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Fugit : Jurnal de Lagar (9/09/1988-11/07/1989) : Volume 1

By Smarandache, Florentin

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828306
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File Size: 19.28 MB
Reproduction Date: 7/23/2013

Title: Fugit : Jurnal de Lagar (9/09/1988-11/07/1989) : Volume 1  
Author: Smarandache, Florentin
Volume: Volume 1
Language: Moldovan
Subject: Non Fiction, Drama and Literature, Journal
Collections: Authors Community, Travel
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F. (2013). Fugit : Jurnal de Lagar (9/09/1988-11/07/1989) : Volume 1. Retrieved from

Florentin Smarandache records his account of his emigration from Romania to America in this journal.

Aşa cum m-aţi sfătuit, iată-mă la Istanbul. Am reuşit să fug. Acum cred că e mai simplu să mă ajutaţi să emigrez. Aţi putea contacta Consulatul American din Istanbul telefonic sau printr-o scrisoare? Scuzaţi-mă pentru acest deranj. Eu am completat deja nişte hirtii la acesta, în care am cerut AZIL POLITIC (motive: interzicere congrese, doctorate,. interzicere publicare). Soţia şi copilul sînt in România, niCi nu ştiu de fuga mea. (Chiar astăzi am sosit). Le voi face chemare cînd ajung in SUA. Deocamdată stau la OTEL ŞAN (un hotel), apoi voi fi cred, mutat intr-un campus pentru refugiaţi politici [Comisia Internaţională Catolică de Migraţie (ICMC), Kalipci Sokak 146/2. Tesvikiye, Istanbul, Turcia - adreşă la care m-aţi putea găsi in viitor]. Am mare nevoie de sprijinul cuiva din America. Poate vă interesaţi la vreun avocat. În orice caz, cu azil politic se poate uşor intra. Vă mulţumesc mult, mult de tot. Al d-voaStră, Florentin Smarandache. As you advised me, here I am in Istanbul. I managed to run away. Now I think it's easier to help me migrate. You may contact the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul by phone or by letter? I'm sorry for this inconvenience. I have already completed some papers on it, in which I asked for political asylum (reason: ban congress doctorates. Prohibiting publication). His wife and child are in Romania, I do not know my flight. (Even today I arrived). I will call you when I get in the U.S.. Now stand at San STEEL (a hotel), then I will believe, moved to a campus political refugees [International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), Kalipci Sokak 146/2. Tesvikiye, Istanbul, Turkey - the address where you may find me in the future]. I really need someone's support in America. Maybe you interested in a lawyer. In every case, one can easily get political asylum. Thank you very much, very much. Your The Florentin Smarandache.


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