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Virginia Democrats (X) Classic Literature Collection (X)

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 4 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

... his attention to the fact that he felicitates himself to-day that all the Democrats of the free States are agreeing with him, while he omits to tell ... ... the free States are agreeing with him, while he omits to tell us that the Democrats of any slave State agree with him. If he has not thought of this,... ...eiterated his charge of a con- spiracy or combination between the National Democrats and Republicans. What evidence Judge Douglas has upon this sub- j... ...d of it, and then he will be able to see all there is between the National Democrats and the Republicans. What we now think of the two divisions of De... ...uality. And down South, with the old-line Whigs, with the Kentuckians, the Virginians and the Tennesseeans, he tells you that there is a physical dif-... ...leston speech was what I would say down South among the Ken- tuckians, the Virginians, etc., but would not say in the regions in which was supposed to... ... to sustain the doctrine that we have a right to quarrel with Kentucky, or Virginia, or any of the slave States, about the institution of slavery,—thu... the existence of, the right to interfere with the States of Kentucky or Virginia in doing as they pleased with slavery Or any other existing instit... ...tual emancipation of all the slaves within their respective limits? W ould Virginia and other South- ern States have ever united in a declaration whic...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 7 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...and Duffle got considerable advantage of the enemy at and about Lewisburg, Virginia: and on Saturday, the seventh, Meade drove the enemy from Rappahan... me as directed a day or two ago, also send Edwin C. Claybrook, of Ninth Virginia rebel cavalry. A. LINCOLN. 54 The Writings of Abraham Lincoln: V ... ...atriot, I should be glad for him to be with his old acquaintances south of Virginia, but I am unable to suggest anything definite upon the subject. A.... ...obstructing the laws and public authori- ties, especially in the States of Virginia and Georgia; and Whereas, on the fifteenth day of September last, ... ... to embarrass the United States armies now operating in the said States of Virginia and Georgia, and even to endanger their safety. Now, therefore, I,... .... “We have to hold territory in inclement and sickly places; where are the Democrats to do this? It was a free fight, and the field was open to the wa... ...mocrats to do this? It was a free fight, and the field was open to the war Democrats to put down this 173 The Writings of Abraham Lincoln: V ol Seven...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 5 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...ty-four. In the Old Dominion—in the Demo- cratic and aristocratic State of Virginia—there were a few more mulattoes than the Census-takers found in Ne... ...lavery is voted down or voted up.” I am quite willing to believe that many Democrats would prefer that slavery should be always voted down, and I know... ...e believe that Edmunds and Morrill will spend this week among the National Democrats, trying to in- duce them to content themselves by voting for Jake... and allowing them to have slaves. A report made by Mr. Randolph, of Virginia, himself a slaveholder, was directly against it, and the action wa... ...f dollars and cents. I suggest to this portion of the Ohio Republicans, or Democrats, if there be any present, the serious consideration of this fact ... ...essed that idea. That same idea was expressed by the Richmond Enquirer, in Virginia, in 1856,—quite two years before it was expressed by the first of ... .... I don’t think that you can discover that Douglas ever talked of going to Virginia to “squelch” out that idea there. No. More than that. That same Ro... ...little wonder- ful; but that wonder is heightened when we see that Wise of Virginia, a man exactly opposed to them, a man who believes in the divine r... ...T OF SPEECH AT LEA VENWORTH, KANSAS, DECEMBER, 1859. ............. But you Democrats are for the Union; and you greatly fear the success of the Republ...

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By: Sinclair Lewis

...i- date for mayor of Zenith on an alarming labor ticket. To oppose him the Democrats and Republicans united on Lucas Prout, a mattress-manufacturer wi... ... some day be a Third Party which would give trouble to the Republicans and Democrats. Escott shook hands with Babbitt three times, at parting. Babbitt... ...our vertebrae. Well, my guest to-day is from such a place, Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, in the beautiful Southland, with 226 Babbitt memories of good ol... ...ntity. He recalled their high lights the sum- 302 Babbitt mer vacation in Virginia meadows under the blue wall of the mountains; their motor tour thr...

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Main Street

By: Sinclair Lewis

...o the bank for a talk, and tell ‘em a few things. I don’t mind their being democrats, so much, but I won’t stand having socialists around. But thank G... ... coaxing to all persons over forty-five, Carol got them into a waltz and a Virginia Reel. But when she left them to disenjoy themselves in their own w... ...prettiness of Maud Dyer, and Vida was noisily in- terested in getting up a Virginia Reel. Without seeming 261 Sinclair Lewis to watch Kennicott, she ... ...tan Apollo nameless and evasive—building a house in the Berk- shires or in Virginia; exuberantly buying a chair with his first check; reading poetry t...

