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The Education of Henry Appel and other stories

By: R. Joiner

Designed for the discriminating reader who expects a good story, good characters, and above all an aesthetic experience. It's in the language, you know? Contact me at

There goes Le Roi de Soliel rolling down the hill. Like Roy always says: the first thing you do when you open one of these gallon jugs is toss the cap away. Now, he’s tumbling down a dirt path in the Presidio with the lights of The City winking behind and the GGB, a waterfront hack’s “golden”, glistening through the light fog and beckoning dead ahead. Michigan Bob gets to Roy first to make sure the wine is intact, both of them laughing and coughing, a couple of lunatics in the darkness. Just like them to howl at a new moon as now here comes Tex plummeting down the hill to meet them, hoping he can arrest his momentum before he bowls them over like a couple of tenpins needed for a spare. ...


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By: Μαρία Δριμή
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By: R. Valentine

Abby Rose is a member of the Vanguard but she also waits tables at the O Motel Bar & Grill between her shifts of zombie killing. When a town full of people close to Abby's home are murdered in a strange and viscous way, Abby and her team find themselves fighting side by side with members of the Vampire increment guard. Team members are killed. Truths are revealed, and Abby becomes bait as she finds herself in the middle of a tangled web of lies. Loss is prevalent in this world, but can Abby avoid the loss of love? Or will the secrets from the past be too much to take? Everything dies, and when it does, it stays dead—or she thought....

The plague didn't spread like the old Hollywood movie scenes. There were no neat epidemic maps or calculations, and soon there was no Army, Navy or Air Force left to guide us with direction and show us the way. The infection didn't spread like rolling waves or wildfire—there weren't enough people left for that—but the infection was strong, and in the first days it spread quickly and with-it taking thousands of the remaining few. Life on our planet was dying and both species wanted to survive, so when the Vampires offered humans a solution, we readily and greedily signed on the proverbial dotted line. Neither party aware of the oversight they were making. A world without humans meant a world without blood, so while they created “I-M”, we formed the receiving lines—and for a time blood became the new currency. It wasn't mandatory; it was optional, but thousands of us lined up anyway. Ageless immortality had been packaged neatly in a little vial. It kept the humans’ human and the Vampires fed. The serum made us stronger, healthier and closely immortal without changing the person into one of them. For some immortality seemed a small...

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By: Jaime Abram Lerner

Vrooom é um romance contemporâneo que se passa na pré-história, quando o homo sapiens estava recém dando seus primeiros passos na comunicação oral. Pode ser visto também como uma fábula alegórica que questiona termos como progresso e civilização. O projeto de sua publicação digital foi contemplado no edital FAC Digital RS 2020....

"O medo recolheu toda a tribo para dentro da caverna, mas apesar da grande plateia presente foi o parto menos assistido, pois a atenção de todos se fixava na tempestade impiedosa. A parturiente gemia enquanto o vento uivava num dueto de arrepiar. Gemia pelas dores do parto, pelo abandono, pela aflição dos dentes batendo em volta, pelo mistério das forças que arremessavam chuvas e trovoadas contra a rocha que os abrigava. No meio de toda a balbúrdia, ninguém ouviu o choro inaugural cuja sonoridade determinava o nome de quem nascia na tribo. Por isso, ele foi chamado de Vrooom, mistura de vento e trovão, como o som da tempestade que abafou seu pranto quando foi expelido da caverna uterina e vislumbrou o mundo pela primeira vez."...

Prefácio Primeira Parte Segunda parte Sobre o Autor

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Eve Treif Animus

By: Hon. Richard Ward Custer

Within the Comedy Version of "Anarchemy", the Corporate Governance Committee has finally met it's match; -an her name is Eve... -The Late-Night Corporate Comedy Show Host for Telco; -an disenfranchised affiant of the C.G.C. as their aging-Board explores an tragic experience with A.I. Administration......

