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„Szok szybkości” to esej o fascynującym prądzie cywilizacji, który porywa świat wraz z ludźmi w dziwną przyszłość. Symbioza ludzi i komputerów, końcowy etap postnowoczesnej kultury, rodzi zaskakujące zjawiska, napędzane potężnymi siłami ewolucji i entropii. Świat w każdej chwili może znaleźć się poza naszą kontrolą. Esej odsłania tajemnice nowej, rodzącej się cywilizacji ludzi i komputerów; jest kolekcją teorii naukowych i metafor popkultury, przepuszczoną przez filtry filozofii i zdrowego rozsądku; rozważa rolę i przeznaczenie bytów inteligentnych: ludzi, komputerów, nadczłowieka i boga. Autor tworzy dwa główne scenariusze przyszłości człowieka, których wspólnym mianownikiem są dwie cechy: Szybkość i Dziwność. Metafory, teorie filozoficzne, nowe technologie i odkrycia naukowe, to fragmenty puzzli, z których autor układa obraz dziwnej, miejscami przerażającej rzeczywistości. O tym, że ewolucja trwa nadal wie każdy. O tym, że ewolucja inteligencji nie tylko nadal trwa, ale przyspiesza, wie niewielu. Co będzie końcowym efektem tego przyspieszenia, nie wie nikt. Dokąd prowadzą nas destrukcyjno-kreatywne siły ewolucji? Mając do dyspozyc...
„To globalizacja oraz symbiotyczna integracja ludzi i maszyn tworzą zalążki nowego, kolejnego superorganizmu w historii życia na Ziemi. Nie będzie się on jednak składał z bakterii czy mrówek, lecz z umysłów i komputerów. Stworzy go to wszystko, co podłączy się do Sieci. Jego architektura i stosunek do ludzi może przybrać przeróżne formy. Rozwijając hipotezę Turchina nie można wykluczyć, że ta nowa ponadosobnicza inteligencja będzie dysponowała jakąś formą świadomości i możliwością kierowania swoim rozwojem.” Str. 60 „A teraz pomyślmy o swoim mózgu. Przecież ludzki mózg składa się wyłącznie z bakterii. Każdy neuron był kiedyś niezależnym organizmem. Bakterią, które miliard lat temu krążyły swobodnie w środowisku. Mózg, to sto miliardów bakterii, które komuniują się między sobą; bakterii, które stworzyły w ludzkiej czaszce własny Internet. Inteligencja człowieka, duch, miłość, nienawiść, to rozmowy tych połączonych bakterii. I rozmawiają ze sobą własnym elektrochemicznym językiem, wszystkie na raz. Każdy neuron ma własną tożsamość, jest niepowtarzalny. Oprócz tych gadających bakterii nie ma w głowie nic ważnego. Reszta mózgu, to zwykł...
Wstęp …................................................................ 5 1. Komputery wszystko zmienią ............................... 10 2. Neurowrota do cyberprzestrzeni …....................... 15 3. Komputery nie płaczą …........................................ 20 4. Zmierzch Europy? ….............................................. 19 5. Dziwny i szybki świat …......................................... 40 6. Czyńcie sobie cyberprzestrzeń przyjazną …........... 49 7. Komputery wstępują do nieba …........................... 54 8. Śmierć Boga …....................................................... 66 9. Hipoteza samodestrukcji …................................... 80 10. Trwały pokój .......................................................... 86 11. Enter, enterpreneur, enteryzm …........................... 95 12. Inteligencja w przestrzeni publicznej ….................. 110 13. Czy był już Rok 1984?...
„Szok szybkości” to esej o fascynującym prądzie cywilizacji, który porywa świat wraz z ludźmi w dziwną przyszłość. Symbioza ludzi i komputerów, końcowy etap postnowoczesnej kultury, rodzi zaskakujące zjawiska, napędzane potężnymi siłami ewolucji i entropii. Świat w każdej chwili może znaleźć się poza naszą kontrolą. Esej odsłania tajemnice nowej, rodzącej się cywilizacji ludzi i komputerów; jest kolekcją teorii naukowych i metafor popkultury, przepuszczoną przez filtry filozofii i zdrowego rozsądku; rozważa rolę i przeznaczenie bytów inteligentnych: ludzi, komputerów, nadczłowieka i boga. Autor tworzy dwa główne scenariusze przyszłości człowieka, których wspólnym mianownikiem są dwie cechy: Szybkość i Dziwność. Metafory, teorie filozoficzne, nowe technologie i odkrycia naukowe, to fragmenty puzzli, z których autor układa obraz dziwnej, miejscami przerażającej rzeczywistości. O tym, że ewolucja trwa nadal wie każdy. O tym, że ewolucja inteligencji nie tylko nadal trwa, ale przyspiesza, wie niewielu. Co będzie końcowym efektem tego przyspieszenia, nie wie nikt. Dokąd prowadzą nas destrukcyjno-kreatywne siły ewolucji? Mając ...