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The Pioneers Or, The Sources of the Susquehanna a Descriptive Tale

By: James Fenimore Cooper

... in many of the native dialects. Thus we find Rappahannock as far south as Virginia. 127 James Fenimore Cooper jury you have received from Judge T em... ...of your Washington’—a very sensible man, I declare, and none of your crazy democrats. Hum, hum—’our gallant navy’—hum, hum—’under our most excellent m... ...e had filled the honorable station of sergeant-major to a dashing corps of Virginia cav- alry through much of the recent war. Another of these skeptic...

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The Lesser Bourgeoisie (The Middle Classes)

By: Honoré de Balzac

..., and not Joseph Bridau; his book 52 The Lesser Bourgeoisie was “Paul and Virginia.” The greatest living poet for him was Casimire de la Vigne; to hi... ...ed la Peyrade; “but I couldn’t move her resolution. Don’t you see, my dear democrats, you stirred up the revolution of ’89; you thought to make a fine...

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A Modern Utopia

By: H. G. Wells

...ness of the half-breed is best to be learnt from a drunken mean white from Virginia or the Cape. The half-breed, one hears, combines all the vices of ... would seem that the ideal of the British Liberals and of the Ameri- can Democrats is to favour the existence of just as many petty, loosely allied,...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 1 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

... than ever. The bonds of accustomed party allegiance gave way. Antislavery Democrats and antislavery Whigs felt them- selves drawn together by a commo... ... and when he, an old Whig, could not obtain the votes of the Anti-Nebraska Democrats neces- sary to make a majority, he generously urged his friends t... ...d occasion- ally spoken on the ostensible issues between the Whigs and the Democrats, the tariff, internal improvements, banks, and so on, but only in... ...ltimore con- vention would nominate Douglas, while the seceding South- ern Democrats would set up a candidate of their own, rep- resenting extreme pro... ...m Lincoln: V ol One asm and hope. The situation was easily understood. The Democrats would have the South. In order to succeed in the election, the Re... ...ock, a Dutch ship had discharged a cargo of African slaves at Jamestown in Virginia: All through the colonial period their importation had continued. ... ...l justice; and finally the execution of John Brown, for his wild raid into Virginia, to invite the slaves to rally to the standard of freedom which he... ...s in the West had been balanced and paralyzed by inaction and disasters in Virginia, only partially redeemed by the bloody and indecisive battle of An...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 6 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...LLAN. W ASHINGTON CITY, May 15, 1862. MAJOR-GENERAL McCLELLAN, Cumberland, Virginia: Y our long despatch of yesterday is just received. I will answer ... ...S. WAR DEPARTMENT, May 24, 1862. 1.30 P.M. COLONEL MILES, Harper’s Ferry, Virginia Could you not send scouts from Winchester who would tell whether e... .... WAR DEPARTMENT, May 24, 1862. 7.15 P.M. MAJOR-GENERAL FREMONT, Franklin, Virginia: Many thanks for the promptness with which you have answered that ... ...TARY CHASE. WAR DEPARTMENT, May 25, 1862. SECRETARY CHASE, Fredericksburg, Virginia: It now appears that Banks got safely into Winchester last night, ... ...LL. WAR DEPARTMENT, May 26, 1862. 1 P.M. MAJOR-GENERAL McDOWELL, Falmouth, Virginia: Despatches from Geary just received have been sent you. Should no... ...h you request of me, I cannot overlook the fact that the meeting speak as “Democrats.” Nor can I, with full respect for their known intelligence, and ... ...ent, or in any way other than that they preferred to designate themselves “Democrats” rather than “American citizens.” In this time of national peril ... ... denied me this I will yet be thankful for the country’s sake that not all Democrats have done so. He on whose discretionary judgment Mr. V allandigha... ...ial mantle at the hands of President Jackson. And still more: of all those Democrats who are nobly exposing their lives and shedding their blood on th...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 3 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...aham Lincoln: V ol Three ably they can be bought cheaper in Africa than in Virginia. He has done all in his power to reduce the whole question of sla-... ...s.] Y es, he furnished himself, and if you suppose he controlled the other Democrats that went with him, he furnished three votes; while the Republica... ...e five to one Republi- cans who beat that bill. Everything must be for the Democrats! They did everything, and the five to the one that really did the... ...linois to interfere with the cranberry laws of Indiana, the oyster laws of Virginia, or the liquor laws of Maine. I have said these things over and ov... ...ot done it; they, too, as well as the Re- publicans and the Anti-Lecompton Democrats, have not done it; but on the contrary, they together have insist... ... more. In the House of Representatives his class of men—the Anti-Lecompton Democrats—formed a number of about twenty . It took one hundred and twenty ... ...As another piece of evidence tending to this same point: Quite recently in Virginia, a man—the owner of slaves—made a will providing that after his de... ... slaves. A suit was instituted, which finally came to the Supreme Court of Virginia, and was therein decided against the slaves upon the ground that a... Douglas deemed a “fatal blow” at State sover- eignty was elected by the Democrats as public printer. Now, gentlemen, you may take Judge Douglas’s s...

