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Collected Papers, Vol. 2

By Florentin Smarandache

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Book Id: WPLBN0002097051
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 7.89 MB
Reproduction Date: 9/1/2011

Title: Collected Papers, Vol. 2  
Author: Florentin Smarandache
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, Math Concepts and Theories
Collections: Authors Community, Mathematics
Publication Date:
Publisher: United States M.
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F. (1997). Collected Papers, Vol. 2. Retrieved from

Abstract. The goal of this paper is to experiment new math concepts and theories, especially if they run counter to the classical ones. To prove that contradiction is not a catastrophe, and to learn to handle it in an (un)usual way. To transform the apparently unscientific ideas into scientific ones, and to develop their study (The Theory of Imperfections). And finally, to interconnect opposite (and not only) human fields of knowledge into a.s-heterogeneous-as-possible another fields. The author welcomes any co=ents, notes, articles on this paper and/or the 120 open questions bothering him, which will be published in a collective monograph about the paradoxist mathematics.

The "Paradoxist Mathematics" may be understood as Experimental Mathematics, NonMathematics, or even Anti-Mathematics: not in a nihilistic way, but in positive one. The truly innovative researchers will banish the old concepts in oder of check, by heuristic processes, some new ones: their opposites. Don't simply follow the crowd, and don't accept to be manipulated by any (political, economical, social, even scientific, or artistic, cultural, etc.) media! Learn to conradict everuthing and everybody!! "Duibito, ergo cogito; cogito, ergo sum", said Rene Descartes, "I doubt, therefore I think; I think, therefore I exist" (metaphysical doubt). See what happens if you deny the classics' theory?

Table of Contents
Paradoxist Mathematics [Anti-Mathematics, Multi-Structure and Multi-Space, Space of Non-Integer or Negative Dimention, Inconsistent Sysytem ofAxiomas or Contradictory Theory, Non-Euclidean Geometries: Paradoxist Geometry, Non-Geometry, CounterProjective Geometry and Counter-Axioms, Anti-Geometry and Anti-Axioms, Model of an Anti-Geometry, Discontinuous Geometries] 5 -- Logica sau iogica Matematica? .29 -- Mathematics and Alcohol and God . 30 -- Subjective Questions and Answers for a MathInstructor of Higher Education .32 -- o Geometrie Paradoxista .49 -- Geometric Conjecture .50 -- A Function in the ~umber Theory . 51 -- An Infinity of Unsolved Problems Concerning a Function in the :'-lumber Theory . 57 -- Solving Problems by Using a Function in the Number Theory .79 -- Some Linear Equations Involving a Function in the Number Theory .82 -- Contributii la Studiul unor Functii §i Conjecturi in Teoria Numerelor .85 -- "The Function that You Bear its Name" .112 -- Smarandache Type Functions Obtained by Duality .113 -- Func!;ii Analitice .129 -- Funct;ii Prime §i Coprime .137 -- Asupra unor Conjecturi §i Probleme Nerezolvate Referitoare la 0 Funct;ie in Teoria l'\umerelor 138 -- K-Divisibility and K-Strong Divisibility .152 -- Conjecture (Generalized Fermat :'-lumbers) .154 -- Asupra unei Metode a lui W.Sierpinski de Rezolvare in Numere Intregi a Ecuatiilor Liniare 155 -- in Legatura ell 0 Problema de la Coneursul de MatematidL Faza Locala, Ramnicu Valcea .157 -- :>iumeralogy (I) or Properties of the Numbers .158 -- Numeralogy (II) or Properties of the :-lumbers. 169 -- Xumeralogy (III) or Properties of the Kumbers. 181 -- Some Periodical Sequence. 192 -- Sequences of Sub-sequences. 195 -- Aritmogrif (I). 198 -- Aritmogrif (II). 199 -- The Lucky Mathematics [Lucky :\:Iethod, Lucky Algorithm, Lucky Integration, Lucky Differentation, etc.]. 100 --


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