„To globalizacja oraz symbiotyczna integracja ludzi i maszyn tworzą zalążki nowego, kolejnego superorganizmu w historii życia na Ziemi. Nie będzie się on jednak składał z bakterii czy mrówek, lecz z umysłów i komputerów. Stworzy go to wszystko, co podłączy się do Sieci. Jego architektura i stosunek do ludzi może przybrać przeróżne formy. Rozwijając hipotezę Turchina nie można wykluczyć, że ta nowa ponadosobnicza inteligencja będzie dysponowała jakąś formą świadomości i możliwością kierowania swoim rozwojem.” Str. 60 „A teraz pomyślmy o swoim mózgu. Przecież ludzki mózg składa się wyłącznie z bakterii. Każdy neuron był kiedyś niezależnym organizmem. Bakterią, które miliard lat temu krążyły swobodnie w środowisku. Mózg, to sto miliardów bakterii, które komuniują się między sobą; bakterii, które stworzyły w ludzkiej czaszce własny Internet. Inteligencja człowieka, duch, miłość, nienawiść, to rozmowy tych połączonych bakterii. I rozmawiają ze sobą własnym elektrochemicznym językiem, wszystkie na raz. Każdy neuron ma własną tożsamość, jest niepowtarzalny. Oprócz tych gadających bakterii nie ma w głowie nic ważnego. Reszta mózgu, to zw...
Wstęp …................................................................ 5 1. Komputery wszystko zmienią ............................... 9 2. Neurowrota do cyberprzestrzeni …....................... 14 3. Komputery nie płaczą …........................................ 19 4. Zmierzch Europy? ….............................................. 18 5. Dziwny i szybki świat …......................................... 39 6. Czyńcie sobie cyberprzestrzeń przyjazną …........... 48 7. Komputery wstępują do nieba …........................... 53 8. Śmierć Boga …....................................................... 65 9. Hipoteza samodestrukcji …................................... 79 10. Trwały pokój .......................................................... 85 11. Enter, enterpreneur, enteryzm …........................... 94 12. Inteligencja w przestrzeni publicznej ….................. 109 13. Czy był już Rok 1984? …........................
– 19. decembrie 2004 – Hai în India! Lilia topaie de bucurie. Drumul pâna la aeroport e strangulat, lânga Los Lunas, de un accident... un truck are cabina turtita, vreo 4-5 masini de politie cu becurile semnalând, un elicopter învârtindu-se pe deasupra... Masini puzderie, camioane pe 2-3 mile oprite... Începem sa ne agitam... Pierdem avionul... De când cu teroristii si controalele astea nebune, trebuie sa fii cu doua ore înainte de plecare. Ne descalta,...
The intimate connection between Hawaiians and aina (land) is the focus of two articles this year. In a piece that weaves together scholarly research and personal moolelo (storytelling), cultural beliefs about land, language, and community reveal strong implications for understanding Hawaiian well-being. Likewise, the importance of cultivating a strong sense of place among students and their families is emphasized within Ike Aina, a curriculum grounded in experiential learning and indigenous literacy. This year is a mixture of joy and nostalgia personally, because it is my last year as editor as I turn the reins over to Brandon Ledward, who has been a diligent team member working to produce volumes four and five of this journal. Dr. Ledward ensures strong continuity for the journal, with his doctorate in cultural anthro- pology from the University of Hawaii and his solid background in qualitative and quantitative research methods as part of the Research and Evaluation division at Kamehameha. We welcome his continued leadership and voice, along with Matthew Corry and Debra Tang, who have been critical team members supporting thi...
Molokai: Future of a Hawaiian Island This vision statement was created by numerous groups of the Molokai community and largely based on work from the generations before us. There are too many contributors to list, but on page 52, there is a hui of opio and makua who are instrumental in carrying forward the vision of this document, and they may be contacted for further information. In light of longstanding challenges to our aina (land), cultural tradi- tions, and lifestyle, community members joined together to articulate a vision for the future of Molokai. The process was innovative yet organic, bringing together individuals from different generations and with ike (knowledge) from a wide range of sources. The emerging document describes a desired state for the island, where the question of development is secondary to the promise to malama (protect and nurture) natural and cultural resources. Utilizing a community- based, holistic approach, “Molokai: Future of a Hawaiian Island” identifies critical needs and outlines specific steps to achieve change and sustainability....
Welina mai! Welcome to the inaugural issue of Hulili, a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal on Hawaiian well-being. The word hulili is defined as “ladder, bridge, as to scale a cliff or cross a gully” (Hawaiian Dictionary, Pukui & Elbert, 1986, p. 89). Our vision for Hulili is to create a multidisciplinary forum for current research that examines the nature, needs, and strengths of Hawaiians, their families, and their communities. We believe that through collaboration and critique, Hulili will foster new connections and shared insights and mobilize greater Hawaiian well-being. The seeds of this work were planted last year at Kamehameha Schools’ first annual research conference on the education and well-being of Hawaiians. The Policy Analysis & System Evaluation (PASE) department at Kamehameha Schools planned and hosted the three-day event that brought together researchers, educators, and other professionals from various fields dedicated to improving Hawaiian well-being. The result was a powerful exchange of current findings, recent data, and new challenges from areas including health, medicine, education, social work, e...