Speed-Bloggers had already listed their life’s work within the Crypto-Pixel crayon of the Gray-Web internet; -the brand of ‘Gray-Leather Java’ In-Memorium gesture more-often reserved for use by the administrators of Stasi-maintained A.I.-Clouds within an private Nano-Net, but the dearth of mis-spellings was only de-valued by an insistent gapping-issue linked to the inefficiency of squirrel-graded encryptions, Route-Print Roulette issues and the core inefficiency-model of the digital code itself, less than Fifteen-minutes into the event....

Chapter One “Eve Treif Animus” Chapter Two “Zombium” Chapter Three “The Motherland” Chapter Four “Memburu” Chapter Five “Cyborg Logic-Control”...

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By: Ms. Rosaura Guzman Diaz

Un país que puede sonarte a conocido. Puede que hasta vivas en él.

Que alguien te corrija el maquillaje antes del primer acto público. (página 48) La noticia de que se había quedado embarazada de él le había caído como una bomba. (página 157) Yo tampoco me acuerdo… es todo muy confuso. (página 253)...

GANGA Índice CUENTO 1 Hotel Beleza 7 CUENTO 2 Urbanización Omariscador 25 CUENTO 3 Bloqueo 61 CUENTO 4 Una despedida de soltera 63 CUENTO 5 Inauguración 91 CUENTO 6 La psicóloga que no se entendía a sí misma 99 CUENTO 7 Muerte 149 CUENTO 8 El seguro 155 CUENTO 9 La comedia romántica del año 163 CUENTO 10 Problema 179 CUENTO 11 Tormenta 181 CUENTO 12 Bloqueo 2 229 CUENTO 13 Nuestro primer día de clase 231 CUENTO 14 Tiempo desaparecido 241 CUENTO 15 En vivo y en directo 281 CUENTO 16 El beso 299 CUENTO 17 Adiós 365 ...

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Missing Stories: An Anthology of Hardly 20/20 Flash! Fiction

By: Peter McMillan; Adam Mac

An eclectic collection of 50 flash fictions written between 2010-15. An additional 103 flash fictions are published in a companion volume, An Anthology of Hardly 20/20 Flash! Fiction. Between these two volumes are all the pieces published in the authors' now out-of-print Flash! Fiction, Flash! Fiction 2, Flash! Fiction 3, Flash! Fiction 4, and The Brain in the Vat Stories and More as well as 24 flash fictions never anthologized....

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An Anthology of Hardly 20/20 Flash! Fiction

By: Peter McMillan; Adam Mac

An eclectic collection of 103 flash fictions written between 2007-17. An additional 50 recently-recovered flash fictions written between 2010-15 are published in a companion volume, Missing Stories: An Anthology of Hardly 20/20 Flash! Fiction. Between these two volumes are all the pieces published in the authors' now out-of-print Flash! Fiction, Flash! Fiction 2, Flash! Fiction 3, Flash! Fiction 4, and The Brain in the Vat Stories and More as well as 24 flash fictions never anthologized....

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Ούριος άνεμος

By: Μαρία Δριμή

Ο Αρμάντο Χότζα ισορροπούσε για πολύ καιρό πάνω σε τεντωμένο σκοινί, ανασαίνοντας τον ουρανό και τους ούριους ανέμους του, αλλά χωρίς να ξεχνάει ότι από κάτω παραμονεύει ο γκρεμός και το τέλος....

"... Στην αρχή είχα ταραχή, μαυρίλα. Έτρεμα όταν θυμόμουν τη φάση. Και τότε μου ήρθε αυτή η τρελή ιδέα. Η ιδέα που μας πήγε τόσο ψηλά. Με τα κάτουρά τους ζεστά ακόμα στο πρόσωπό μου..."...

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Από έδρας

By: Μαρία Δριμή

Στη ζωή ο Λευτέρης Ακριτίδης ήταν αόρατος͘͘· περνούσε δίπλα από τους άλλους χωρίς να τον βλέπουν και χωρίς να τους αγγίζει. Όμως, ο θάνατός του είχε απρόσμενα μεγάλο αντίκτυπο....

