong, as it is Seen as separate [from the Self], it gradually dissolves. In the current edition, in order to recognize the ego, its detailed form has been explained. The ardent prayer is that after attaining Gnan, this edition will act as the first step for mahatmas to progress as the Self (Purusharth) by recognizing the form of the discharging ego and clearing it!...

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Surfing the Scriptures : An Old-Testament survey of the Sceptre: An Old-Testament survey of the Sceptre

By: Brian E. R. Limmer

There are two major themes in the Bible. The first is what has gone wrong with our world and the second what can be done to put it right. God will put it right by delivering Human-beings from themselves. He began the process with a promise in Genesis chapter 3, and the Old-Testament shows how he cannot break a promise ...

Our Bible is a remarkable book. It is more than just a clever view of history it was written down by forty authors of all walks of life from king to labourers and all between It was written over a span of one-thousand-five-hundred-years in three languages, There is no way these writers could collaborate with one another and yet it has one unified theme and message all the way through. Peter said, “For the word was not written by the will and schemes of man, but holy men of God wrote under the power of the Holy Spirit”.1 The Bible has many minor themes woven through it but it answers two overriding questions; What has gone wrong with the world and how can it be put right. The overall answer is, God is going to put it right, and he is going to do it by rescuing us from ourselves. The plot unfolds as to how he is going to do that in the story of redemption—the story of rescue. The Book of Genesis introduces us to the plot of this drama. When early Hebrews wanted to read Genesis, they picked out a papyrus scroll from a pitched lined storage box. Unrolling it enough to read the first few lines, they would check if it was the re...

INTRODUCTION 8 Chapter 1 GENESIS 18 Chapter 2 EXODUS 28 Chapter 3 LEVITICUS 46 Chapter 4 NUMBERS TO DEUTERONOMY 52 PREAMBLE TO THE PROPHETS 58 Chapter 6 JOSHUA 62 Chapter 7 JUDGES 70 Chapter 8 RUTH 84 Chapter 9 SAMUEL 92 Chapter 10 KINGS 108 Chapter 11 JONAH 118 Chapter 12 OBADIAH 126 Chapter 13 JOEL 134 Chapter 14 MICAH 138 Chapter 15 NAHUM 146 Chapter 16 HABAKKUK 152 Chapter 17 AMOS 160 Chapter 18 HOSEA 166 Chapter 19 ISAIAH 178 Chapter 20 JEREMIAH AND LAMENTATIONS 190 PREAMBLE TO APOCALYPTIC BOOKS 202 Chapter 21 DANIEL 206 Chapter 22 EZEKIEL 216 Chapter 23 CHRONICLES 226 Chapter 24 ESTHER 236 Chapter 25 EZRA AND NEHEMIAH 246 Chapter 26 HAGGAI ZECHARIAH AND MALACHI 260 PREAMBLE TO WRITINGS 274 Chapter 27 JOB 280 Chapter 28 PROVERBS 288 Chapter 29 SONG OF SONGS 294 Chapter 30 PSALMS 300 ...

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Overturning Tables : Biblical examples of Spiritual Character: Biblical examples of Spiritual Character

By: Brian E. R. Limmer

It is not always easy to distinguish the purposes of God from mundane living. Habakkuk thought the answer was to police the laws more strongly and clean up the justice system. The Pharisees thought the answer was more sacrifices. It took Jesus to overturn those tables to make it clear they were wrong; Paul understood what was going on. In 2 Corinthians 3: 3 he wrote : 'You are writings of Christ, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not laid on tables of stone, but kept in tables of the heart'. In this book are some examples of how to distinguish the purposes of God from everyday living. It tells just some stories of the people who believed and ran with the law written in their heart. Some were rich some were poor, some were kings some were slaves, some are well known and some you may never of heard about. My hope is it will help train the eye of insight into what to look for as you journey through life. ...

Introduction Did you know the Egyptians had more than two-thousand gods? The most High of all these gods was Amun. Amun’s right-hand-god was Ra, the god of fire. Whenever the Egyptian army went to war, Amun and Ra teamed up to ensure victory. The Egyptian army called this team Amun-Ra. Amun-Ra was a ruthless combination, destroying anything in the way, the army would help the work of Ra by torching everything in its path. Ra was believed to visit the sky in his chariot each morning and pass through the realms of the underworld each night. If the weather became cloudy while an army was at war, the solders would presume Ra was no longer on their side. That may be why they panicked when the Hebrew slaves, shielded by a cloud, crossed the Red Sea. The god of the Nile was named Hapi1. Hapi was the fertility god and very popular throughout Ancient Egypt. According to myth, Hapi set out from his home in the heavens, travelled through the land of the dead, emerging in an unknown cave in upper Egypt before taking a journey down the Nile every year. For more than three-thousand-years, people have tried to pin-point the source of ...