The Economy: A Western Tool to Achieve Our Native Goals-Robin Puanani Danner -- 7 -- Indigenous Heuristic Action Research: Bridging-Western and Indigenous Research Methodologies-Ku Kahakalau -- 19 -- Where Can We Collectively Be That Is Greater Than Where We Are Now?-Maenette K. P. Benham -- 35 -- Identity and Diversity in Contemporary Hawaiian Families:-Ho?i Hou i ka Iwi Kuamo?o-Shawn Malia Kana?iaupuni -- 53 -- A Macro Portrait of Hawaiian Families-Ivette Rodriguez Stern, Sylvia Yuen, and Marcia Hartsock -- 73 -- Factors Affecting Choice of Kith and Kin Care by Families-Receiving Child-Care Subsidies -- 93 -- Issues Central to the Inclusion of Hawaiian Culture in K-12 Education-Alice J. Kawakami -- 111 -- Best Practices in a Hawaiian Kindergarten: Making a Case-for Na Honua Mauli Ola-Lisa S. Goldstein and Lilinoe Andrews -- 133 -- Modern Hawaiian Migration: Brain Drain or Brain Gain?-Nolan J. Malone -- 149 -- Hawaiian Children’s Developmental Understanding of Race and Culture-Stephen M. Quintana, Elissa Chun, Salynn. Gonsalves,-William D. K. Kaeo, and Lahela Lung -- 173 -- No ke Ola Pono o ka Lahui Hawai?i:-The Protection and Perp...
IÇINDEKILER IKINCI BASKIYA ÖN SÖZ .................................................. vii ÖN SÖZ ............................................... ix IÇINDEKILER .......................................... xiii KISALTMALAR ........................................ xv ÇIZELGELER LISTESI ........................... xvii SEKILLER LISTESI ................................... xix GIRIS 1 BIRINCI BÖLÜM 5 1. ETKIN PIYASALAR HIPOTEZI …………………..…. 5 1.1. Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi’nin Teorik ve Pratik Bulgulari ……………... 6 1.2. Sermaye Piyasalarinda Etkinlik Türleri ve Formlari ……………….… 8 1.2.1. Sermaye Piyasalarinda Etkinlik Türleri …………………………. 8 1.2.2. Sermaye Piyasalarinda Etkinlik Formlari ……………………….. 8 1.2.3. IMKB’nin Etkinligi Üzerine Yapilan Çesitli Çalismalar ………. 9 1.3. Rassal Yürüyüs Teorisi ……………………………………………… 11 1.3.1. Hisse Senedi Fiyatlarinda Rassal Bir Yürüyüs 12 1.3.2. Wall Street’te Rassal Olmayan Bir Yürüyüs 14 1.4. Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi’ne Karsi Teorik ve Pratik Idd...
Author Sharon E. Cathcart ("In The Eye of The Beholder," "Les Pensees Dangereuses") presents a sampler of essays and short fiction. The collection features "Heart of Stone," a short story never previously published. ...
Questo libro parla dell'uomo e dell'artista che, inizialmente racchiusi nella stessa persona, si scindono per poi partire ognuno alla ricerca dell'altro. Il treno Š il mezzo immaginario per esplorare l'interiorit… del protagonista. E' la celebrazione del sentimento superiore a tutto, l'arte ed il talento che cambiano il mondo. (
Critical analysis of the foundations and tenets of capitalism and of the dismal science - economics.
This is a book of folk tales in Kachhi language, spoken in western India (particularly in Kachh and Mumbai), containing 13 traditional tales recorded in various parts of Kachh and Mumbai. This is a part one of Kachhi Oral Tradition Project going on by Vadhod ji Padhrai, Patri Kachh....
hIkdo seth nen sethani va. vya phere laa. phere laa vya ta sammun bakrien vaaro aayo te. Bakrien vaaro Ichhio panwar chovaaje.
1 Ichhio Panwar 2 Akal re kIte ? 3 tOmam tOma 4 anmaaneti raani 5 paatai nen adhpaatai 6 Bhagwan ja din 7 Sakar jo sayjaadho nen sopaaribai 8 sUnat gUdi 9 panjmaar kUmbhar 10 me nen chIkli 11 pUthia mor ...
O trabalho explora os significados do trabalho informacional. Partindo do estatuto conquistado pelo trabalho na sociedade salarial, como fator de identificação pessoal e de coesão social, são analisadas as transformações observadas no mercado laboral e na economia mundial. As metamorfoses são percebidas a partir do prisma da reestruturação produtiva e da consequente precarização laboral. A revolução das tecnologias da informação e comunicação é tratada a partir da convergência entre os campos da microeletrônica, da computação e das telecomunicações. A grande produtividade da indústria da informação e comunicação divide os analistas entre a tese do informacionalismo ou capitalismo cognitivo e a tese da degradação do trabalho informacional. O conceito de trabalho imaterial é analisado sob a perspectiva de ameaça à validade dos conceitos da economia política tradicional, uma vez que nesse contexto não é mais possível valorar unidades de produto a partir de unidades de tempo. O trabalho imaterial, vivo e colaborativo em sua definição, apontaria para a superação da degradação do trabalho e para o surgimento de uma economia da...
If you take a look at the world we live in, most people have a completely backwards approach to pursuing happiness. We’re generally raised with the idea: “If you work hard at something, you’ll be successful, and then you can be happy”. But when you think like that, you’ll notice that as soon as you reach a goal, another one will take it’s place. And then another. Like the horizon, our goals keep shifting and moving just out of reach. And with that, our happiness. Our brain actually works the other way around: By cultivating happiness, you’ll be more creative, feel more connected, and be more productive. So by first focusing on what makes us happy, we become much better at everything we do!...
