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By Laumer, Keith

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Book Id: WPLBN0002955034
Format Type:
File Size: 63.45 MB
Reproduction Date: 2007

Title: Greylorn  
Author: Laumer, Keith
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Science fiction
Collections: Audio Books Collection, Greylorn
Publication Date:
Publisher: LibriVox Audio Books


APA MLA Chicago

Laumer, B. K. (1968). Greylorn. Retrieved from

Commander Greylorn has a problem. No, actually he has two of them. It's not enough that the remaining residents of Earth have pinned their last hope of salvation on him and his mission. He has to find a colony that presumedly was established at an unknown star two centuries before and beg their help. But first, he has the small matter of a mutiny on board his starship, and people are trying to kill him! Written in an era when radios used vacuum tubes, the scientific component of the story is quaint and dated. But Laumer makes the centerpiece of his tale the retelling of how, four years out on the voyage, his crew decides it wants to give up and go home when it meets an alien race... that apparently breeds humans in captivity as food animals! Beating the aliens, shanghaiing the crew, finding the colony and saving Mother Earth - just the ingredients for a rattling good yarn! (summary by Mark F. Smith)

Electronic recorded live performance of a reading

Science fiction


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