Search Results (24 titles)

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Short Stories (X)

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Impresii Si Expresii (Reviews and Expressions)

By: Florentin Smarandache; Gheorge Niculescu

A book of poems, short stories, and sayings in Romanian.

Aşa precum poetul Tagore glăsuieşte, „Nimic nu este veşnic, nimic nu dăinuieşte!” Oricât de rău ne este sau bun de ne e traiul, Aicea este Iadul şi tot aici şi Raiul. Nu vrăjmăşiţi, nu faceţi păcate, nici în gând! Iubiţi-vă, că Raiul i-aicea, pe Pământ! Făceţi-vă prieteni, iertaţi-i pe duşmani! Nu fiţi robii averii. Dă-i dracului de bani! Trăieşte în decenţă, fii vesel şi curat; De ură şi prostie, nu fi încătuşat! Trăieşte-ţi viaţa sfântă, în fiecare zi; Gândeşte-te că mâine tu poţi a nu mai fi. C-aşa a zis Tagore: „Nimic nu dăinuieşte, Deci ţine minte asta şi te veseleşte!”. Just as the poet Tagore expresses itself, "Nothing is forever, nothing lasts!" No matter how bad or good we are we're living, And here is where is Hell and Heaven. No enemies do not unfortunately either way! Love you, that heaven is where I on earth! Do your friends, forgive his enemies! Do not be slaves of wealth. Fuck them money! He lives in decency, be cheerful and clean Hateful and stupid, do not be handcuffed! Live your life holy, every day; Just think that tomorrow you can not be. C-as Tagore said: "Nothing endures, So remembe...

FABULE, PARODII ŞI ALTE POEZII ........................... 9 CA-N POVEŞTI ......................................................... 10 IARNĂ POLITICĂ ...................................................... 12 CELEI CARE-NŞEALĂ ................................................ 15 DIFERENŢE ............................................................. 16 BALADA TRENULUI BĂTRÂN ..................................... 17 NINGE, NINGE, NINGE… ............................................ 18 LÂNGĂ-O STANCĂ NEAGRĂ ....................................... 19 TRATAMENT ........................................................... 20 CE TE LEGENI, TRENULE? .......................................... 21 LUNA ..................................................................... 23 ÎMPĂCARE .............................................................. 26 MUSCA ................................................................... 27 PRENATALĂ ............................................................ 28 S-A-NTORS ROATA ................................................... 29 PĂRUL DE LÂNGĂ DRUM ...................................

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A Matter of Angels : Slightly subversive survival stories

By: Nyla Nox

'The Virgin Mary had more lines but I had the better costume.' After the Christmas play was announced, I had been dreaming all autumn of the Virgin Mary and the essence of femininity that I knew the role possessed if I could only get it. No longer would I have to pull on pants, hide my hair, swagger around with plastic swords or sit in a chair uttering the mild regrets of middle age. No, for once I would be the centre of delight and attention, with a husband, a donkey and various deferential well-wishers from all walks of life to support my soft and vulnerable womanhood while at the same time getting the lion’s share of lines and scenes. Tender, frail, passive and beautiful, I would be the chosen one. The star. But since I had the wrong religion, this was not to be.' For everyone who has ever been in a school play, or whose daughter is in one right now. At the age of nine, Nyla runs into the hard facts of life. Her school nativity play turns out to be a pretty ugly affair. It opens up the cracks in the social divides, religious discrimination and dark family secrets. Told with wry humour and compassion for the pain of ch...