"...Τους ποιητές μου τους κουβαλάω μέσα μου. Οι στίχοι τους είναι κομμάτι από την ψυχή μου. Ή… μάλλον από το σώμα μου. Νομίζω ότι κολυμπούν στο αίμα μου. Αν με κόψεις θα πλημμυρίσουν το πάτωμα..."...

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No one knows me : A Poem: A Poem

By: Rakesh Krushna Joshi

No one knows me is a poem by Rakesh Krushna Joshi. It is one of the first poem of Rakesh Krushna Joshi. The Poem is dedicated to Sushant Singh Rajput and his soul. It is first publish on July 25 2020 in the form of video. Its has total 11 stanzas. The poem is full of sadness....

Sushant Singh Rajput was the legendary actor in the bollywood.

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By: Ян Росс

Илья – герой нашего времени. Он хорошо образован, занимается любимым делом, имеет неплохой заработок, понимающих друзей, но при этом безмерно одинок. Он пытается разобраться в себе, в своих отношениях с женщинами, друзьями и неугомонным начальником… Действие романа происходит в американском штате Калифорния. Илья работает в биомедицинском стартапе в Силиконовой долине. Он воспринимает окружающий мир с сарказмом, рассуждает о смыслах жизни, пытается нащупать свой путь далеко не всегда принятыми в обществе средствами. Роман "Челленджер" – о поколении хайтека; тех, кто родился до того, как появилась их профессия. Высокие технологии преображают не только окружающий мир, но и своих создателей – поколение Челленджер, детство которого началось со взлёта и гибели космического корабля, и которому слишком знакома внутренняя пустота, сравнимая лишь с Бездной Челленджера – самой низкой точкой поверхности Земли, расположенной в Марианской впадине....

Достоевский утверждал, что красота спасёт мир. Красота всегда казалась непостижимой и таинственной. Художники, композиторы, поэты, писатели веками искали её формулу. А современная математика нашла и выразила её простым дифференциальным уравнением. И сейчас, вопреки уставу научной гильдии, я поведаю вам эту страшную тайну....

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King Louis XIII and The Silver Lady : Louis XIII/Silver Lady: Louis XIII/Silver Lady

By: Dr. Robert Lalonde

Complete version of two plays set in 17-century Europe.

Enter Cardinal Richelieu and Michel de l'Hospital Michel. Appointed in the royal council of ministers after the solicitation of the lord of Vieuville! Richelieu. Appointed as marshal of France after murdering! Michel. Concino's murder was ordered by the king and therefore no murder. Richelieu. True. Michel. To thank the chief minister, you intrigued against him so that he no longer resides in the court, replaced, I hear, by you. Richelieu. His dismissal was ordered by the king and therefore just. Michel. True. Richelieu. Many were glad to hoot him from court with the noise of pans for excessive extortion. Enter King Louis Louis. Cardinal, we speak today of Spain's concerns and ours. Michel. For this no doubt his majesty wishes to speak alone with my lord cardinal. Exit Michel Louis. One word whispered in your ear: Valtellina. Richelieu. Spain wants the town with all of Lombardy, But, if I live awhile, will not get it. Louis. How can we prevent them? Richelieu. By supporting the Swiss. Louis. The Swiss canton of Grisons is Protestant. Richelieu. True. Louis. You will support the Protestant S...

King Louis XIII, acts 1 to 5 The silver lady, acts 1 to 5

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The Prisoner, Stalag VIIA Moosburg

By: Burr Cook

In this novelette an ex WWII POW, a B-17 gunner, returns home only to find that his wife has left him taking his child he has never seen. He finds it necessary to return to Germany in order to clear his conscience and cure a severe depression caused by an incident that occurred while at the POW camp Stalag VII-A Moosburg....

Victor Cantor stood on the deck of the troop ship as it passed the Statue of Liberty and slowly eased its way to the dock in lower Manhattan. There were thousands of people visible on shore and he was watching for a glimpse of his family. He had never seen his daughter Jane, now three years old. He had a picture in his wallet but it was over a year old. His wife, Ellie hadn’t written in several months, or more likely her letters had been lost by his German captors or The Red Cross. Victor was deep in thought. He had spent the last several months in a prison camp at Stalag VII-A in Moosburg. He had been a gunner aboard a B17 Flying Fortress for a year prior to being shot down. He was very good at what he had done while occupying the tail gunning position on the aircraft and during his 26 missions had downed 5 German fighter planes....

