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The Jewel of Vishnu : Chronicles of Kumari Kandam

By Singh, RK

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Book Id: WPLBN0100301799
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 3.83 MB
Reproduction Date: 2/10/2019

Title: The Jewel of Vishnu : Chronicles of Kumari Kandam  
Author: Singh, RK
Volume: Volume 1
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, General Works (Periodicals, Series, idexes, Almanacs, etc.)
Collections: Fantasy, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China, Favorites in India
Publication Date:
Publisher: Lamplight Imprints
Member Page: Ravi Singh


APA MLA Chicago

Singh, B. R. (2019). The Jewel of Vishnu : Chronicles of Kumari Kandam. Retrieved from

The Jewel of Vishnu is set 6000 years ago on the fabled continent of Kumari Kandam, rumoured to have existed south of India. Arul is a teen with a mysterious past. His mother vanished soon after he was born, and his father refuses to speak of her. Arul dreams that his mother is still alive somewhere out there. She left him but a single artefact. A golden pendant holding a divine gem of enigmatic power. A protector. Arul, his pet wolf Jaya and his childhood friends, Keeran and Navira, sneak off at night on a journey to save their village from starvation. Animals are fleeing the mountains, and recurring earthquakes point to a sinister force at work. Arul and his friends overcome life-threatening hurdles, discovering courage and powerful bonds. With the help of his wise Guru Pari, the glorious origins of Arul’s people are revealed as they brave terrifying hurdles. On their return, Arul’s Guru is wrongfully imprisoned, and book one ends as Arul sets out to rescue him. He must leave the mountains and travel into the unfamiliar lowlands and the Royal City of Ailas. Against this unfolding quest, an ominous apocalypse threatens all life on earth, and Arul may be the only person able to prevent it.

Legend tells of Kumari Kandam, a continent that once existed south of India many thousands of years ago. An advanced civilization lost to the sea in an unimaginable apocalypse. On a doomed continent at the edge of the world, a mysterious boy searches for his mother in a desperate race against time. The Jewel of Vishnu.

‘I must have the last gem of the Navigators, Vazhuthi said. ‘It alone will control the Oru Arrakan. The rulers of Kumari Kandam will fall at our feet.’ ‘Our scouts have found it, Holiness,’ said the assistant, his pocked face breaking into a smile. ‘A peasant-boy who dwells in the mountains to the north.’ ‘How came such a gem to this child?’ Vazhuthi said. Who are his parents? ‘We only know that his father is a Royal Forester.’ ‘It matters not. Order our assassins to kill him and take it.’ ‘And his father?’ ‘Kill anyone who stands in your way.’ ‘What is this village called?’ ‘Sailem, Holiness. It is called Sailem.’ Vazhuthi looked at his assistant with eyes dark as a moonless ocean. ‘Kill the whole village if you have to. They are of no consequence.’ The assistant priest shivered and pulled his black robes tighter, stepping backwards and bowing. Vazhuthi closed his eyes and focussed his mind on the gem that he so desired. Yet in the depths of his mind, he felt some unseen power protecting the boy. He did not like unknowns. Unnerved, he left the chamber, his trembling assistant in tow. That night as Kumari Kandam slept, the bright stars of the Seven Sages wheeled over the extinct volcano. With a sound like distant thunder, another of the twelve stone guardians failed, its hum falling silent forever. Three Guardians now lay dead in the mountain under the stars. The Oru Arrakan surged against the remaining Guardians, fighting to escape. It had always fought to escape.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Child of the Mountains 1 Chapter 2 Roof of the World 13 Chapter 3 The Council of Elders 19 Chapter 4 The Guru 31 Chapter 5 A Secret Plan 43 Chapter 6 The Plantation of Elephants 49 Chapter 7 Wildflowers in the Grass 63 Chapter 8 The Ancient Forest 71 Chapter 9 Soul of a Warrior 76 Chapter 10 Kidnapped 84 Chapter 11 The Desolate Highlands 98 Chapter 12 Sacrifice 107 Chapter 13 The Blue Lake 117 Chapter 14 Eye of the Snow Leopard 123 Chapter 15 The Hermit 128 Chapter 16 The Secret Meadow 134 Chapter 17 Ancient Secrets 142 Chapter 18 The Cavern of Light 150 Chapter 19 Yearnings from the Heart 156 Chapter 20 Enemy at the Gates 163 Chapter 21 Flight to Sailem 168 Chapter 22 Captured 178 Chapter 23 The Corruption of Sailem 187 Chapter 24 Childhood Lost 206 Chapter 25 Skirmish at the Falls 206 Chapter 26 The Rock Pool 216 Chapter 27 Trapped 223 Chapter 28 Spirit of the Tiger 230 Chapter 29 The Colonel 234 Chapter 30 Edge of the World 244 Glossary 260 Author’s Notes 263 About the Author 264  


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