At first I had been upset. I was the best actress in class, not just by my own assessment but also as overheard several times in comments from my teacher. So when the roles were handed out, I was stunned. The lead went to a class mate who had never shown a special interest in the theatre. I looked at her. She smiled and acknowledged the privilege, her blonde hair shimmering in the late morning winter sunlight that fell through the class room windows. Was it my hair? Then I looked around in the room and at all the other girls who had been cast in background parts. Why her? The boys, of course, had plenty of parts to share amongst them. Joseph, shepherds, inn keepers, Romans, kings... At least I had been cast in the second best female part – I was the archangel Gabriel. But right then I have to admit I felt nothing but contempt for the archangel Gabriel. A consolation prize, appearing in only one scene. Why? The answer was a lot more complex than I knew. In fact I had fallen afoul of religious discrimination. It was a late aftertaste of the persecution that had made my ancestors walk all the way across Europe in search of a sa...

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Defective Writing

By: Florentin Smarandache

A collection of short prose essays.

CULTURAL NEWS1 (short prose poem) I queue up at the entry of art. queue for meat, queue for bread (Hurraaah Hurrah How fine is our life!) And I watch how someone builds their tomb in eternity. We beseech you to sit down each as far as possible in literature, we are announced by the hoarse interphone. -No, thanks. I prefer standing up, I find myself answering unquestioned. -But do come, please, come. the poetry is waiting for you - says the interphone, then to me: -Enough, there is no place left, get out....

About Florentin Smarandache again, by Ion Rotaru 5 Introduction to the Kingdom of Error 9 A few features of the NonExistentialism 10 A common 13 Cultural actuality (short prose - poem) 14 How not to ascend to the High NonSociety 15 News 19 Portrait 20 1st letter of Uncle Vasile the political refugee 21 2nd letter of Uncle Vasile the political refugee 23 3rd letter 25 The letter of Mircea the King-size 26 Leitmotif (short prose without action, without conflict, without subject) 27 Hopes 30 Recollections of which I don’t wish to remember 33 Defect writings (short prose - essay) 35 Introduction in Gibberish 38 Curriculum Vitae 49 The typewriter 50 Landscape with dreams 51 The heroic day of an ordinary man 53 Savu of Lentza 56 Gallant affairs 58 Little history of love (critique short prose) 60 Divorce 62 Uncle Gheorghe’s amazing deeds 64 Genealogy 67 At the swimming place 69 Characterize the character Vitoria Lipan in the novel “The hatchet” 70 RRS 73 Cupboard-which-can-hold-many-people-and-runs-alone-on-railways 74 Shakespeare Alexandru and Beethoven Nicolae 75 Diploma (juridical short prose) 77 Ahmed...

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The Cockatiel Confessions and Other Collected Short Stories

By: Ms. Lavanya Srinivasan

The hilarious exploits of a domesticated cockatiel and an oft-forgotten yet faintly remembered celestial journey. A young woman trades away her life credits while a mother elsewhere gently chides her young son. What could possibly happen when a tribal chieftain meets a time traveler? What on earth is a wribulizer and why is the moon actually blue! How does an up-and-coming writer deal with the terror of murderous thugs ransacking her home while her scientist brother vanishes after leaving her with a secret formula? What is the connect between a golden apple tree and an old man tending to his potted plant? To enjoy all of these tales and more, read on!...

" I don’t remember when I was born or how many times I was transported before I first saw “Chirp”, my human and her mate “Chirp-chirp”. I have heard it said before by Fuff-fuff, the resident sage of my first non tree nest (a yellow-red mishmash of colours and an upturned beak) that first impressions are often the truest but I have to admit, my first peek at Chirp and Chirp-Chirp was not positive." ****************************************************************************** " As my journey continued, I remembered how, I too, had once been worshipped and deemed important enough to be tracked in the ancient texts and star calendars. I had witnessed the birth of their saviour and the magi who had divined his birth by tracking my journey. The huge monuments that was raised in the honour of false gods and eschewed later. As centuries passed and their artificial lights lit up their homes, the humans now had the audacity to transmit probes and crafts for intercepting me. What had happened to their awe and their respect? Yet, I felt myself growing smaller and feebler on every journey past as I lose a little bit of my strength and...

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Records: 21 - 24 of 24 - Pages: 

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