Table of Contents Forward 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 1: Aligning Forces 19 1: Getting in line 19 2: Dealing with the status quo 21 3: Discerning the soul from the spirit 23 Chapter 2: Opposing Forces 33 1: You Choose 35 2: The spirit and the law 38 3: Where are you from 41 4: An Angel told me 45 Chapter 3: Imputing Righteousness 51 1: Bar-Mitsva Boy 51 2: Joining a new Family 55 3: I, being on the road 63 Chapter 4: Principles of Testing 73 1: Testing improves character 74 2: Testing is not for comparison but transformation 76 3: Testing is the walk not the fate’ accompli. 79 4: Testing is for our eternal improvement. 81 5: Testing improves the eyesight. 83 6: Testing needs a good hard inward look. 86 7: Testing enhances and empowers 89 Chapter 5: Dealing with Human Frailty 93 1: Youthful energy 94 2: Finding your Call. 101 3: Learning teamwork 108 4: The daily grind 113 5: Mid-life Crisis 118 6: Take Time Out 124 7: Retirement 128 8: Barzillai’s Lament 133 Chapter 6: Nurtured Nature 141 1: Blessings and curses 141 2: Welcome Home 145 3: Line of Judah 148 Chapter 7: Dealing with Cultural Pressure ...

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60 Kisra Al-Arab Syeduna Muavia R.A. Ahwal.Asaar.Manaqib کسری العرب سیدنا معاویہ بن ابو سفیان (Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri افتخار احمد حافظ قادری) : 60 Kisra Al-Arab Syeduna Muavia R.A. Ahwal.Asaar.Manaqib کسری العرب سیدنا معاویہ بن ابو سفیان (Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri افتخار احمد حافظ قادری ) , Volume 1: 60 Kisra Al-Arab Syeduna Muavia R.A. Ahwal.Asaar.Manaqib کسری العرب سیدنا معاویہ بن ابو سفیان (Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri افتخار احمد حافظ قادری )

By: Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri (Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri افتخار احمد حافظ قادری)

حضرت سیّدنا معاویہ رضی اللہ عنہ کے احوال پر یہ کتاب دو سو صفحات اور چار ابواب پر مشتمل ھے۔اپ کے ذاتی احوال کے علاوہ آپ کے خاندان پربھی قلم اٹھایا گیا ھے۔...

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ALBUM 02 - Photographs (Rare) of Ziarat e Iran . تصاویر زیارات سرزمین ایران (Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri - افتخار احمد حافظ قادرى) : ALBUM 02 - Photographs (Rare) of Ziarat e Iran . تصاویر زیارات سرزمین ایران (Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri - افتخار احمد حافظ قادرى), Volume 1: ALBUM 02 - Photographs (Rare) of Ziarat e Iran . تصاویر زیارات سرزمین ایران (Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri - افتخار احمد حافظ قادرى)

By: Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri افتخار احمد حافظ قادرى

Photographs of Bastam Sharif, Kharakan Sharif, Sufi Abad, Gilan Province, Turbat Haideria, Neshapur and Madhad Muqadas. زیارات بسطام ۔ خرقان ۔ صوفی آباد ۔ گیلان معلی ۔ تربت حیدریہ ۔ نیشاپور ۔و مشہد مقدس...

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Still Casting Shadows : A Shared Mosaic of U.S. History: A Shared Mosaic of U.S. History

By: B. Clay Shannon

Still Casting Shadows: A Shared Mosaic of U.S. History is a history of the United States as it pertained to the common man and woman, boy and girl. It is unlike most history books in that, rather than focusing on political leaders and events, and European-Americans almost exclusively, much about the common people of all races is included. ...