1. Home Coming 2 New York 3 Europe Again 4 Dachau 5 Intrigue 6 The Interview 7 Marlene 8 Victor Gets a Letter 9 New York Again

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By: భీమేశ్వర చల్లా (Bhimeswara Challa) బి యస్ మూర్తి (BS Murthy), Editor

తొలినవలని మొదటి ముద్దుతో పోల్చడం అతిశయోక్తి కాదు. ఈ 1956 నవల నేటి భీమేశ్వర చల్లా నాటి సి. బి. రావు గా రచించినది. చిన్ననాటి నేస్తాలు, రామం, శశి, యుక్త వయసులో ప్రేమవలలో చిక్కుకుంటారు. కాని విధి వారి వివాహ బంధానికి యమ పాశం అడ్డువేయాగా రామం శశిని కోల్పోతాడు. చనిపోయిన ప్రియురాలిని తన ప్రేమలో సజీవింపించడం రామం జీవిత లక్ష్యం చేసుకుంటాడు. ఆ మానసిక స్థితిలో ఉన్న అతని జీవితంలోకి యశోరాజ్యం తన ప్రేమానురాగాలతో అడుగిడుతుంది. ఒకవైపు శశి ప్రేమానూ మరువలేక, యశో అనురాగాన్నీ వీడలేక 'రామం బాబు' సతమత మవుతుంటే స్త్రీ వాది సరళ, కర్మసిధ్ధాంతి లఖియా అతని విచలిత జీవన సందిగ్ధతకు మరింత హేతుదాయకులవుతారు. మరొకవైపు యశో రామం సేవా సాంగత్యాలే తన ఆచలిత జీవన ధ్యేయం అని నిర్ధారించుకొని శరత్ సాహితీ అనుభూతితో అతనిపై వెదజల్లిన ప్రేమానురాగాలు నిశ్చల ప్రేమకు నీరాజనాలు. అనూహ్య స్త్రీపురుష ద్వందానుబంధాలు ఈ 'క్షంతవ్యులు' సారాంశం ఈ - కమింగ్ అఫ్ ఏజ్ - పుస్తకం నవలా రచనకి అద్వితీయ నిదర్శనం. ...

చాప్టర్ 1 ‘జీవితంలో ఏంచేసినా నువ్వు కథలు రాయవద్దు రామం’’ అని కాలేజీలో తెలుగు మాస్టారు చెప్పినట్లు జ్ఞాపకం. ఆయన పండితులు. చాలా ఉద్గ్రంథాలు పఠించారు. కొన్ని పుస్తకాలు కూడా రాశారు. హరి కథలు కూడా చెప్పినట్లు గుర్తు. అందుచేత ఆయన చెప్పినది నిజమే అయివుంటుంది. అప్పుడు నేను ఆ మాటలను అట్టే పట్టించుకోలేదు. శ్రేయోభిలాషి చెప్పిన సలహా అని, భావించాను. ఈనాడు నేను ఆయన సలహాను ఉల్లంఘిస్తున్నానేమోనని భయంగా ఉంది. అయినా, నేను రాసేది కట్టుకథా కాదు, నవలా కాదు. అయితే ఏమిటది? సరైన సమాధానం నేను చెప్పలేను. కల్పన లేకుండా కథ ఉండదు. కథ లేకుండా నవల ఉండదు. ఇందులో రెండూ లేవు. ఇందులో యథార్థానికి (వాస్తవానికి) దూరములో ఉన్న విషయాలు చాలా తక్కువ. గత జీవితాన్ని పర్యావలోకనం చేసుకోవాలనే వాంఛ ప్రతి మానవుడికి ఎప్పుడో ఒకప్పుడు కలుగుతుంది. జీవిత సంధ్యాసమయంలోని వేకువఝామున ఇది మరీ ప్రబలంగా ఉంటుంది. ఈ భూమి మీద ఇంతకాలం బ్రతికాను. నేను సాధించినదేమిటి? ఎంతమందిని దు.ఖపెట్టాను? ఎంతమందిని సుఖపెట్టాను? ఇలాంటి ప్రశ్నలు మనస్సులో మెరుపులా మెరుస్తూ ఉంటాయి. అదే కోరిక నాకు ఈనాడు కలిగింది. అయినా ఎంతో సంశయంతో, ఎంతో అనుమానంతో ఈ ప్రశ్నకి సమాధానం వెదకడం మొదలుపెట్టాను. నా జీవితమంతా వ్యర్ధంగానే గడచిపోయింది. ఆశయంలేని జీవితానికి గమ్యస్థానం కూడా తెలియదు. పుట్టినప్పటి నుంచి, ఇప్పటివరకూ నేనొక దమ్మిడీ క...