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Democracy in America

By: Alexis de Tocqueville that these very tribes *We learn from President Jefferson’s “Notes upon Virginia,” p. 148, that among the Iroquois, when attacked by a superior for... ...ctions of the American Philosophical Society,” v. I; Jefferson’s “Notes on Virginia,” pp. 135-190. What is said by Jefferson is of especial weight, on... ...w World. *i The Europeans *We learn from President Jefferson’s “Notes upon Virginia,” p. 148, that among the Iroquois, when attacked by a superior for... ...ctions of the American Philosophical Society,” v. I; Jefferson’s “Notes on Virginia,” pp. 135-190. What is said by Jefferson is of especial weight, on... ...ho established themselves on the shores of the New World – Colonization of Virginia – Colonization of New England – Original char- acter of the first ... ... The Republi- cans are the representatives of the old Federalists, and the Democrats of the old Republicans. – T rans. Note (1861). 200 Democracy in ...

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What Is Coming a Forecast of Things after the War

By: H. G. Wells

...ras and enclosed parks, instead of gin and water, bank holiday outings and Virginia shag, is less likely to come from the Prime Minister class than fr... ...t. The mercantile and professional classes will join hands with the social democrats to remove the decaying incubus of the Hohenzollern system, and Ge...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 2 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...Canfield says he would like to have a document or two from you. The Locos (Democrats) here are in considerable trouble about Van Buren’s letter on Tex... ...ere are in considerable trouble about Van Buren’s letter on Texas, and the Virginia elec- tors. They are growing sick of the Tariff question; and 5 T... ...w in a great measure superseded by what had fallen from the gentleman from Virginia who had just taken his seat. He begged to assure his friends on th... ... that the Committee on the Post-office was composed of five Whigs and four Democrats, and their report was un- derstood as sustaining, not impugning, ... ... That report had met with the approbation of all the Whigs, and of all the Democrats also, with the exception of one, and he wanted to go even further... in poli- tics, while in this respect he agreed with the gentleman from Virginia [Mr. Botts], whom he wished to oblige whenever it was in his power... this, he had begun with prepossessions in favor of the gentle- man from Virginia. As to the report, he had but one remark to make: he had carefully... any quarter. He supposed that the statements made by the gentleman from Virginia to show this were all entirely correct in point of fact. He did su... ... silent on that point, at least till the war should be ended. Some leading Democrats, including ex-President Van Buren, have taken this same view, as ...

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A Plea for Captain John Brown

By: Henry David Thoreau

...’ day, and eat parched corn in remembrance of that time. They were neither Democrats nor Republicans, but men of simple habits, straightforward, praye... ... an ordinary malefactor, though one of unusual “pluck,”—as the Governor of Virginia is reported to have said, using the lan- guage of the cock-pit, “t... are they who rule and are obeyed here. It was Massachusetts, as well as Virginia, that put down this insurrection at Harper’s Ferry. She sent the m...

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North America Volume One

By: Anthony Trollope

...t the North will also claim Maryland and Delaware, and the eastern half of Virginia. The North will claim them, though they are attached to the South ... ...n in the great social institution of slavery—for Maryland, Dela- ware, and Virginia are slave States—and I think that the North will ultimately make g... Maryland and Delaware lie, as it were, behind the capital, and Eastern Virginia is close upon the capital. And these regions are not tropical in t... ... will also claim Tennessee, Kentucky, 118 North America V ol. 1 Missouri, Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland, and will en- deavor to prove its right to... the law of the land in those States. Of Delaware, Maryland, and Eastern Virginia, I have al- ready spoken. Western Virginia is, I think, so little ... ... own party could say for him, even in his own State of New York. As to the Democrats, their language respecting him was as harsh as any that I have he... .... Lin- coln at that time submitted himself to a compromise in favor of the Democrats, promising the support of the gov- 323 Trollope ernment to certa...

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Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington to Bill Clinton

...pect to which we ought not to be, in a partisan sense, either Republicans or Democrats, but fellow citizens and fellowmen, to whom the interests of a ... ... Dakota has now a population greater than any of the original States (except Virginia) and greater than the aggregate of five of the smaller States in... ... The offices of President and Vice President have been put into the hands of Democrats. What does the change mean? That is the question that is upperm... ...e His purpose. Jimmy Carter INAUGURAL ADDRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1977 The Democrats reclaimed the White House in the 1976 election. The Governor fr... ...r better than in those times of great challenge when we came together not as Democrats or Republi cans, but as Americans united in a common cause. Tw... ... INAUGURAL ADDRESSES OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES 347 Adams and a Virginia planter named Jefferson, mem bers of that remarkable group who ...