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”—Søren Kierkegaard My original hope in writing this account was for it to eventually contain enough information to fill a thin volume. This I would present to my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary in late summer 2006. The compilation was to include as much family information as I could gather, and a little general history to put the lives of our families’ ancestors in historical context, so as to better picture them in the milieu in which they lived. This collection of family and national stories and events, though, quickly took on the proverbial “life of its own.” From the expected thin volume, it has expanded to the point where it had to be split into two volumes: Volume I covers 1620–1913, and Volume II covers 1914 to 2006. Although still intended primarily as a 50th anniversary present to my parents, the history it contains has grown not only in sheer size (word count), but also in terms of its “specifics-to-generalities” ratio—that is to say, its volume of purely historical information as compared to family-specific data. Although certainly...

Plymouth Rocks International Harvesters Who Gives This Woman? Desire of the Pilgrims Raghorne the Heifer Patronized Saints Setting Fire to the Fox’s Tail Uniting of Couples and Colonies Marshfield Marshal Sole Survivors Barnstable Constable Cruelty and Hard Usage A Sword or a Gun in the Belly Which Witch is Which? A Courtship Interrupted by the Court A Gentleman and a Scholar The Severity of the Season Burden of Beasts Letter from Plymouth Jail Peace and Love Paperwork and Nostalgia French and Indian Wars The History of a Campaign that Failed Eastward Ho! A Pox on their House Sweet Remembrance Spoils of War The Orphan Gorham’s Rangers to the Rescue Equal Opportunity Terrorists Dukes and Kings A Wild and Uncontrollable Ruffian The Fog of War Seven Years of Death and Destruction The Fall Fall Appalachian Spring Stamp This! There Goes the Neighborhood A Motley Rabble Banned in Boston Outsized Satellite You Say You Want a Revolution The Blood of Patriots and Tyrants On the Waterfront Constitutional Crunching Numbers Quaker Oats Put a Cork In It Watch Yarmouth Cheap at Twice the Price! Th...

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Eve Treif Animus

By: Hon. Richard Ward Custer

Within the Comedy Version of "Anarchemy", the Corporate Governance Committee has finally met it's match; -an her name is Eve... -The Late-Night Corporate Comedy Show Host for Telco; -an disenfranchised affiant of the C.G.C. as their aging-Board explores an tragic experience with A.I. Administration......

Speed-Bloggers had already listed their life’s work within the Crypto-Pixel crayon of the Gray-Web internet; -the brand of ‘Gray-Leather Java’ In-Memorium gesture more-often reserved for use by the administrators of Stasi-maintained A.I.-Clouds within an private Nano-Net, but the dearth of mis-spellings was only de-valued by an insistent gapping-issue linked to the inefficiency of squirrel-graded encryptions, Route-Print Roulette issues and the core inefficiency-model of the digital code itself, less than Fifteen-minutes into the event....

Chapter One “Eve Treif Animus” Chapter Two “Zombium” Chapter Three “The Motherland” Chapter Four “Memburu” Chapter Five “Cyborg Logic-Control”...

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Sabura 2004-2014

By: Ph.D. Marco Pais Neves dos Santos

Venha conhecer a nossa tradição e divertir-se, venha conhecer um pouco de África. Era uma vez…Foram tantas vezes, que muitas gentes, de muitos mun- dos, com alguns tijolos construíram mão-na-mão, pedra-na-pedra, vontade de muitos, vontade de poucos…um lugar onde poderá encontrar na música e nos sabores, o pilão e a mandioca, a cachupa e o crioulo, o grogue e o jogo do uril, o batuque e o funaná….o artesanato e os brinquedos de lata, as mil danças e as mil tranças…...

Prefacio ....................................................................9 Nota do autor ..............................................................11 Projeto Sabura: das origens aos dias atuais. ...............................14 Projeto Sabura: uma década em avaliação. ..................................101 Projeto Sabura: oferta de produtos e serviços. ............................117 Referências Bibliográficas ................................................173...

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Album 01 - Photographs of Ziarat e Iran - سرزمین ایران میں موجود زیارات مقدسہ کی تصویری البم : Album 01 - Photographs of Ziarat e Iran - سرزمین ایران میں موجود زیارات مقدسہ کی تصویری البم , Volume 1: Album 01 - Photographs of Ziarat e Iran - سرزمین ایران میں موجود زیارات مقدسہ کی تصویری البم

By: Iftakhar Ahmad Hafiz Qadri افتخار احمد حافظ قادرى

رنگین و دیدہ زیب تصویری البم زیارات

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