"... And be aware of your conditioning and society's effect on your thinking. Try giving yourself some unconditional self-acceptance, give yourself a break from the inner critic by, paradoxically, not struggling with anything. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be some notion of a perfect person that we are never actually able to be ourselves and enjoy our life. And remember – it's not a rehearsal – this is the real thing. Each moment is a new choice to love it or resent it."...
1. Introduction 2. Accept What You Have 3. Enjoy What You Do 4. Live For Today 5. Choose Happiness and Value It 6. Love Your Family and Friends 7. Stay Active 8. Economics Be Yourself 9. Stop Worrying 10. Get Organised 11. Think Positively 12. The Mind-Body Connection 13. The Workbook 14. About The Author...
This is a downloadable digital magazine with audio & video features. Some of the salient features include a free English teaching programme with Malayalam & English audio. Another thing is a free Homeopathy teaching programme in Malayalam. The contents do have focus on English, Victorian-age England and English classics, both literary as well as movie/TV. You need to have Adobe Reader X or XI in your computer to open the file. For audio/video features to work, Adobe Flash Player needs to be installed. The audio/video features will not work in Smart phones/Tablets. This digital magazine, though in Malayalam, aims to promote the planar language code features of English. The overall aim of this digital magazine is to look at indoctrinated understandings on Kerala social and cultural history, English rule in the subcontinent, the different perspective on the purported theme of Indian freedom struggle and much else. Beyond all this, there will be a vibrant discussion on the issue of how language codes and languages do design human and animal social communication and social structure. The most basic idea is that most Indian lan...
The Chunochi, Dhamman, Sounchal, Sarsawah and Malhar areas lie along the eastern limb of Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis. This is an active fold-and-thrust belt in the sub Himalayas of Pakistan. The Early Miocene to Recent sedimentary rock sequence is exposed in the area. The stratigraphic sequence of the study area includes the Early Miocene Murree formation, Early to Middle Miocene Kamlial formation, Middle to Late Miocene Chinji formation, Late Miocene Nagri formation, Late Miocene Dhok Pathan formation, Pliocene Soan formation and Pliestocene Mirpur formation. The Baluch syncline, Panakah anticline and Nainsukh anticline are the major folds. These are open to isoclinal in nature. The Dhamman fault, Tangai fault, Riasi fault, Gali Samiar fault, Godri Badshah- Kotli fault, Chak Nasru fault, Nuhi Sarota fault and Hill Kalan fault are the major faults. The Riasi fault, Godri Badshah-Kotli fault and Chak Nasru fault are active faults. The sedimentary structures observed in the area are cross bedding, load cast and rip ups. The facing of the stratigraphic units is marked on the basis of these structures....
En 2013 Colombia vio su vida pública estremecida por un cruento paro agrario que dejó decenas de muertos y un país dividido en las ambiguas percepciones alrededor de la vida en el campo. Mientras esto ocurría, en un pueblo andino al nororiente del país, se desarrollaba un enconado debate alrededor de la pureza del folclor. En un momento ambas historias se cruzan y la ciudad se ve dibujada sobre un nuevo paisaje. El libro tiene el estilo de un reportaje-perfil con un personaje principal, que al seguirlo, el lector se encontrará con un estudio sociológico que puede caber a cualquier pueblo de América Latina: la cultura, las tradiciones, el negocio cultural, la violencia política....
"La ciudad es un trazo inconcluso, hecho de memorias y de olvidos, más de olvidos quizás, pero sobre todo, de invenciones. Los seres que la habitan se la inventan día a día. Algunos de ellos son la suma de tales invenciones y asoman al paisaje urbano su figura". ...
I La salida al mundo II La invención III La tragedia de los inventores IV El regreso a casa
I ka hiki ana mai o ke kau ua, o ka hooilo, ola hou aela na mea e ulu ana ma ka honua. Ua kapa ia ia wa ka makahiki. Mai na awawa a ka ae kai, ua akoakoa mai ka poe i mea e hookipa ai i ka hoi hou ana mai o ke akua o Lonoikamakahiki. Lawe ia maila na hookupu, he mea ai a he ia kekahi, a ua komo mai lakou i na hana lealea a me na hana hooikaika kino, no ka mea, ua hoomaha ia na hana a pau ma ia wa makahiki. I kekahi makahiki i ka wa kahiko, ia lakou e hoolaulea ana, ua pau koke ka hanakuli o ka pahu pai. O ia ka manawa i hanau ia ai ke keiki hanau mua a ke alii. Ua kena ia akula na kahuna kiekie nana e pule no ka pomaikai o ka makuahine a me kana keiki. A o ka holo akula no ia o ka elele i kahi o ka lehulehu e ku ai me ka hai i ka lono. “He keiki kane, he keiki kane ka hanau mua, a Keaweikekahialiiokamoku, ke alii nui.” A laila, ua kani hou na pahu pai, a oi loa aku ka hanakuli nui no ka hoolono ana i ka nuhou. Ua pule no hoi na kahuna i hoohanohano ai ke keiki. Ua puliki ke alii wahine o Lonomaaikanaka i kana keiki a pili pono. He mamo o ia mai ke kuauhau o Piilani, ke alii nui o Maui. Ua noa, ua pau kona mau la i noho ai ma la...
