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People from St. Simons, Georgia (X)

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Progress in Physics : The Journal on Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Including Related Themes from Mathematics, Volume 2

By: Florentin Smarandache

... Studies in Theoretical and Experimental Physics, including Related Themes from Mathematics PROGRESSINPHYSICS A quarterly issue scientifc journal, reg... ...urnal is powered by BaKoMa-T E X A variety of books can be downloaded free from the E-library of Science: smarandache ISSN... ...for Theor. Studies of Physical Systems, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, 30314, USA E-mail:; ... ...t invariant term, can be obtained from an action inspired from a BF-Chern- Simons-Higgs theory based on the conformal SO(3,2) group. The AdS 4 space i... ...n the right-hand-side of Eq.(51) can be similarly manipulated as follows I-st term= ∂U ∂x α ∂V ∂p β g βχ η ρμ ∂x χ ∂q ρ ∂x α ∂q μ = =g βχ g χα ∂U ∂x α... and lacks much of the experienced nature of... ...lso the neutralities. Why? Because when an idea is launched, a category of people will accept it, others will reject it, and a third one will ignore i...

...Progress in Physics has been created for publications on advanced studies in theoretical and experimental physics, including related themes from mathematics. All submitted papers should be professional, in good English, containing a brief review of a problem and obtained results. All submissions should be designed in LATEX format using Progress in Physics templat...

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Main Street

By: Sinclair Lewis

...saw flour-mills and the blinking windows of skyscrapers in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nor was she thinking of squaws and portages, and the Yankee fur-t... ...aching comedy of expectant youth. It is Carol Milford, fleeing for an hour from Blodgett College. The days of pioneering, of lassies in sunbonnets, an... ...onsin, the Dakotas send their children thither, and Blodgett protects them from the wickedness of the universities. But it secretes friendly girls, yo... near relative was a vanilla-fla- vored sister married to an optician in St. Paul. She had used most of the money from her father’s estate. She was ... ...them by clenching his hands behind him, and he stammered: “I know. You get people. Most of these darn co-eds— Say, Carol, you could do a lot for peopl... ...dmit I fall down in sympathy sometimes. I get so dog-gone impa- tient with people that can’t stand the gaff. You’d be good for a fellow that was too s... ...hose nature was not very clearly revealed to her, turn a prairie town into Georgian houses and Japanese bungalows. The next day in library class she h... ...d on dummies like corpses with painted cheeks. The Bon Ton Store—Haydock & Simons’—the largest shop in town. The first-story front of clear glass, the... ...n ground. Newness and an obvious notion of neatness and service. Haydock & Simons. Haydock. She had met a Haydock at the station; Harry Haydock; an ac...

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