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Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands

By: J. W. Buel

... OF AMERICA By the Viking Sea-Rovers, and Its Settlement by the Scandinavians in the Ninth Century. SUPPLEMENTED WITH THRILLING NARRATIVES OF VOYAG... ...RICA'S MOST FAMOUS ARTISTS. PUBLISHED AND MANUFACTURED BY HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ST. LOUIS, MO. ... ...- Adventures in the New World -- The first white man that ever set foot on the American continent -- Killing of Thorwald by natives -- His last instru... ...- Snakes and crocodiles -- The return to France -- Bougainville in the war for American independence 415- 422 CHAPTER XL. A Brief Biography of Captain... .... And if so many cities and nations have perished within the brief period that historic annals measure, how many changes must have taken place in the ... ...at the people there planted corn and made beer, that they lived in pretentious buildings having walls of stone, and that many towns and villages were ... ...stoms, but whose principal ambition was to glorify themselves with magnificent buildings and rich ornamentation. The people of Camul applied themselve... ...rning from there to England he married, and the year following was sent out to survey the coast of Newfoundland, during which service he was so fortun... ... he took possession of in the name of the King of Great Britain, and thereupon surveyed the coast for a distance of 1,300 miles, by which he proved by...

...stian supremacy over the most savage lands of the earth. Reciting astonishing incidents and perilous undertakings among wild beasts and savage people in heroic efforts for a reclamation of all lands to civilization, and recording a description of the riot of murder, pillage and inhumanity which characterized the pirates, marooners and buccaneers who ravaged the spanish mai...

... -- Building a strong nation -- The earliest navigators -- Evolution of the ship -- Discoveries of the ancients -- Islands of the long ago -- Changes in the earth's surface -- Commerce of Troy with India -- Expeditions sent out by Menelaus and Neco -- The circumnavigation of Africa by the ancients -- Solomon's navy -- Discovery of the West Indies by Carthaginians -- Hamilc...

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