O ke kumu o ko Paao haalele ana i kona aina hanau, ua hakaka laua, me kona kaikuaana, o Lonopele. O Lonopele, o ia ke kahuna a he kanaka mana, he akamai, a he ike i kela mea, i keia mea ma kona ano kahuna; he mau kanaka mahi ai laua. O Lonopele, ua mahi ai o ia i kona aina a maikai, a ua kanu o ia i na laau hua ai he nui loa i loko o kona kihapai. I kekahi manawa, ua pau i ka aihue ia ka hua o na laau kanu a Lonopele ma kona kihapai, a manao ihola o ia, ua hele ke keiki a Paao e kolohe i ka hua o kana laau, no laila, hele maila o ia ia Paao, a olelo maila no ka pau o ka hua o kana laau i ka Paao keiki. Olelo aku hoi o Paao, “Ua ike pono no nae paha oe, ua pau io ka hua o ko laau i kuu keiki” Pane maila hoi o Lonopele, “Ua ike au i ka hele ana o ko keiki i laila, aole nae au i ike i ka lawe ana, aka, ua manao no nae au, nana no i kolohe.” Olelo hou aku o Paao, “Ina pela, e kaha ana wau i ka opu o kuu keiki, a i loaa ole kau hua, a laila, pehea” Olelo mai no hoi o Lonopele, “Aole iau ia, aia wale no ia i kou manao. I ka wa hea no la hoi kou ike ana e kaha ia ana ka opu o ke kanaka, a ia oe wale ae nei no ke kaha ia.” Pane aku no o Paa...
Excerpt from the Native Life in Travancore, written by The Rev. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S of the London Missionary Society
The frustration, fear and search for answers to the economic disaster that was America's great depression. A common man's insight into why we do what we do....
Our Depression Scene I 9 Scene II 13 Scene III 23 Scene IV 31 Scene V 41 Scene VI 49 Scene VII 55 Scene VIII 62 Scene IX 69 Reflections in Verse Resonance Along the Rio Grande 75 Mary McCrea 78 The Demagogue 83 That’s Texas 85 Between the Colorado’s Canyon Walls 87...
Indian bureaucratic loot. Pay, perks, pension, commutation of pension &c. and feudal oppressive language usages
Mai kona makahiki eono ua hele pinepine o Rangelug i ka holo kai me kona papa ma ka pae aina o Kalolina. Ua ao ia o ia i ke ano o ka nee ana o ka waa i ke kai. Ninau o ia i na ninau he nui e pili ana i na huihui hoku. Ua kuhikuhi kona papa i na huihui hoku he nui, aka, imi mau o Rangelug ia Mailap, ka Manu Nui. He mau eheu ma elua aoao o ka hoku malamalama nui loa ma ia Manu Nui. I ka piha ana ia Rangelug he umikumalima makahiki, maopopo ia ia ka hookele ana i ka waa, a kokua o ia i kona ohana i ke kalai ana i na waa. Hauoli ko Rangelug papa i ka hoihoi a me ka holomua o kana keiki kane. Makemake o ia e haawi i kona ike hookele waa ia Rangelug. I ka manawa i piha ai ia Rangelug he iwakalua makahiki, hookuu kona papa ia ia me ke kuleana hana. Ua ao ia o Rangelug i ka hookele ana ma o na hoku he nui ma na pae aina like ole. Ua ao mai o ia i ka hoomaopopo ana i ke ano o kona waa i na makani a me na au like ole. “Mai lalo mai o Mailap,” i olelo ai o ia, “e hele mai ana ka Moae a me ke kai ohu.” Ua ao mai o Rangelug e alakai i ka mea hookele me ka ohu ma hope ona a i ole ma ka aoao o ka waa i mau ai ke ala kai a lakou e holo ana. ...
Ua noi aku ka poe holo kai Polenekia ia Kane, ko lakou akua nui a me Kanaloa, ke akua o ka moana, i ka makani oluolu a i mea e awiwi ai ka lakou holo kai. Ua maopopo lea i ka poe holo kai kahiko, aohe mea e pakele ai lakou ke nalowale a i ole ke kahuli ka waa. He mea kokua ka makani a me ke kai holo, a he mau mea loko ino kekahi. Ua kapa ia ka Pakipika he kai malie, a i kekahi mau manawa he oiaio no ia i ka poe holo kai, aka, nui na mea poino no ka poe Polenekia e pale ai ke hele ka lewa lani a poeleele. Powehiwehi na hoku a ua poluliuli ka la i ka inoino ma ka moana a he mea ia e paakiki ai ka hookele ana, aka, nui no na poino e ae i ka manawa ino ma ka moana. Kaipuni! Pikipikio ka moana i ke kaipuni a ua kaili ia na lako a i kekahi mau manawa, na kanaka i ka nalu nunui inoino. Ina he ikaika loa ka makani, kahuli a piholo ka waa a wawahi ia i ka nalu nunui....