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The French Revolution a History Volume One

By: Thomas Carlyle

...l been set on; enlisted, though without tuck of drum,—by Aristo- crats, by Democrats, by D’Orleans, D’Artois, and enemies of the public weal. Nay Hist... ... Senator to Merchant’s-Clerk, Book-dealer, Vice-King; in many places, from Virginia to Sardinia, shalt, ever as a brave man, find employment. (Biograp...

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The $30,000 Bequest : And Other Stories

By: Mark Twain

...ion of the Declaration of Independence, the speech of Patrick Henry in the Virginia House of Delegates, and many other old time reminiscences of stirr... ... to be vivid; if it is a crowd of ten thousand—ten thousand proud, untamed democrats, horny handed sons of toil and of poli tics, and fliers of the e...

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The French Revolution a History

By: Thomas Carlyle

...all been set on; enlisted, though without tuck of drum,—by Aristocrats, by Democrats, by D’Orleans, D’Artois, and enemies of the pub- lic weal. Nay Hi... ... Senator to Merchant’s-Clerk, Book-dealer, Vice-King; in many places, from Virginia to Sardinia, shalt, ever as a brave man, find employ- ment. (Biogr... ...King, and even death for him, the glory of all Frenchmen,—except these few Democrats? Let Democrat Constitution-builders see what they will do without... ...ts Arsenal; and then on Electoral Mentz, not uninvited, wherein are German Democrats and no shadow of an Elector now:—so that in the last days of Octo...

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North America Volume Two

By: Anthony Trollope

...y any speedy increase. Three avenues sweep the whole length of Washington: Virginia Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Massachusetts Avenue. But Pennsyl... ..., perhaps, a little tinged with 21 Trollope Southern proclivities. On the Virginian side of the Potomac stands a country- house called Arlington Heig... ...the river, and that Arlington Heights, Alexandria, and Mount Vernon are in Virginia. The River Potomac divided the two old colonies, or States as they... ...burb—and the only suburb—of Washington. The portion of the district on the Virginian side included Arlington heights, and went so far down the river a... ...cluded Arlington heights, and went so far down the river as to take in the Virginian City of Alexandria. This was the extreme western point of the dis... ...he record which has been made of his public misdeeds. He is decried by the Democrats because he is a Republican, and by the anti-abolitionists because... ...ther of those politi- cians in the States who have since taken the name of Democrats, and in accordance with whose theory it has come to pass that eve... ...ct that many Senators, especially those who have been sent to the House as Democrats, do allow the State legislatures to dictate to them their votes, ... ...ow say that the necessity has as yet disappeared. In the minds of thorough democrats it will be considered much that the poorest man of the people sho...

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What Is Man and Other Essays of Mark Twain

By: Mark Twain

...fairs. Let us see how it is with their immaterials. Both have been zealous Democrats; both have been zeal ous Republicans; both have been zealous Mug... ...e another step toward literature. For amusement I scribbled things for the Virginia City enterprise. One isn’t a printer ten years without setting up... Brown was a very good insane man who tried to get fugitives slaves into Virginia. He captured all the inhabitants, but was finally con quered and ... ... Italy has three or four domestic brands: the Minghetti, the T rabuco, the Virginia, and a very coarse one which is a modification of the Virginia. Th... me, too; I don’t re member the price. But one has to learn to like the Virginia, nobody is born friendly to it. It looks like a rat tail file, but...

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Considerations on Representative Government

By: John Stuart Mill

...o form it, but in those who are formed by it. Mr. Bright and his school of democrats think themselves greatly concerned in maintaining that the franch... ...ident and of Congress were binding solely on the governments of New Y ork, Virginia, or Pennsylvania, and could only be carried into effect through or...

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The 9/11 Commission Report Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

By: Thomas H. Kean

...eople for their consideration. Ten Commissioners—five Republicans and five Democrats chosen by elected leaders from our nation’s capital at a time of ... ...dreds of miles southwest of Boston, at Dulles International Airport in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., five more men were preparing to take ... ... Sector Graphics courtesy of ESRI Final1-4.4pp 7/17/04 9:12 AM Page 15 Virginia, which oversees daily traffic flow within the entire airspace syst... ...ard Base in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Langley Air Force Base in Hampton,Virginia. 100 Other facilities, not on “alert, ” would need time to arm the... ...EADS considered scrambling alert fighters from Lan- gley Air Force Base in Virginia to New Y ork, to provide backup.The Langley fighters were placed o... ...orce Base to look for a downed aircraft.The center also contacted the West Virginia State Police and asked whether any reports of a downed aircraft ha...

...ident of the United States, the United States Congress, and the American people for their consideration. Ten Commissioners--five Republicans and five Democrats chosen by elected leaders from our nation?s capital at a time of great partisan division--have come together to present this report without dissent....

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