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The Legacy of James Cook : The Story of the Bay of Islands: The Story of the Bay of Islands

By Harley, Brian, J. S., Dr.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100302324
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 72.09 MB
Reproduction Date: 07/11/1998

Title: The Legacy of James Cook : The Story of the Bay of Islands: The Story of the Bay of Islands  
Author: Harley, Brian, J. S., Dr.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, History of the Americas (Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, etc.), The Story of the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland
Collections: History, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Harkim Enterprises Limited
Member Page: Tom Alteen


APA MLA Chicago

Brian J. S. Harle, B. D. (1998). The Legacy of James Cook : The Story of the Bay of Islands. Retrieved from

"The Legacy of James Cook" tells the story of the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

James Cook spent five summers surveying the coasts of the island of Newfoundland and mapped the Bay of Islands in 1767 as master of the "HMS Grenville." The author, the late Dr. Brian J. S. Harley, believed that Cook's subsequent successful Pacific voyages would not have been possible without the experience Cook gained in North America and Newfoundland. No permanent inhabitants were seen in the Bay of Islands during Cook's visit. This book relates the subsequent peopling and economic development of this part of Western Newfoundland and describes some of the concern of the men and women who made it successful.

The west coast of Newfoundland still seems a remote area of the island to many Canadians and sometimes even to those living on the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. Its development proceeded quite differently from the rest of Newfoundland for complex reasons detailed in this book. Permanent settlement only started in the 18th century. When James Cook produced the first accurate map of the area after his visit in 1767, he recorded no signs of settlement in the Bay of Islands. Our history of settlement on the West Coast is somewhat unique, as there is no evidence of displacement or destruction of an indigenous native people by settlers such as occurred with the Beothucks on the East Coast of Newfoundland and of other native peoples in North and South America.

Table of Contents
Putting the Bay of Islands on the map Captain James Cook Newfoundland's Contribution to Cook's Pacific Voyages The French Shore Problem and Trouble with America Early Settlement The Arrival of the Railway World War I, Prohibition, Social life, and growth of Curling The Arrival of the Paper Mill The Depression Years Bowwaters and World War II Confederation and Civic Government Corner Brook's Magnets and the Lundrigan Era The Pulp and Paper Mill and the Kruger Purchase Medicare and Hospitals Memorial University, Sports and Drama, Churches and Service Clubs The Malls, Merchants, Banks and Lawyers Marble Mountain and Other Sports The Future


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