“Ehia Kanaka”. 1 -- Ka Moana Palena Ole . 8 -- Ke Kaiapuni Loli Mau. 13 -- He Lonoa E Ae. 22 -- “Aia Hoi He Moku!”. 25 -- No Ka Holo Moana Ma Ka Hokulea. 35 -- Nainoa Thompson. 37 -- Kawika Kapahulehu. 43 -- Chad Baybayan. 47 -- Keahi Omai a me Kaau McKenney. 51 -- Ka Nalu a me Ka Ohuku Ale. 56 -- Ka Palulu O Na Mokuaina. 61 -- Ka Holo Kai O Na Waa Kaulua. 66 -- O Kelii, Ka Mea Kalai Waa. 70 --...
There was a language in the Malabar coast, that is, in the northern parts of current day Kerala. This language was also known as Malayalam but quite different from the modern official version Malayalam. This language has more or less vanished in the last 30 years or so, succumbing to the onslaught of the official version, South Kerala Malayalam which came with statutory support. The issue of there being a different language in Malabar comes to the fore, due to the fact that the COMPULSORY MALAYALAM teaching lobby is insisting that every man and woman in Kerala should be compulsorily taught their 'mother tongue'. If that is so, then the people of Malabar would have to be compulsorily taught this language and not the southern version official Malayalam....
Hawaiian history has been studied and described from many different points of view—cultural, archaeological, geographical, and botanical, among others. But very little has been written about Hawai'i's postcontact linguistic history: how outsiders first became aware of the Hawaiian language, how they and the Hawaiians were able to understand each other, and later, how they tried to record and analyze Hawaiian vocabulary and grammar. Our first records of European contact with the Hawaiian language are in the journals from Captain James Cook's third voyage, in which he and some of his crew recorded their efforts to communicate with this latest (and for Cook, the last) branch of the Polynesian peoples encountered on their exploration of the Pacific. Luckily for those of us interested in language, we had our counterparts over two centuries ago: some people who wrote down just a few words of Hawaiian, and others who were curious enough to set about gathering much longer lists of words. These reports vary in quality as well as in scope, often reflecting the native languages, training, and attitudes of those who collected them. None of the...
Domestic violence
Now we move on to discuss the various facets of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. As mentioned earlier, this discussion cannot follow the tracks of wordings of the Act, which at best is only a display of empty pedantry. Before entering into the exact premises of the discussion, there is one more item that needs mention. That is the so-called equality between men and women. It is a theme that is ferociously discussed in many nations. More in nations, where actually there is not much of an ‘equality’ issue. It is like the claims of the Blacks for right to equality with the Whites in English nations, where actually there is not much of a discrimination as that can be conceived of as in nations like India. For in nations like India, such right to equality with any superior class of people, including the rich, government officials, social superiors etc. cannot even be pondered upon, by the lower classes. In Indian feudal languages, it is a very rare occasion for anyone to be equal to anyone else, just like that. More so, the husband with the wife and the wife with the husband. In most Indian vernaculars, the wife ...
This essay presents an exploration of elements from information theory and cibernetics on the struggle against corruption behavior in public sector and beyond; the existence of an exemplary or corrupt ethical equilibriums are explored by updating Klitgaard corruption formula along with the presence of information pressure, entropy and cibernetics servomechanisms in digital societies, including alternatives and sistemics approaches for further anti-corruption policies implementation....
The University of Salford have told me that I own the copyright as I submitted in 1977. It is only more recently , about 2 years ago , that the University started claiming the copyright of students' submitted theses...
"The "fiddle" was not otherwise very important to the men; they stressed that they did not like to be tied down by it . They chose work in which they could be free and autonomous"...
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION A) The historical Development of Fire Fighting B) The Development of the Modern British Fire Service C) The British Fire Service in the Early 1970's D) Fire Brigades Around the World Chapter 2 FRAMEWORK OF ANALYSIS AND METHODOLOGY A) Introduction B) Making Contact with the Fire Brigade and setting up the Interviews C) The Interviews D) After the Interviewing Chapter 3 REWARDS FROM WORK : JOB SATISFACTION AND INCOME A) Job Satisfaction B) Earnings Chapter 4 INFORMAL ORGANIZATION AND EMERGENCY ORIENTATION Chapter 5 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND THE COMPROMISE ORIENTATION TO WORK OF CITY FIREMEN A) Introduction B) Education C) National Data on the Fire Service D) The City Firemen E) The City Firemen :Instrumental Factors F) The City Firemen :Expressive Factors G) The Compromise Orientation Chapter 6 THE CITY FIREMEN : PATTERNS OF SOCIABILITY AND LEISURE ...
The book is about Syrian refugees living in Kilis and how the people of Kilis see them.
Kilislilerin “merhamet yorgunluğu” yasadıkları ve zamanla da sınırla ve savasla ilgili ümitlerinin sarsıldığı söylenebilir. Kilisliler meslek, sosyo-ekonomik düzey, cinsiyet, siyasi görüş, dindarlık, kırsal ya da kent kökenli olup olmamalarına göre sığınmacıları farklı farklı değerlendirmektedirler. ...