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A Visit to the Cinema

By: Vougar Aslanov

The most interesting and important event for the boys of the old, already semi-derelict school of the small town was going to the movies and the following discussion of the new film. But most had rarely the opportunity to go to the cinema and everyone who was lucky to see a new film retold for days again and again the contents until all the others knew the whole movie by heart without seeing it themselves. Especially the younger pupils lacked the money, but even the older ones had often not enough to by a ticket. Because for a ticket one had to pay twenty kopeks, otherwise one could not enter the cinema....

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The Milkman

By: Vougar Aslanov

The book keeper of the hospital of a small provincial town came one day home very tired. He had not the least desire to have dinner and so he decided to lay down at once and to sleep. In recent years it often happened, that he, after coming home in the evening, had dinner and immediately went to bed without a word to his already grown up children or his wife. She became more and more grumpy in view of his seclusion. He only wanted to sleep, to sleep soundly till daybreak of the next and probably again undesirably day which he always impatiently anticipated, only to immerse again in his coma. For any reason he remembered this evening his childhood in a state between vigil and slumber....

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The Secrets of Kafka's Mistress : (A New Short Story, 2016)

By: John Lennard Lee

An intriguing short story about solving the mystery of the cosmos and the metaphorical identity of Kafka's and Shakespeare's mistress.

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Συλλογή δεκατριών σύγχρονων ιταλικών διηγημάτων διαφόρων συγγραφέων. It's a collection of thirteen modern italian short stories written by various authors. ...

Πατέρας, 1944 Mario Puccini Κυριακάτικη εκδρομή Carlo Montella Το σχολείο των χωρικών Saverio Strati Η εξέταση Leonardo Sciascia Οι ποδοσφαιριστές Roberto Pazzi Αμφισβήτηση των πάντων Dino Buzzati Μαλαστράνα Edgarda Ferri Γυναίκες στην πισίνα Sandra Petrignani Μια βραδιά στους Νάρντι Alcide Paolini Ο γαλάζιος άνθρωπος Giorgio Vecchietti Τα εφταμηνίτικα της Βαβέλ Giampiero Comolli Το φεγγάρι και το GNAC Italo Calvino Τα παιδιά του Αϊ-Βασίλη Italo Calvino ...

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Τρία Αιρετικά Ποιήματα Κι Ένα Ακόμη

By: Πιερ-Πάολο Παζολίνι; Χρίστος Αλεξανδρίδης

Τέσσερα ποιήματα του Πιερ-Πάολο Παζολίνι και μία συζήτηση για ένα από αυτά. Four poems by Pier-Paolo Pasolini and a discussion on one of them. Translation from Italian into Greek by Christos Alexandridis. ...

Σεξ, παρηγοριά στη μιζέρια! (Sex, cosolation to misery!) Μπαλάντα των μανάδων. (Mothers' ballad) Το ΚΚΙ προς τους νέους! (Italian Communist Party to the young!) Ικεσία στη μητέρα μου (A supplication to my mother) Συζήτηση (Discussion)...

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