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Disclosure Project Briefing Document : Prepared for: Members of the Press, Members of United States Government, and Members of the US Scientific Community

By Greer, Steven, M.

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Book Id: WPLBN0002827593
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 40.21 MB
Reproduction Date: April 2001

Title: Disclosure Project Briefing Document : Prepared for: Members of the Press, Members of United States Government, and Members of the US Scientific Community  
Author: Greer, Steven, M.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects)
Collections: Authors Community, History
Publication Date:
Publisher: The Disclosure Project
Member Page: UnIdentified Flying Objects Awareness


APA MLA Chicago

M. Gree, B. S., & Loder Iii, Ph.D, T. C. (n.d.). Disclosure Project Briefing Document : Prepared for: Members of the Press, Members of United States Government, and Members of the US Scientific Community. Retrieved from

ABSTRACT – Purpose of The Disclosure Project Briefing Document This briefing document was written to provide an overview of a public disclosure of the very complex UFO/ET (Unidentified Flying Object/ExtraTerrestrial) subject and provide background materials and references for individuals to start their own research. This subject is inherently overwhelming as it touches on broad and profound implications for the future of mankind on our planet from both an intellectual and a technological perspective. We have provided recommended actions for different stakeholders(including the press, the public, congress, the military, the scientific establishment,the president of the US, and the members of the UFO/ET control groups). These recommendations should help smooth the disclosure process, making this issue the subject of open and informed discussion, both within our government and the public sectors. The background materials include the following types of information: 1) Summaries of video taped testimony of military, government and private first-hand witnesses to UFO/ET events. 2) A series of position papers describing the background history, the need and implications of disclosure and the dangers of continued secrecy. 3) Fourteen major sightings cases with over two dozen military witnesses, many with multiple witnesses and supporting government documents. 4) A series of 27 quotes from scientists and government witnesses who knew the subject is real. 5) Reviews of two m ajor recent reports by scientific review committees on the need for further research into the UFO phenomena. 6) A high level review of technological issues including zero-point energy, over-unity devices and anti-gravity research. By reading this document, it is hoped that the astute and open-minded reader will understand that UFOs are real, and move on to thoughtfully address the implications of this reality for our governments and people of this planet.


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