1. Giriş 2. Araştırmanın Amacı ve Önemi 3. Araştırmanın Yöntemi 4. Kilis‟in Mülteci Halleri 5. Sürgün Hayatlar 6. Kilis‟in Sığınmacılarla İmtihanı 7. Kimlikler: Deli Gömlekleri ve Önyargılar 8. Toplumsal Otizm 9. Ötekileştirme Süreci ve Yansımaları 9.1. Sığınmacı Akınının Ekonomik Boyutları 9.2. Yardımlar Üzerine: Kimse Yok mu Bize Yok mu? 9.3. Sağlık şikâyetleri: Kuyruklar ve İhmal Duyguları 9.4. Kayıt Dışı Evlilikler: Med Cezir Senaryoları 9.5. İki Kültür Bir Yaşam 9.6. Daralma ve Sıkışma Duyguları 9.7. Göçün Güvenlikleştirilmesi 10. Sonuç 11. Öneriler 12. Kaynaklar 13. Sığınmacı Fotoğrafları 14. Kilis Haritası ve Sınır ...
This essay explains what bank recapitalization is, why it is very important, and how banks are actually recapitalized.
Buuggan oo ka kooban 28 baal, kelmed kelmed looma turjumin, waa lifaaq ka samaysmay fikaradaha dhaxal reebka asal ahaan ku xusaan buugii la soo turjumay iyo kuwa kale oo ku salaysan waaqica bani-aadamka hadda jira. Wuxuu kaa caawinayaa fahmida sida bani aadamka loogu siro in ay raalli ka noqdaan inay isu addoomeeyaan kooxaha qoriga caaraddiisa ku ceesha haba ku soo gabadaan magac diimeed, mid dawlad gobolaysi ama mid federaalba. ...
Ma arko khayr ka soo socda dhowr madax ah oo ii talisa Mid kaliya ha ahaado taliye, mid kaliya ha ahaado boqor. Kelmedahaas ayuu Homer afka Yulisis galiyay, isaga oo u khudbaynaya dadwaynaha. hadduusan waxba ku darin, hadalka "Ma arko khayr ka soo socda dhowr madax ah oo ii talisa” waxay noqon lahayd hadal qumman, waxayna ahayd inuu ku ekeeyo xukun dhowr taliye leh khayr maleh, sababtuna tahay awooda halka shaqsi qudheeda isla marka uu helo magaca taliye guud, wuxuu noqdaa mid dadka silciyo oo gar maqaate ah. Yulisis wuxuu dhahaayo waa daacsi-daacsi. ...
Hordhac Qaybta Koowaad Qaybta Labaad Qaybta Saddexaad
The Firemen interviewed were from the local Salford Fire Brigade near Manchester in England. The areas covered by the research included :- their attitudes to firefighting and to the various types of fires they dealt with : how they dealt with the "down time" when not firefighting : the effect of their shift pattern on their family and leisure time : the overall "work-leisure" relationships of these firemen....
"It's a strange experience when you go in first , and it's really hot.When you go in you usually have a face mask on you know , but your hands are not covered. It's a queer experience. Have you ever put your hands in boiling water? - you pull them out because it is hot but in a hot place there is nowhere to put your hand."...
I Historical Appraisal and the Fire Service Today II Methodology III Existing Approaches to Work Involvement IV The Fireman as an Occupational Role V Patterns of Sociability and Leisure VI Integrative Emergencies and the Small group...
Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies.
Kolonizasyon Psikolojisi Hayal kırıklığı olan bir Modernite Dünya Hayatının Süsü Edward Said Sözlüğü Devekuşu’na mektuplar Melez Bilinçte Ruhun Uyanışı Karanlığın Yüreği’nde bir Seyyah Hikâye Anlatan Adam Nekrasov: Düşler ve Sesler Gadamer’i Yeniden Düşünmek Ruhun Temsili Dünyası Serâb-ı Ömrüm: Feylesof Rıza Tevfik İslam ve Romantik Oryantalizm Gazali ve Tahayyül Poetikası Türkiye’de Yeni Eleştiri: Hüseyin Cöntürk ‘Komşularımız ve Bizler’e dair Janus’un iki ayrı yüzü: Tanpınar ve Doğu Bilgisi Seçili Maduniyet Çalışmaları Hamid Dabaşi ve Post-Oryantalizme dair Doğu Afrika Romanı’nda İslam Dünyanın En Güzel Arabistanı Kırık hayaller şehridir, güneşin kavurduğu Değişim Rüzgârları Agamben ve Kolonyalizm Delilik Ülkesinden Notlar Guantanamo’dan Şiirler Entelektüel bir Müslüman: İsmail Fenni Divan-ı Lugat-it Türk’ün izinde Ali Emiri Efendi Osmanlı Devri Son Âlimlerinden: İbnülemin Edebiyatımızda İlk Mutasavvıflar Ve Köprülü ‘Aşkın Okunmaz Kıyıları’ Raci’nin Hatıraları: Amak-ı Hayal Ayasofya’nın Hat Levhaları Tanpınar ve Cemil Meriç’te Balzac’a dair Düşünceler Genç Werther’in Acıları Dante ve İlahi Komedi...
