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Washington, D.C. Lawyers (X) Science (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...entatives are nearly always beholden to somebody: oil interests, doctors, lawyers, Christians, Jews, gambling interests, retired people, teachers, l... ...s Madison, Ben Franklin, John Adams, Ethan Allen, Thomas Paine and George Washington. ―It is often difficult, if not impossible to separate... ...ames Madison, your fourth president, were even more outspoken than George Washington in their antagonism to organized religion. They also can be of... ...both here and in New England.‘ ―Some question the beliefs of George Washington. He often accompanied his wife to church but left before the co... is not the key to questioning any creating supernatural entity. Lawyers‘ educations do not explore evolutionary biology. A medical educatio... ..., evolutionary biology, philosophy and history. But the huge majority are lawyers. So they should be pretty competent in writing criminal laws and c...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...e destructive confidence of a judge rests in an entire social network of laws-lawyers-police-legislators-Army-Navy-Air force and a whole host of Gov... ... supposed to have thought of it first; has not only opened the floodgates for lawyers to cheat everyone and complicate the system so applying for an... ...ou do; then you are not allowed to use your own idea. If a corporation hires lawyers and brings you to court even though your new idea is valid and ... his farewell speech. Americans ignored the corporate takeover of power in Washington and bought the crappy cars and crappy houses and thought th... ... and they are still rust free. Luxor was sabotaged by the robber barons and Washington, and shut down. Because civilization cannot abide anything... ...f the entire system of legalized bribery influence peddling, and corruption in Washington. They have had their lobbyists there for decades now. Jus...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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