I ka wa kahiko, ua hanau ia mai he keiki na Wakea, ka makua o na lani, me Hoohokukalani. Ua kapa ia kona inoa o Haloanakalaukapalili. Eia nae, he keiki alualu o ia, a ua make o ia ma hope iho o ka hanau ia ana. Kanu ia ihola ua keiki alualu la ma waho o ko Wakea hale. Kupu maila kekahi mea kupaianaha mai loko mai o ko Haloa kino. Ua puka mai kekahi mea kanu. He uliuli na lau e ulu ana ma na ha loihi e nape malie ana i ka makani. Ma ka mole o ia laau, aia he hua momona me na oha he nui. He kalo ia mea kanu. Ma hope aku, ua pomaikai hou o Hoohokukalani i ka hanau ana mai i kekahi keiki kane. Ua kapa ia kona inoa o Haloa no kona kaikuaana. He nui loa a he lehulehu na keiki a Haloa. O ia mau keiki na alii a me na kanaka o Hawaii. Pela no i hookumu ia ai ka pilina paa ma waena o ke kanaka a me ke kalo. He kaikuaana o Haloa, ke kalo, no Haloa, ke kupuna o kanaka....
Ua kapa ia na kanaka i pili ma ke kuauhau, he ohana. O ke kumu o ia olelo, he ohana, ka pilina ma waena o ke kanaka a me ke kalo, i hoike ia ma ka moolelo no Haloa. No laila i wehewehe ia ai ka ohana e like me ka ulu ana o ke kalo. O na oha na kawowo e ulu ana mai ka hua o ke kalo, a lilo i mau laau oo. O ka ohana ka puulu o na oha a pau o ke kalo. Aia ma ka ohana na kanaka a pau i pili ma ke koko. Ua pili like lakou i hookahi kupuna. Aia hoi paha na kanaka i pili ma ka male ana a me ka hanai ana. Pili hoi na hanauna ma ka ohana. Ua ikaika loa is pilina koko. Wahi a ka Hawaii, he pilina wehena ole. O na kupuna na lala o ka ohana i hala aku ma mua, a me na makule e ola nei. Ua pili ia huaolelo, he kupuna, i ka hua olelo kupu, pili no i ka ulu ana. He mau mea mahalo a aloha nui ia na kupuna e ka ohana. Ua noho hookahi o na kupuna ma ke kulana a o ia ke poo no ka ohana. O ka mea maamau, o ia kupuna ka hanau mua ma ka lala hele mua o ka ohana. Ua huli na lala a pau o ka ohana i ia kupuna hookahi no ke kokua ma ka hoopau ana i na hoopaapaa a me ka hooholo hoi ana i na pilikia. He mana no ko ka hanau mua. Eia nae, o ka mea nui, o ka ha...
¿Tiene algún sentido mantener vivas las tradiciones culturales y arquitectónicas aún a costa de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes? El ejercicio se pregunta por el sentido del poblamiento en la región que hoy conocemos como El Carmen en el Norte de Santander. Las respuestas nos han llevado a la valoración de una arquitectura colonial específica del municipio mencionado y los elementos "duros" que le dan su razón de ser, que la sostienen o debilitan: su economía, las tradiciones, la memoria, los habitantes que hicieron posible las casas, las calles y los lugares de encuentro; las tragedias, los nacimientos, la guerra. ...
Somos seres geográficos, esto significa que al habitar un espacio lo transformamos para convertirlo en nuestra casa, pero al mismo tiempo ese lugar transformado nos define y transforma a nosotros como especie y sociedad....
Ficha técnica. 4 La obra de Benjamín Casadiego. 5 El salto del gato. 6 Introducción 7 El método de trabajo 8 Resumen 11 Primera parte: Naturaleza, arquitectura y pensamiento 14 1. La naturaleza y el lugar 14 El lugar y el territorio . 15 Flora y Fauna en la región de El Carmen 17 Vida cotidiana 17 2. El momento de la llegada de los europeos 19 Los referentes urbanos 20 Las ordenanzas 21 3. Los primeros asentamientos humanos estables 22 Las fundaciones 24 4. La traza carmelitana 26 La aplicación de las Ordenanzas de Poblamiento en El Carmen 27 De pueblos a parroquias 28 5. La conformación de la parroquia de El Carmen 29 La lucha por un territorio: Un pulso entre blancos e indios 31 6. El camino real de Estancia Vieja y el Marqués 35 7. Demografía y espacio 40 Espacio y tiempo 43 8. El lugar de habitación en El Carmen 45 Los materiales de construcción 46 Un empedrador y albañil 47 9. Memoria urbana: construcción y deconstrucción 51 10. Memoria del camino: la cercanía y la distancia 53 Modernidad y vías de comunicación 53 El trazado de los caminos coloniales 54 Los caminos de la ...
This is the foreword written by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS to the digital version of NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S published by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS in 2014...
This essay explains what asset bubbles are, how they are created, and why asset bubbles are always the outcome of govrernment policies and never the result of free market forces....
This essay refutes the conpiracy theories about the creation of Israel. It is a very simple presentation of the circumstances under which the Jewish state was created, in order to become clear to the well intentioned and confused reader, that Israel was created like any other country....
This essay is a common sense approach to the issue of economic monopolies, written for the general reader with no knowledge of economics. I clearly explain why monopolies are always the result of government regulation and not as socialists claim the result of the free market. I have postgraduate studies in economics, but I am not a specialist on the subject, and this essay represents the knowledge I gathered in an attempt to answer my own questions. English is not my first language and you should be ready to excuse my syntax....